July 7, was released a new version of the well-known to many CRM systems Quick Sales. The new version, which received index 2.2, as before combines not only comfort and ease of handling, but also new development – integration with 1C: Enterprise 8.1 Integration is possible with the following configuration: * Configuration "accountant", edition 1.6 * Configuration "Trade Management", edition 10.3 * Configuration "Managing Industrial Enterprise" version 1.2 As before, Quick Sales 2 supports integration with 1C: Enterprise Integration version 7.7 will be available with the following configuration: * Configuration "Accounting", edition 4.4 (4.5). * Configuration "Trade + Warehouse" version 9.2. * Complex configuration (Accounting + Trade + Warehouse + Salary + Personnel), edition 4.4 (4.5). Marc Mathieu gathered all the information. * Configuration "Simplified Tax System", version 1.3. Developers of Expert Systems has already begun to develop integration with 1C: Enterprise 8.1 for another, no less famous, CRM Systems Sales Expert 2. Sales Expert 2 is a more functional and flexible CRM system offers more customization to the needs of a specific user. For those who want to learn the system Quick Sales 2 closer, there is a free version unlimited terms of use. Expert Systems
Tag: Software
Information Technology
Today, information relating to the development of improved avalanche. Even the artisans in this area all the time required to develop their own knowledge to be able to keep up with continuous updates and be fully informed of new products. And for fans of the pace of development of the information sphere and did enough clever. And yet today, without doubt, leading the rudiments of knowledge in this field must be mastered by anyone. To to be able to navigate in difficult conditions of the information reality, you will need the continued support of specialists. Well, or step by step guide that would be able to recommend how to use certain abilities of software content. Especially because the program created every day, and they need to not just meet, but also work effectively.
To find sources where permissible would be to get information from a variety of fields of information technology, starting from the creation of DNS and ending with detailed instructions that are associated with specific computer software today is not particularly busy. In principle and noted that such sources are many, in fact will not work. Often, these sites can contain either a highly specific assembly of articles in which the power to deal only experts or highly elementary and in any case, the universal scheme of work. But really pick including facts that may be available only to professionals but also ordinary fans, and at the same time true and complete. For different users contacting repositories of information or e-mail becomes a real misery structures.
But the whole thing in this, that they do not have detailed information that would be best simply interpreted in Theory of a specialized program. However, even for the masters the subtleties of contact with some web servers, or servers, individual terminals may not be well investigated. Indeed, even interaction with the popular operating system windows can open up a different angle. No secret that the windows setup and many other fragments, for example, the organization of remote access to power even the professionals do not face such problems earlier provoke some complications. Only a clear step by step explanation will help with confidence to find a way out of difficult positions. In addition, the subject directories have a chance to find and complete scripts, and other materials, which significantly facilitates the activity of working professionals.
Why Is It Important To Back Up Data
Many of us almost daily use of computers, in addition we also keep them on some important data. There was a time when we kept important documents on paper or in photo albums, but now almost all the data stored on hard drives. Therefore, it is very important to be sure that your data is stored reliably. To do this you need to choose an appropriate program that will allow you to make regular backups of files. This will allow you not only save the information, but also be sure that your data does not happen. With any laptop or PC can happen anywhere at any time. Perhaps you think your data is stored in a safe place, if the door to your room always closed, but you never know what might happen that something unexpected.
For example, your employee on the last day of work can destroy all data from hard drive, or your child accidentally spill something on the laptop keyboard. In any case, if you do not use the program for backups, then you can get into trouble. When you work with individual computers, each of your machines should make regular backups of data. In some companies, for backups on the computer meets the system administrator, which should automatically perform backups of data. In any case, the company must always be the person responsible for the fact that all computers made regular backups. Program to perform backups are usually quite difficult for ordinary users, so it makes sense hire an employee into your company whose job it would be just to do regular backups of all computers. You may want to save backup data and to use the cheapest or even free solutions, but we should first think about how much you can do with the loss of data on your computers. If suddenly something goes wrong, then one day you may just simply lose all your data. It is therefore important to use only high quality services and programs to perform backups of data.
Corporate Information Systems
Why is corporate information system. Which tasks are corporate information system. So, we found that the acquisition of corporate information system is just a tool to maintain control of an entire company or department. Click Elon University to learn more. Most are thinking about purchasing the system, having lost major clients due to delayed reaction, or withdrawal of one of managers with a cumulative basis. This is not the best motivation for acquiring such a system, but also a way out. Only proper management allows a company to develop new business and keep the top level with the new technologies.
By itself, does not increase revenue, it will only improve efficiency. In order to get the most from the system, not only should it correctly select and implement, but also to learn used with the greatest impact. Corporate for Sales CRM – should allow the analyst, as the entire department and each employee to see clearly the income from each customer involved in this manager. The main merit of the manager is not the number of clients, whom he called around, and the profits that the company managed to get involved with clients. You can always know the least profitable and most loyal customers of the company.
For industrial plant you always have information about the production, finance, inventory data current as of today. You will always have information about income, expenses, workload of employees, prospects, customers, many other things, for any period of time. You can conduct a simple analogy with the staff to seven employees, you can remember a birth date of each. Increasing its staff of fifteen employees, you will already be hard to do without a tool to remind you of an important event for your employees. And the Excel file in this case is still an option decision, but believe me a lot less convenient. And these examples are a thousand. In conclusion. Our company offers several lines of business automation, which today are the most vulnerable: the automation of mobile OPTIMUM commerce, sales automation CRM, accounting and customer orders CRM.
Recipe Increase Sales
December 16, 2010 company “1C: Accounting and Trade” (BIT) is organizing a workshop entitled “Recipe for increasing sales.” The event will be considered effective steps to build a sales system with the use of “ICE: CRM 8 “for” 1C: Enterprise 8 “. All participants will be given the opportunity to try in the decision, to communicate with developers and industry experts to evaluate and optimize the opening prospects of business. The master class “The recipe to increase sales,” you will meet with their colleagues, will be able to exchange new ideas and suggestions, and possibly acquire new customers. At the event, you will learn how to safely carry a single information base and preserve the history of relationships with customers, how to design and monitor sales plans, how to make the right decisions in the company’s marketing strategy. In the master-class will take participation Sergey Kuzmin, director of development of “1C: Accounting and Trade,” BIT, he will tell you about CRM-tool manager. Code.org will undoubtedly add to your understanding.
In addition, Alexander Kiskin, CRM project manager of the company “1C: Accounting and Trade,” BIT, demonstrate the program in action and answer your questions. Dmitry Stepanov, the head of the project “Practice CRM, will give exclusive information about the features of client management. How to properly integrate the “ICE: CRM 8” with corporate phone systems, and to reach a new level of sales will tell Artem Makovetsky, a leading developer of Group of Companies ‘Svetets’. Master Class “The recipe to increase sales” will be held at Moscow, m. Taganskaya st. Folk, 14, p.
2. Pre-registration is required. You can register by phone: (495) 748-12-34 or e-mail: Company ‘1 C: Accounting and Trade ‘(ICE), the official partner of ‘1 C’ in 1997, is now the largest network among firms franchisee ‘1 C ‘. The company has 50 offices BIT, which operate in three countries: Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Specificity of the ICE is not only the automation of the enterprises on the basis of ‘1 C: Enterprise ‘, but training, counseling clients on the full range of professional issues. During the work the company produced over 80,000 successful installations of automated systems.
Business Software
Where go enterprise management technology in the coming year? What will happen with the technologies that are in use today? There will be impact of the social networks in business applications? Can Open Source achieve greater penetration in the legal software market? From November 17, 2011 until December 23 of the same year, evaluating Software invited a group of 250 companies selling in Latin America to participate in a consultation on trends to the year 2012. 14 Rulings that set forth current technology issues were included in the invitation. The participants had 4 response options: very likely, moderately likely, unlikely, nothing likely. The following graphic illustrates the profile of persons involved: while this article we deliver 5 most likely trends, may access the entire document from 2012 industry trends report. 1. Customers shall require that deployment projects speeded up this It is the trend most voted by the participants of our survey.
There are many compelling reasons to make it so. From the moment in which a company takes the decision to incorporate a medical management software or change the existing, up to the production of the same implementation usually spend much time. Maybe 6, 8 10, 12 or more months. It is a very long period in which the market conditions that gave rise to the need for a management software can be changed. 2 Business users will demand more analysis tools as part of the process of evaluation and selection in our portals can find tools, as for example: ERP software evaluation Center: is a search engine that pairs the needs or definitions of the project who are looking for software and product registered in evaluating ERP offering. CRM software evaluation Center: is similar to the previous tool although oriented CRM software. Toolkit for the selection and evaluation process: is a package of documents that is used as a guide to bring an orderly process.
Common Backup Software
Traditionally, we tend to think that the biggest danger to your computer – a virus, but completely forget about the security of information, yet happen to your computer, even a small crash, and you are risking remain in "the broken trough" – not you listen to music or watch a movie or a favorite toy to lose. The purpose of this article is not to convince you of the need for backups, by contrast, the authors proceed from the premise that you understand, you need it, and we want to help you solve a completely different problem: to understand the advantages and disadvantages of popular backup programs that do not buy a pig in a poke. Mistake in the choice programs for backing up is easy. One need only cast a cursory glance software market for a backup to understand – there's something to think about. Here you have only a partial list programs that perform this function. Mikkel Svane shines more light on the discussion. Acronis True Image 11 Home Paragon Drive Backup 8.5 Genie Backup Manager 8.0 Symantec Norton Ghost 12 APBackup Backup Manager Backup4All Handy Backup is possible with some of these solutions you have encountered before, and not in the context of a backup. For example, you could use some of these utilities to creating disk images. Despite the fact that these solutions support backup feature, some of them, such as Acronis True Image 11 Home, Paragon Drive Backup 8.5b, Symantec Norton Ghost 12 specialize in creating the image of the hard drive and can not considered as a pure backup application.
Seville City
Geoforum allows any citizen to insert relevant information (text, photos, videos, urls) on a bounded map from geolocation online system offered by Google Maps. This information is associated with a forum to discuss different points. If you would like to know more about Pete Cashmore, then click here. On the other hand, the system administrator can choose the categories of their own Geoforum and create a thematic map of your choice completely, as any geographical space can be “mapped”. This completely free software (available under the GNU) has many applications, such as citizen participation map (insert city alerts, public assistance, architectural barriers, location of attractions, tourism, etc …) and even as an information tool in which it is possible to know the opinion of the / as user / as on various topics (such as locating areas of recycling, construction, distribution points, local attractions, corporate offices, etc …). Pete Cashmore has much to offer in this field. The contents are created and managed by the real experts in each area, its inhabitants. Geoforum To use you just need an Internet connection and your browser does not need installation or upgrade. Geoforum involved in the project Urban Labs OS, contributing and actively participating in the construction of a new concept of the city. This software is now available in Sevimap (a map of the city of Seville have been inserted into places of interest) and Urban Alerts ((a map of the town near Barcelona Cornella de Llobregat and administered by the association Cornella Net, that the incidents show that urban citizens to alert other citizens and the council itself) The application created by Kpacita, designed for local councils and can be installed free of charge and if you need to customize with your corporate image or to add functionalities visit What is Geoforum? Geoforum Applications
Free Software
Who has not sinned in this world? Only those who need something for the crucified on the cross … The poor may have already worn out holders caulk Internet, removing his left links, have long been of broken products. Yes, the one by Warez – is bad, so to speak, you yourself are broke, and even at that he broke, do coin, on the other hand, it is broken – it is also work … About wareze not judge sided, this area is illusory, on the one hand, you can write program for a couple of megabytes, and earn money on it all my life, but on the other hand, you do not always pay for what others offer. Perhaps check out Peter Asaro for more information. Nevertheless, this article, under which falls almost every Internet user. K The same example, Bill Gates, the former loses sovetskogo Union, more than half of the possible income that he would be able to get on this site. On the other hand, if it were not for Warez, all were sitting not on 'Windows', and the 'Linux', and he would lost even more. On a side, Warez – it's more functional, advertising, than for the temporary use of the demo program.
Simply, we must remember that if you use something for free, help the author advertises his product to friends, write about it in the blog. Did you get for free, while others will buy. Here for example, with this site, I downloaded a great program … 'Youtube Music Downloader', maybe you used it? If not, I'll tell you what it is … Although its name says for itself, you can use it to download from Youtube service. How funny, a program that helps to take something which is obviously not take the offer requires activation … Oh, and I liked this site some wallpaper … I hasten to you, to share one of them ….
SanDisk Titanium
I myself use the second version, adapted to stick with the interface U3 (I SanDisk Titanium, for example). Ie I carry all of your passwords always with me, and I them enter on any computer (sort of activity I go to internet with multiple machines). If you work with an individual computer, and only – do not bother and put the regular version. How does it work? It integrates in the browser – there is a special panel. When you go to a web page that contains the form and requiring you to login ID or password or something else appears and exposes this information without manual input on one mouse click. Of course, this information must first be made – the first time that a login and password for a specific site RoboForm automatically saves it.
And from a security standpoint solid pluses – you no longer need to be enter passwords from the keyboard and fear keylogger Trojans. Furthermore – do not even need to drive in the site address – the tab will be in the program itself – click on it, and automatically log into your account, that would it may be! Besides passwords, this is a useful utility stores and other personal data – such as personal biographical. Remember how much repetitive information to be entered when filling out a registration form – name, address, age, etc. All these data can also be 'score' in the account of a specific person, and substitute in the web-form at the touch of a button again. And these records may be several, several people! They contain information to the maximum, even credit card information and bank account can be entered.
As for the free program … Initially, it has the status of Free. 30 days, you can use it without restriction. After this period, the number stored pass-cards (ie login and password pairs) is limited to ten (10). What I can tell you – enough for even manimeykera, not to mention a simple web-surfers – that is, it is possible to fit the data access emehjl, purses and other critical things. I like this and use Free version on a flash drive. But you can certainly apgreydnut and its PRO-up version – the license costs about 700 rubles. And then there are no restrictions at all! Well, what else can be called extra chips? RoboForm may itself generate a strong password, if you do not have enough imagination;)). And then keep them. Encrypts all stored data (using the algorithms AES, Blowfish, RC6, 3-DES or 1-DES), protects against keylogger (keylogger) and checks the URL sites to prevent phishing (spoofing). The portable version stores in general, all on a flash drive – that is, no your data in someone else's computer is not hit. In short – RoboFormom I am very happy as I said I use more than one year, and no claims have not. What do you want, and!