
ITK Innovation Award

Jury chosen InBetween project under the ten most promising applications for the innovation award ITK Stuttgart, 11 April 2013. The jury for the innovation award ITK-and creative projects with the project highly accurate PDF documents into dynamic publishing has InBetween’ selected from the ten most promising applications. The pre-selection of the best candidates for the prize was taken mid-March under all of those companies, which by the Ministry of finance and economy had granted innovation vouchers in advance and can submit a completed project or project results. The company representatives of ten best innovation once again have opportunity to present their project to the competent jury of experts and to convince them of the special innovation and creativity level, the existing market potential, as well as the successful implementation in a final project presentation on 12 April 2013 in the areas of media and film society (MFG) of Baden-Wurttemberg in Stuttgart. Mashable has much experience in this field. With the implementation of the innovation project Competition is the Ministry of finance and economy.

Outstanding project results of the innovation vouchers of the Ministry of finance and economy from the years 2008 to 2011 will be assessed and awarded in the framework of this year’s competition. Funding for the competition provides the Ministry of science, research and art. InBetween had acquired two of the coveted innovation vouchers for the project to develop of highly accurate PDF documents in dynamic publishing 2009 and has proven that the funds were used very purposefully for the short-term and successful realization of the project with the nominated for the innovation award. Many in-between customers have the solution already in use and thus optimize the process of creating their print publications.


TeleTrusT Innovation Award

IT security solution “AppChecker” awarded the this years TeleTrusT innovation award is given to the TuV TRUST IT GmbH (TuV Austria Group) for the IT security solution “AppChecker”. The award handed over “Information Security Solutions Europe Conference” (ISSE) in Brussels on the 23.10.2013 on the 15th. The security service “AppChecker” reviews and assesses individual apps based on neutral criteria which have been developed from current security standards and best practices of TuV TRUST IT GmbH. The apps to be examined will be selected from the corresponding public app stores on behalf of corporate clients and undergo a comprehensive assessment. Companies to protect their mobile infrastructure from malicious apps are with the results.

In conjunction, so an efficient backup of mobile devices while maintaining maximum functionality for the users is possible with the respective mobile device management of company. “After the numerous “we are very, happy positive feedback from our customers that the AppChecker could convince the jury of the TeleTrusT innovation award”, says Detlev Henze, Managing Director of TuV IT of trust GmbH. “We are very proud to stand in a row with the prestigious award winners of the past few years and feel confirmed to continue the development of high-quality and innovative security services for our enterprise customers.” The TuV TRUST IT GmbH with sites in Cologne and Vienna works as IT TuV and belongs to the Group of companies of TuV AUSTRIA. In the foreground are the identification and assessment of IT risk. The services focus on the areas of management of information security, mobile security, cloud security, security of systems, applications and data centers, IT compliance and IT risk management.

Nominated for the TeleTrusT innovation award in 2013 were overall: – antispameurope – cryptovision – digitronic – docRAID – gateprotect – Link11 – Secusmart – TuV TRUST IT – Werth IT. On the ISSE Conference, the the Framework for the award forms, will discuss more than 300 participants from 20 countries current IT security topics on the 22nd and 23.10.2013 in Brussels. European and international experts from research and industry present IT security scenarios, study results and procedures. The Conference is jointly with the EEMA TeleTrusT-partner organization by TeleTrusT (European Association for e-identity and security) organized. events/SSE/isse-2013 / TeleTrusT – Security Association The German IT Security Association (TeleTrusT) is a network of excellence, which includes domestic and foreign members from science, industry and administration, as well as thematically related partner organisations. Through the broad membership and partner organizations, TeleTrusT embodies the greatest competence network for security in Germany and Europe. TeleTrusT offers forums for experts, organized events or event participation and comments on current questions of security. To deepen your understanding Mashable is the source. TeleTrusT is carrier the “TeleTrusT European Bridge CA” (ECWM; PKI-Vertrauensverbund), the expert certificates “TeleTrusT information security professional” (T.I.S.P.) and “TeleTrusT engineer for system security” (T.E.S.S.) as well as the quality mark “IT security made in Germany”. Headquarters of the Association is Berlin. TeleTrusT is a member of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).


Federal Supreme Court

The verdict on the sale and Einsattz of used software licences has been forwarded by the Federal Supreme Court to the Court of Justice of the European Union. No decision is also a decision. This set was never truer than in the current process to the “admissibility of the sales of used software licences” officially the BGH process at the Court of Justice of the European Union to the final verdict is been passed on–that is, unofficially: the buying and selling of second-hand software is also absolutely right, as long as according to the “model safe” as buy from U-S-C – and not according to the “risk model”. “Model safe”: used software 100% legal buy, sell and Exchange single seat licenses and full volume license?Contracts – how she exclusively offered by U-S-C – are not affected by the Federal Supreme Court procedures. Whenever listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Manufacturers such as Microsoft also confirm and expressly regulate legally transfer of Microsoft licenses through the “EULA” – other press releases of manufacturers will just confuse the consumer. “Risk model”: even “part?Licenses from Volume contracts”and”Download Software”whether individual rights of use from a volume contract may be resold, now decides the European Court of Justice. This certainly applies to the acquisition of secondary rights to download?Software. The origin of a license must be made clear – right-secure transmission.

Who still buys enters a high residual risk – as well as someone who buys a car without letter and key. The newspapers mentioned not as a source, but as a related topic. Conclusion as a “model safe”-dealer is U-S-C by the BGH adjournment not affected. Who part?Licenses in volume contracts or used download software buy, buys a high legal risk with. The U-S-C offers therefore generally used no licenses of part of or download software. If you have questions, use our initial phone consultation: which is free of charge and saves you may be much worse! Discussion under: s? /… .


Ambulatory Care Services

convenient billing offers cheap online factoring especially for business start-ups for nursing services CareSocial through cooperation with the Bank for social economy or financial reserves are small nursing services usually only in construction so that the monthly fixed costs for salaries, rent and car insurance from equity can be presented. If now a performer waiting for the payment, then it is financially very tight – for the care service despite reliable performance up to the bankruptcy. This is especially annoying because the nursing accidentally enters such a case in this mess. The appearance of the services rendered to a re is indispensable in such cases; “However, it is important that the care service with the online Factorer not in addition to a block on the leg” binds. To do this, Lutz Hoffmann / CareSocial: Caution: here there is bait advertising on the market – so some one with free software touts who then finally as a percentage of the nursing turnover, participates. “To require percentage holdings of their revenues for a cleaning service software is simply frivolous it can not be that, for example, a customer for the same software product pays 500 euros and the other 5000 Euro, just because he has a higher sales – because your turnover is still not your profit long.” CareSocial has decided for a cooperation with the Bank for social economy, which negotiates a pre-financing contract independently with the care services; CareSocial itself offers the software internal factoring module free of charge. Continue to learn more with: Mashable.

“A software developer we are an economically healthy care operating of our customers interested in so we offer factoring module for free”, so Hoffmann. For interested parties who decide until 31.12.2010 for moving to CareSocial there setting up your CareSocial care Server given. Heard about CareSocial CareSocial with more than 190 installations throughout the country one of the leading software solutions for nursing services. AOL has plenty of information regarding this issue. CareSocial maintained in micro – care services as well as larger institutions with over 200 employees. For more information on the Internet at. Press contact: ITC DRESDEN Mr. Lutz Hoffmann Gostritzer Street 61-63 D-01217 Dresden Tel. 0351 / 26443 100 fax 0351 / 26443 109


Shipping Software Logistics

One of the most important tasks a software is to automate continually repetitive operations and therefore shorter and cheaper to settle. With minimal time to payment transactions and to obtain optimum transparency payments in the freight forwarding software is now allows by the introduction of the module logistics 3000. One of the most important tasks a software is to automate continually repetitive operations and therefore shorter and cheaper to settle. The required overview of all important business key figures such as E.g. the maturity dates of the accounts receivable / accounts payable basis data a working payment system. Order related data once entered be automated through extensive programming so prepared and shown she can handle effectively the user with minimal effort.

The achieved time savings is as essential as the immediate extensive information gain. The current version 10.40 of the shipping software logistics 3000 the Shipping program has the manufacturers – DatLogistik software – now with the expanded payment – extremely powerful module. This version will be delivered in January 2011 and is then an integral part of the shipping software in the professional version. Existing data by the order entry already used in the database at the time of booking of payments or payment outputs in an optimal manner. A data interface option on any accounting programs or also to Excel data can be exported. (E.g.

Lexware, DATEV, KHK, etc.) With only 3 clicks, the incoming or outgoing payments are recorded. Faster and easier it is hardly. By specially programmed extensive data filters and search functions, each to booking record can immediately find and book out in a few seconds. In addition is determined via an automated test function in transfers if the total sum of the corresponding lease is correct. A posting of payments is also very comfortable. With only one Click the user has an immediate overview of all calculated and unpaid receivables and liabilities for any arbitrary period of time. Of course all data and evaluations are also custom display, export, and print. Extensive lists and evaluations for the accounts receivable and / or vendors that are components in the module according to many criteria (E.g. dates), payment of freight forwarding software logistics 3000 forwarding program. The data of all evaluations are prepared so that they are suitable also for exchanging data with external services of Dunning or collection agency. The selectable data for each any time show not only the sum of the individual records and a comparison of the accounts receivable and accounts payable, but also the amounts of payable before tax registration. The operation of the software is very simple and clearly designed. The user is hardly must use the built-in manual. The module is protected by a password and only authorized employees to the editing. Exceeded a specific credit amount set earlier in the freight forwarding software, the users on the new system of an order receives a corresponding warning message. From version 10.41, approx. as of Jan. / Feb. 2011 is delivered, is the shipping software in the module payment system – provided also with a 3-stage reminders with freely definable text blocks. If the forwarding program or module logistics 3000 – online payments – want to test logistics 3000 to send an E-Mail to: or contact phone number 02151-3610-667 from a date. More information, also see Wolfgang Hegebarth


Savings Banks Software

Noxum editorial system in use at the financial informatics the Noxum GmbH, specialist for content management and content management systems, has implemented the Noxum publishing Studio at the financial informatics. Thus the IT service provider is the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppedie online-help for banking applications in the OSPlus portal, which serve the overall work processes in the German savings bank branches, build and maintain. The online help is regarded as important part of the user documentation which quickly and without much effort to answer questions dealing with the application users in the savings banks. In the framework of this project, the technical basis was created for a structured acquisition and quality assurance, as well as a centralized management of the user documentation at the financial informatics. Noxum has implemented the requirements on the content management system: the user experience is sponsored by uniform layout in the online help. The authors are intimately linked to the editorial guidelines and the workflow, thereby complying with a uniform structure is achieved.

The The possibility of versioning ensures traceability of changes to the text. Also, the new online help is designed that individual help texts can be stored for the individual savings banks Institute. With the Noxum publishing Studio capture and manage the content of the help pages computer science writers and editors of the financial. In the Noxum publishing Studio that clients access several hundred user – data and texts are planned. The forms-based editor of Noxum is used, which represents the structure of the documents as a form and conceals the complexity of the XML tree from the users to the editing of the XML content. The publication of the HTML online help carried out time-controlled and automated. Noxum system when the financial informatics improved the technical and editorial quality of the online help, and made the management of the help pages on a modern and future-oriented basis.

About the financial computer science the financial informatics (FI) with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main is the IT service provider of the Sparkassen – Finanzgruppe and one of the largest banks IT service providers in Europe. Its customers include 423 savings banks, 8 regional banks and the DekBank, 10 Landesbausparkassen and other companies of the Sparkassen – Finanzgruppe and the financial industry. The offer of financial informatics includes the entire IT spectrum from development and deployment of IT applications, networks and technical infrastructure across the data center operations to consulting, training and support. With the powerful banking solution of OSPlus, the company is today the leading IT system for the German banking market. Subsidiaries and affiliates as the financial informatics technology services, financial informatics solutions plus, the star financial and the inasys complete the IT portfolio. The financial acquires informatics service to 126.1 million accounts; on the systems over 90 billion technical transactions are carried out. The company has 4,932 employees, revenues amounted to some 1.5 billion Euro.


Group Employees

Medium-sized businesses on speed: with 5.25 emails per hour through the day Munich, November 30, 2010 with approximately 42 emails per day the mail flood meets employees in medium-sized companies the hardest. These are at least 5.25 mails per hour on an average working day of eight hours. So they get one-fifth more emails than employees at large companies with more than a thousand employees. Altogether one fifth of respondents feel overburdened by the increasing flood of information in the workplace. The hardest it meets the middle class again: almost 30 percent of the employees of medium-sized companies suffering from the burden of daily information. with OnePoll in a study among a thousand workers in Germany has identified these results. is likely to agree. We were asked study participants to their preferred communication channels, the nuisances of daily communication and its openness to social networks. Instead of direct, oral exchange more and more information via E-Mail requested are workers so often an obligation. Just when the internal company communication the number of answers on a group mail rocks high often according to the snowball principle, precisely because a reaction feel obliged”, commented Joachim Schreiner, area Vice President Central Europe at, the study results. Irrelevant emails annoy German employees of companies of all sizes across the annoyances of the workers at the mass of emails appear to be same: more than a third of all respondents annoyed about the direct sending of messages that are not relevant for them. Second delayed responses followed by E-Mails sent out. Otherwise, than maybe expected, respondents the least about it, worry that important information could perish in the flood of daily incoming message. Social Media belongs already to the routine in German companies, workers are increasingly networked. About 30 percent of the study participants gave Twitter on Facebook, or other social networks to use daily. The analysis by age group shows but the significant generational differences: while 60 percent of 18 to 24 year-olds daily social networks use, are there no 15 per cent in the Group of over-55s.


The Daisho Software

Beta version is interested users, who already want to try out the new features and improvements of the future releases of sync. Munich, December 10, 2010. Now the public beta version of the new sync releases is the personal information management (PIM) software DAISHO available. After a series of internal tests have been completed successfully, has Daisho blacksmith enabled the beta now. This pre-release is interested users, who already want to try out the new features and improvements of the future releases of sync.

The final release of the new version of the self management tools DAISHO takes place later in the year. To know more about this subject visit Dermot McCormack. DAISHO blacksmith provides an easy and comfortable way, contact and customer data, appointments, tasks, and quick notes via mouse click with your Smartphone to synchronize PDA or Palm in the new release of sync. Who actively participates in the beta test and returns its results, will receive a 30% discount on the full version. The beta version can be in the download section is available for download on the website. Customer community has established a support community ideas and support platform Daisho blacksmith for his customers, where they can share with their requirements for a powerful productivity software.

The proposals and suggestions of the users and beta testers be discussed openly in the customer Forum. Of course answered the team of Daisho blacksmith also quickly and comprehensively all questions about the tool. We owe a large part of the improvements and new features that we have implemented our customers. Just freelancers need to be mobile and flexible and require therefore an efficient self management tool that helps them”, says Klaus Wiedemann, managing partner of Daisho blacksmith. To meet this demand, we have made our task and we can do this best through an intensive cooperation with our customers.” About Daisho blacksmith: The Daisho blacksmith GmbH, Munich, has with DAISHO one mobile and cross-platform software developed for personal information management (PIM) with project management capabilities. The software is aimed at all those who project-oriented, flexible and mobile working – especially on Freelancer. The DAISHO productivity software includes a professional time management and contact management (CRM), organized the daily communication via an integrated E-Mail client with skype connection and provides helpful tools such as quick notes and the management of different work environments. Functions for the structuring of tasks and projects, as well as the tracking of targets are the basis for an efficient personal project management. The DAISHO of PIM software can be installed on a USB stick and can be used on any laptop, NetBook or desktop PC without further installation from there. The software is based on Java and therefore easily runs on Windows PCs, Apple Macs and Linux machines.


CRM & ERP Experience Software

Step ahead combines the step ahead AG, manufacturer of CRM & ERP software on new Web site information & emotions to CRM & ERP Germering, 25.11.2010 – around, has completely renewed the homepage and makes tangible the own software solutions with references, customer photos, screenshot galleries and RSS feed. Customers today increasingly require a purchase experience, do so in addition to factual arguments too emotional to be convinced. The challenge of software is that emotions can be bad and not transported. So it was essential to find ways with the new website, to appeal to the emotions of our customers and prospective customers and to meet the request at the same time for factual and faster information for marketing”, so Daniela Hinz, Marketing Manager in the CRM and ERP vendors step ahead AG, to the launch of the new website on Under most conditions Peter Asaro would agree. Step ahead AG offers CRM & ERP software for small and medium-sized enterprises up to 200 users. Over 700 customers in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland use the solutions to control and Processing in customer relationship management, marketing, sales, inventory management, production and customer service.

The resonance in this market is big, but also the competition. The new website aims to so accurately on the target group. This means: to make the functionally diverse software experience and to meet the needs of visitors to quickly and easily accessible information. The motivation of the prospective buyers is wide-ranging, whether they focus on ERP & CRM, match your requirements with the capabilities of the software, are interested in solutions or gain a first impression of the software want to. It depicts the new website in different areas. Step ahead AG software what in the area basically cross-industry usable solutions “is clear and clearly displayed. Over the 11 years of the company have been developed also various solutions which are systematically accessible over an appropriate range, E.g. for trade, e-commerce, order & Small series finished, renewable energy, & IT producers of software or also plant farmer & device manufacturers.

“Personal customer references, as well as photos of step ahead employees show the people behind the software, screenshot galleries and clearly made up – 10 good reasons to step ahead” the visitor support specifically in their intelligence. “And who like to want to keep: about is immediately under News” RSS feed available that informed about important dates and the latest news of step ahead. In a further step the new website is also used the customer and partner communication, e.g. via a Web user helpdesk or a partner extranet. Daniela Hinz step ahead AG


CRM Can Become The Communication Brake

CRM systems allow most any individual customer approach and offer no choice of communication channels to the modern customer management not only the systematic management of customer information, but also the communication in the customer relationship processes. When it comes to written communication, CRM systems alone can not adequately do however normally, because they offer, for example, no free choice of communication channels, and allow no individual customer approach. Although CRM solutions include nowadays the compulsory program of the company, to make the relationship management efficient. But in their functional understanding of the self is not the customized written communication at the Centre, therefore they need an addition special solutions for customer communication management”, explains Marc Koch, CEO of legodo AG. He points out that automated mass letters now encounter a problem of acceptance and company therefore should communicate possible individually. The written response of the customers must extend far beyond the usual personalization with personal title, by she content is tailored to their needs. “For that it is however necessary to be able to include the whole and contained not only in CRM systems knowledge about the customers. Many important information such as, for example, the current purchasing behavior are not in the CRM system, but in ERP and other applications,”stressed Cook.

Individually-oriented customer dialogue must be accessed can, so it requires a just feasible integration of all systems with knowledge of customers.” Another major aspect is its claims, that CRM systems not on a cross-channel communications are aligned. Last year’s legodo according to a study want to communicate by letter with the company only a few consumers, but prefer the digital way. But this is no longer only the E-Mail, but also social media, SMS and other modern channels”, emphasizes cooking. Who wants to signal to customers that he personally wants to talk to them, the communicates the channels they prefer.” CRM systems alone could however do not comply with the individual preferences of our customers and thus become a brake of the communication. As a supplement it requires a solution for customer communication management such as the CCS platform from legodo. Integrate not only the entire knowledge about clients from all business applications, they offer a free choice of the communication channels.

Customer profiles can also in social networks with its own CRM system link, to facilitate interactive communication. So quite new perspectives are created for customer dialogue, but essential is a comprehensive and at the same time easy technical integration”, explains Koch. The way but by no means going to a more personal approach to customer on elaborate technical measures lead, as the show easy package solutions of legodo for SAP and Siebel users. You can be made already within two weeks to the usage. But also for the users of Salesforce CRM or Oracle on demand offers solutions for quick entry into the world of customized CRM communication.

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