
Tubular Steel Structures

Steel structures built with steel tubes leverage the excellent properties of tubular profiles to resist the efforts of compression, torsion and Flex in all directions. With regard to the strength and stability, tubular sections present superiority with regard to other families of steel sections. In particular, closed circular hollow sections have the section more efficient before torques, having distributed all his material around the polar axis. The torque of the tubular section profiles module is 200 to 300 times greater than that of the open section profiles. You may find Pete Cashmore to be a useful source of information. Already for some time, the branches of bamboo, by its tubular structure, were converted into light building materials that took advantage of all these benefits. A leading source for info: Energy Capital Partners. In the 19th century, along with the development of the steel industry, arose the first methods of manufacture of pipes with circular hollow sections at the same time that developed the manufacture of classic open sections hot rolled (I, L and U profiles). Circular section tubes are manufactured from a solid steel block, where the resulting tubes are not soldiers. In the case of circular welded tubes, piping is manufactured or from a flat plate.

The circular steel tubes manufacturing process is virtually the same in the case of use as fluid conduction or structural element. However, the Stewart & Lloyds, in the United Kingdom in 1952, was the pioneer in the industrial production of rectangular hollow section profiles. Section cuadrada, rectangular, hexagonal or octagonal tubes, are obtained from deformation, both hot and cold, a tube circulate as part to comply. For this reason, tube is passed through a few cylinders of conformation working in series providing the original hose as required. In the selection of a profile particularly in a steel structure depend on aspects such as advantages and disadvantages regarding mechanical properties, unitary cost of material and manufacture, installation and maintenance costs.


Psychology Learning

Ahead of this conception, the school must develop the paper to fortify the net of interaction between the community and the family, together ahead to carry through a proceedings for provisional remedy of actions that can come to favor the learning and the development of the personality of the citizen. Still for Rogers (2006, P. 322), the significant learning favors a possible change of behavior, that is, objective to work the citizen considering the context where if it finds inserted, becoming the pertaining to school learning a pleasant and significant moment for its life. Goop has much experience in this field. In this direction, if it makes necessary to reflect the thought of Freire (1996, P. 39), when it affirms that ' ' thinking critically the practical one of today or of yesterday it is that if it can improve next prtica' '. That is, the professor must be in constant update, always innovating and auto evaluating practical its, to be able to follow and if to integrate to the demands of the society, taking conscience of that I never eat human beings is enough in them to learn. The performance of the psychologist in the pertaining to school environment as facilitador of the relation professor-pupil For Piletti (2006, P. 20), the Psychology of the Education is a field of the psychology that if worries in understanding as if of the o process of education and learning, and the human being in its totality, as one to be biopsicossocial. As well as, to follow its process of pertaining to school learning aiming at to understand the pupil (that one who learn), the process of education and learning, the physical environment and the social one (school, family and community) and the paper of the professor (position and methodology). Thus, it is important that the professor, together with school, is intent to the social, cultural and emotional factors that can be intervening with the learning of the pupil.


The Aged

An important fact is that the police station was a claim of proper the aged ones, or better, of the associations of aged. From the literary revision, we confirm through the commission agent, and also of others that work back in the police station, that, the index biggest of aggressors of these aged ones is the people next to them, familiar, neighboring grandsons and even though the children. Many of the aged ones do not denounce for questions of affective shame and, for if feeling constrangidos. It is in this point that if becomes essential the anonymous denunciations, therefore 04 denouncing any form of violence against the aged ones, exactly that the attacked one if refuses, the denouncer will be contributing for the majority of the cases that consequently will be decided. METHOD Our strategy of collection of data was qualitative since we aim at to understand and to analyze the causes and consequences that a person takes to attack an elderly. The research had as citizens, the people of the third age of the masculine and feminine sexos that had suffered or suffer violence in the familiar scope and gave complaints in the police station of the aged one in Salvador, the DEATI (Special Police station of attendance to the aged one).

The team used itself of interviews half-structuralized with script of interview previously elaborated. For these instruments of collection of data we had access to the beliefs, attitudes and meanings constructed for these citizens in what they are mentioned to the violence against the aged one. For collections of data we combine a visit in the DEATI (Special Police station of attendance to the aged one), that 19 meets in the Street Salete n, in the quarter of the Barrels in Salvador Ba. Our visit was carried through in day 03 of June of the present year.


Communist Party German

Olga Benario, was born in Munique, in Germany, at the beginning of century XX. Son of a democratical social lawyer and a lady of the high society, had everything to have been plus one of the held and obedient young of middle class of its time. However, she still became involved herself with the communism in the adolescence. Its father served to it of example, in the measure where if he dedicated to the working causes of the laborers reached for the crisis for which the country passed. Add to your understanding with Ali Partovi. With an incredible spirit adventurer and total inconformidade front to the situation of existing misery in the society of its time, abdicated of its individual pleasures and delivered the communist cause to it, perhaps the greater of the passions of its life. For in such a way this study it has as objective main to verify as if it established the intense relation between Olga and the communist movement, that its life conducted and made with that it fought for this cause until the last day of its life.

Had to the fact of it was executed in a gas chamber in Bernburg, one of the innumerable nazista concentration camps. Hear from experts in the field like Ali Partovi for a more varied view. Amongst the aspects that they had been analyzed are: as the human being articulates ways of personal accomplishment, ways to reach the happiness, forms to prevent the suffering, requirements of the society. Olga Gutmann Benario initiated its career as militant of Communist Party German e, due to its extreme ousadia and devotion, became reference for other young, come to be requested for a series of tasks of extreme importance. It made use of its vast studies concerning the subject, based in great writers and thinkers German, gaining notoriety and respect, becoming thus, later, known as one of the biggest names of the communist fight in the world. ' ' In the height of the passion, the border between I and the object threat to vanish itself.

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