JTL relies on ShopFacer for social commerce integration Goppingen, Web shop sales growing steadily the 1 August 2012 and growing numbers of users of the social media platforms are cause of future cooperation between the JTL-Software GmbH and Walter Ltd. of Goppingen. The established provider of Web shop software from Arlington customers will in the future offer the social commerce solution ShopFacer. Walters Ltd. in turn is JTL’s official service partner for quite some time.
The two companies aims to provide new solutions to their existing customers, the traditional e-commerce and combine social commerce, and to attract new customers. Working with JTL is a milestone for the spread of ShopFacer. So far, we have us based solely on our own sales organization, and it won several important customers. With JTL we want to burn now the Turbo”, explains Axel Burgbacher, Managing Director of Walters Ltd. our ShopFacer module specially adapted for JTL makes it for Web shop operator to a no-brainer to depict a virtual branch of JTL Web shops among others in Facebook. So dealers can reach easily at the same time their customers across multiple channels.” ShopFacer presents selected products from online stores on Facebook company pages, where the shop operators themselves can decide which products to show it on Facebook.
The user directly to the appropriate product in the webshop is guided by clicking on a product that is pictured on a social platform. The shop owner will need no programming knowledge, because the solution comes with an attractive base design and can be easily customized. Recently, ShopFacer integrated including Twitter and YouTube. ShopFacer is a promising building block in our portfolio. It is the ideal tool for the integration of social media especially for existing and new customers of JTL Shop3. As Facebook just announced, the network has now 950 million registered users. Social commerce is”so long no niche, reported Katja Madrigal, marketing manager of JTL Software GmbH.