
Extensible Marking

The XML is the standard used for exchange of data in the applicatory ones. It allows a universal way of if changing information between the companies. Its structure becomes it perfect for applicatory on-line and works with data that are in the source of data local, or in the source of data remota’ ‘. The XML is used as language standard of communication in the context of the Web Services.

It functions independent of the programming language or the used operational system in the implementation of the applicatory ones. Without it would practically be impossible to allow that distinct systems communicated between itself of flexible and dynamic form. She hisses (2001, p.17), describes XML as Language of Extensible Marking, its characteristic of extensibilidade makes possible to create new tags whenever necessary. For She would make (2005, p.11) the XML represents a language standard that obtains to store all type of data. This standard identifies the types of data it organizes and them of the possible form most interesting, for an analysis computational or emission of a report. Standard XML is used each time more, due to its versatility, that goes of the operational system until the programming language.

2 – ORIGIN the underlying concept to the XML is not, something obviously new. The XML consists in a good set of specifications called SGML, developed for the W3C in 1986. The W3C started to develop the standard for the XML in 1996 with the idea of that it would be simpler of if using of what the SGML, but that she would have a more rigid structure of what the HTML. Since then, many suppliers of software have implemented some resources for technologies XML. (JORGENSEN, 2002, p.64). As It would make (2005, p.10), the popularizao of the applicatory innumerable Internet favored the sprouting of isolated, where the communication between these, is most of the time, for digital ways.

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