
Great Lakes Environmentalists

In Russia will ultradeep ‘burial’ for radioactive waste large amounts of radioactive and highly toxic waste accumulated in Russia today over the past decade. The country has accumulated 560 million tons of waste, of which 400 million tonnes – liquid. Safe storage and isolation of radioactive waste (RW) is a major task for the state. That is why in 2010 in Russia under the Civil Code of Rosatom ‘in the country should be established’ national operator ‘on long-term storage and final disposal of radioactive waste. By 2015, planned to establish a system of near-surface radioactive waste storage facilities, by 2025, all waste must be in an environmentally safe condition. It is planned that the facility will be placed in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, array.

Waste repository will be located at a depth of 1 km, the specification of the object to be formed by 2015. By 2035 in Russia will finally create a geologic isolation of radioactive waste (RW). The U.S. Congress finally ratified the pact on the protection of the Great Lakes Environmentalists say an event of historic proportions took place last week in the U.S In on Tuesday last week, the House of Representatives approved the pact on the protection of water resources of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. The U.S. Senate unanimously expressed support for the document back in August. The White House has already indicated that the bill will be signed by President George W. Bush. Development of the Covenant involved eight government stakeholders in the state.

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