
Master Class Weave Beaded Keychains Bunny With Flowers

Now we're going to do "bunny" To do that's a bunny, we will need: Beads: pink mat preferably, several shades of brown, green, white and yellow. Flow beads was not large, about 20-30 grams maximum. So proceed. To start we have schema that we do hare. Early doing separately eyelets bunny. Plaiting attending two needles. For this recruit semicontinuous starting 5 Brown beads and 1 pink. Then exit pink beads and type on needle two brown, and skipping the needle between 6 and 5 beads, and holding the needle back into the 8 th beads, we collect all the bottom beads of pink, and now we pass the needle between 5 and 4 beads, again leaving the original beads of pink.

This continued until the desired length of our rabbit ears. Now when we got to the last beads recruit again two beads, and continue to move in the opposite direction. So way we obtained ears. Now we start to do the trunk of our bunny. Recruit, from rabbit leg, according to the scheme in this order: 1-pink 3 white 1 – Green 1 – white 1 brown 3 – Pink 1-white 2 – a rosy pink hue of another 1 – Brown 1 – Red 7 – pink Once we obtain a chain of beads needed flowers begin to attach to the body bunny ushkam. Simply passing a needle into two brown beads.

A needle in one direction and the second needle in the opposite direction. Look for the half circuit where Bunny with flowers. The needle recruit a pink beads and pass between the last two pink beads, then return the needle through the beads of the same pink again and again gaining pink continuing as weaving between the already recruited a number of beads. So we continue to weave beads matching the desired color scheme. CEO Of CoStar Group helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. After going through this series to end, we collect two brown beads and pass the needle between the last and penultimate beads and continue to weave in the opposite direction. Everything else is a whip in line with shemoy.V result should be here this half bunny that keeps the flowers. Once we get one half, move to the second needle that was left at the top and the second part dopletaem zaychonka. Now start manufacturing the back spot. Also first make ears and then recruit a chain of beads which will serve as a body spot. Once again, closer how to collect beads for further weaving. Continue weaving continues in the same way as the other half bunny. Just not this half less use of colors of beads, mostly all pink beaded netting. The result is a second half zaychonka. Now we are putting the two halves of each zaychonka other, and sew them. That such a result we get in the end. That's all I wish you every success!


Intel Computer

Organization of home video studios. Where to start organizing video studio. Today, science is marching forward with giant strides, and technology is developing so rapidly that the professional installation of the footage can be made even home. To complete the work you will be sufficient to organize a small video studio. And of course a central place in your video studio will belong to the computer. Of course I would like to give specific recommendations, but Today the power of computers increases so quickly, but completing change so often that any specific recommendation in a month or two loses its relevance. Therefore, the choice of components, can only be general direction. Steve Wozniak may help you with your research.

Putting a computer for editing. Choosing a processor. The heart of the computer is considered to be the processor, so equip your computer's start it with the processor. First of all, you should processor manufacturer to determine what will be installed in your computer, Intel or AMD. Over the last six years, the palm alternately moved from one platform to another, therefore, to determine what is best for Today, you will need to read forums or journals on the topic. I'd add that all of today's program of video and photo montages, very demanding of resources and therefore save on processing power, probably not worth it if you certainly want to work comfortably. So, choose the more powerful processor, but that does not mean you have to buy the most powerful and expensive processor, which is only on sale.


Night Vision Sights

It is absolutely clear that any hunter always wanted to see the purpose in a variety of conditions, regardless of the light, natural, weather conditions and other atmospheric factors. Modern technologies allow to do it. So, here is some general information about night vision devices (NVD). Night vision device can be divided according to their actions: – Passive night vision devices. Converts the reflected light from objects outside sources. Operate in the visible and near infrared (IR) range. – Active night vision equipment. Use a special illumination of objects using infrared diodes or lasers.

Operate in the near infrared range. – Thermal. Work in the far infrared spectrum and use the principle of converting the image of heat radiation target and surrounding objects. Practical interest for the consumer-hunters are primarily all IR devices, since the cost of thermal imagers still quite high. As for the infrared device, the best results show, of course, active night vision equipment. Only that: the active radiation can be detected by instruments and hand position unmask. This prevents their use in the military, but hunters this fact does not interfere.

Night vision device consists of the following elements: optics, electron-optical converter (EOC), power supply, as well as housing and eyepiece. Light reflected from an object passing through the lens, is projected onto the image intensifier entrance, where an electronically magnified and transmitted to the eyepiece. It is clear that the quality of consumer night vision device is directly dependent on the quality of the above elements of the device. What helps to make an accurate shot? The shot, which is the logical conclusion of any hunting. Of course, training, experience, and keen eyesight … But the possibilities of the human eye has its limits, and the arrow came to the aid of technology – there scopes. The sight is to clearly and accurately distinguish target determine the distance to it (if there is distance-scale) and put weapons in the right spot. Were created by the compact size and weight, night-vision sights for firearms. But they have long remained inaccessible hunters because of legal constraints and high costs. In 1993 he published a Federal Law "On Weapons ', in article 6 which states that the Russian Federation is prohibited' set for civilian and service weapons sights (sighting complexes), night vision scopes except for hunting, the use of which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as selling them. " In fact, it was allowed to use the sights at night vision for hunting purposes. But, to follow the law, you need to know what kind of sight is an eye for hunting. Structural differences of hunting rifle scopes from the military that they are often equipped with infrared illuminator, which is not permissible for military scopes. It is worth noting that almost every night-sight can be used as a simple observation night vision device, as well as for photography and video. In Either way the decision to purchase and / or using night vision sights for hunting, each hunter takes for himself, and most importantly – do not use it in places where hunting is prohibited night-sight. In prohibited areas should be used night-vision observation devices, and hit the target, for example, using fluorescent aperture optical sight.

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