
Poland Online

The current developments of IT reinforce the skills shortage. This can affect a cross-industry threat to the German economy. A use of highly specialized freelancers would be a way out. They score not only through flexibility and commitment, they could also order variation and support the economic stability of a company. Many companies have already recognized this and respond.

A big trend emerging but already 2011 the internationalisation of project work. As the globalization of big companies always progresses, tighten well the freelancers. Just under 3% of the registered profile at project exchanges are international. These profiles are spread over 45 countries and demonstrate such a heterogeneity which is characteristic of the globalization. Mashable will not settle for partial explanations. While the neighbouring countries Switzerland and Austria still clearly on the first two positions are, followed they are India, the United States but by the growth market and Poland.

The internationalisation of the project market opportunities opened the freelancers, because they are no longer dependent on projects in their own country. And companies also benefit greatly. So, for example, the skills shortage, which constitutes a threat should not be underestimated for the growth for many companies, can compensated by the use of professionals from abroad. Many project exchanges serve as a platform to win contacts to establish and to security in the framework of internationalization. The market is on the move, and a clear industry growth is expected for the year 2012. A BITKOM poll about three quarters of the companies surveyed recorded a job-plus. But important also for the project commissioned is the evidence of IT and insurance. Without insurance IT no project contract. More than one-third of the Freelancer had to present proof of an existing IT liability insurance in 2009. On the insurance portal Company, computer IT and also IT Freelancer and IT professionals the right protection for your insurance needs determine. More information: gmbh the gmbh is the sister company of the groot bramel Versicherungsmakler gmbh. The gmbh is a leading real for the IT – and telecommunications industry. Defined together with partners and customers, developed and realized the gmbh branch-specific solutions precisely to customer needs tuned. The goal of the gmbh is to check the insurance protection of all involved parties on gaps in coverage, consistently to close them and on reasonable terms. The IT-liability-insurance combines many years of experience of the world’s leading insurance companies, and one of the leading insurance brokers in the IT industry, the gmbh. The gmbh is with continuous advice and IT expertise as a partner to the side. And for the clients, entrepreneurs receive a Proof of inclusion in your IT liability insurance as a safe decision basis. The gmbh is close to the customer, it is companies and IT freelancers at all times aside, even in the event of damage she has good contacts to well-known experts, as well as lawyers. So the renowned law firm DLA available E.g. in the event of damage Piper without any extra cost.

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