
Modern Washing Machines

Currently, experts and users of washing machines on the right to present a data structure of the set requirements. Indeed, regardless of manufacturer, and any modern washing machine should be precision, technical and versatile unit, characterized by a mass of advantages. First, the modern washing machine should ideally perform the washing process. By purchasing such a machine, the user receives the ability to easily combine the duration of the washing process with the desired temperature conditions, the level of mechanical action and a suitable detergent. In this wash can be as intense and sparing – depending on the quality of linen.

In addition, in the modern washing machine should be provided for a variety of programs designed for effective washing and as thoroughly rinse (which is special importance for people with allergies reacting to chemicals, including laundry detergent). Secondly, the modern washing machine should be easy to use. Such a machine will never create a user inconvenience or when washing large items, rugs, for example, or blankets, or in the wash 'stuff', say, handkerchiefs. In this case, things are placed and removed from the machine with equal ease, and self-laundry unit programmed and run without any difficulties. Third, the ideal modern machine must necessarily be equipped with safety features that protect children and adults. Such a machine, for example, can lock button and containers for detergents, not allowing children to penetrate. Fourth, perfect in every sense of the washing machine should be of high environmental performance. It is especially important have a level of energy consumption and spin class (eg, less power consumption, the less burden on the environment). role and sensor technology that promotes optimal water and energy costs. Fifthly, reliable modern washing machine should be made of durable materials and proven capable of providing the device durability, and user cost savings on repairs. It is known that lead from reputable manufacturers use in the production of washing machines only high quality raw materials.


Powder Coatings: The Benefits And Convenience

Familiar to many liquid paints are gradually fading. People requires a unique combination of price, quality and longevity. Properties such as the protection of the product from corrosion, waste-free coating technology, and much more placed in priority, forcing consumers to pay more attention to the powder coatings. Cost-effectiveness of such paints is not in doubt. Dividing into two groups – thermosetting and thermoplastic – Powder paint famous for the possibility of effective use on any surface. Coating, which suffered similar colors, features outstanding durability and resistance to adverse external influences and sparing effect on environment, which is very important in view of the growing popularity of environmental protection. Ways of powder coating are two: tribostatic and electrostatic.

In this case, after applying the paint to the surface, there is furnace rejection. This whole process can then avoid the shedding and dull colors, as is the case with liquid paints, and also prevent corrosion or other damage to the product. Powder Paint and appreciate the unique opportunity to perfect use on any, even the most complex and uneven surfaces. As mentioned above, powder coatings can be divided into two main groups – thermosetting and thermoplastic. These two groups differ radically from each other irreversible or reversible films obtained from them. In particular, coatings formed by thermosetting paints, are irreversible and can be obtained by chemical transformations and reactions.

In contrast, thermoplastic paints for film formation to the surfaces do not resort to chemical transformations and reactions, and the films are reversible and capable of dissolving. It is worth noting that most popular thermosetting paints, attracting its exceptional resistance to all environmental influences. Among the sales of powder coatings to share thermosetting type accounts about 80%. In turn, there is a particularly preferred sub-thermosetting paints. In particular, polyester (water resistant and oil-resistant), epoxy (drains, oil-resistant, petrol-resistant), epoxy-polyester, Polyurethane (excellent adhesion), polyacrylate (light fastness, longevity surfaces). Today the market of powder coatings is one of the fastest growing. More and more consumers and industries give preference to this type of paint. After staining result is everything you could wish for. Here and in the perfect thickness, and consistently accurate color, and smooth color, and durability. Of course, it's hard to get away from accustomed to something new, but when this "new" is several notches higher on all indicators can be no doubt.


Digital Light Processing

And stereo anaglyph stereo photo format Horizontal stereo can be viewed through a stereoscope, through a program Stereo Photo Maker, converted to anaglyph and using anaglyph glasses. However, after a brief workout horizontal stereo pair can be view and on the usual players in general without any special ochkov.2 Stereopairs vertical (Over / Under). Just as in the horizontal stereo image is issued in two pictures, but this format, they are each on the other. Watch movies in this format should be a stereopleery (Stereoscopic Player, Stereo Movie Player, iZ3D Movie Player Classic), select the output format to your stereo glasses (anaglyph or shutter). lcd shutter glasses. Shutter glasses (another name – svetoklapannye or eklipsnye). The technology is alternately display on the screen images for the left and right eyes, and also alternately tinted glasses, so that each eye alternately sees him-only image. Change the "Left" and "right" image on the screen and darkening of the glasses are synchronized and executed with very high frequency, so that due to the effect inertia of the person creating the illusion that he sees the whole three-dimensional image.

In today's liquid-crystal shutter glasses sharing images is achieved by small lcd panels (gates) in glasses, are closed (obscured) alternately in synchronism with alternating frames (perspectives) on the monitor. When viewing through the lcd shutter glasses obtained a full-color 3D image quality. Maybe a little double vision, which are influenced by the quality score – the more contrast of the lcd matrices and their response, the less ghosting and higher brightness. Unfortunately, at low vertical frequency (below 100 Hz) flicker quickly tired eyes. and lcd shutter glasses work only with crt (CRT) monitors and dlp projectors compatible.

(DLP – Digital Light Processing – technology, an image with which to create microscopically small mirrors that are arranged in a matrix on semiconductor chip. Each such mirror represents one pixel in the projected image). For viewing with lcd shutter stereo glasses needed stereopleer (Stereoscopic Player, Stereo Movie Player, iZ3D Movie Player Classic), and mounted on gpu stereodrayver. But science is not standing still. Motorola has patented a design, a clamshell phone, which will have a transparent lid, which supports three-dimensional image. Japanese electronics maker Sharp demonstrated the new mobile 3D displays to view movies that do not require special glasses. , Nintendo announced the imminent release of the new console with a "speaking" the name of Nintendo 3DS – the main feature will be the use of 3D-technology. Moreover, three-dimensional image generated by the console does not require gamers using special 3D-glasses. So that viewing stereoscopic images without glasses in the near future from the category of fiction goes into routine


The Flowers

Choosing a gift that is associated with modern technology, it is not necessary to give expensive phones, plasma TVs or new computer. More appropriate to the original usb-device: they are now – a huge variety. It is believed that the men decided to give alcohol or tobacco. In principle, this is a good gift. But good only if you confident that hero of the occasion smoke. If you just know it, then just cigarettes Prefer a set of rare varieties of cigars or tobacco is expensive for a tube or a hookah. The same applies to alcohol: give only high-quality, expensive drinks.

If this woman. If a mysterious stranger at a celebration to which you are invited – a woman, then the circle of possible gifts is much wider. First, the flowers. They are always out of place, suitable for any occasion. Bouquet must be from the living, beautiful and fresh-cut flowers, decorated with restraint, but not boring. Do not give flowers, wrapped in paper wrappers or no, not giving zavyadshie flowers.

Young girls are most appropriate field, simple and bright colors of roses and lilies. Women between the ages accepted to give red roses, orchids, exotic flowers. Secondly, the sweetness. Almost every woman loves chocolate, and almost everyone is trying to use it as a possible. How to be in this situation? It's very simple – giving expensive, high-quality, you can even collectible chocolate, made from bitter cacao varieties. This chocolate is pleasing to the eye, does not spoil the shape and does not seem trivial to Compared with the usual box of chocolates.


Desktop Replacement

The size laptops are classified based on screen size: 17 inches and more – "desktop replacement (Desktop Replacement) 14 – 16 inches – Mainstream Notebook (special name for this category of laptops are not provided) 11 – 13.3 inches – subnotebooks 7 – 10.2 inches – netbooks. Devices with screen sizes less than 7 inches isolated in the special category "Hand Held Computer literacy" We consider these classifications in more detail: Desktop Replacement (size displeya17 inch and above) – Notebook Class Desktop Replacement (DTR) – designed for desktop replacement. In essence, this type of multimedia and business notebooks, which has one key feature – the big screen (with 17-inch and above). Dimensions and weight (3-5 lbs.) These laptops are quite considerable, which makes them inconvenient to carry. However, the relatively large size of the display provides a more comfortable work enclosure allows you to set powerful components and provide them with adequate cooling. Some manufacturers install in large Notebooks 2 hard drive, which is usually combined into a RAID-array. DTR-notebooks, tend to have higher performance, discrete graphics, a large set of connectors, high-quality screen, comfortable keyboard with separate numeric block.

The cost notebooks in this class range from 18,000 to 120,000 rubles. Category notebooks with screen size 14 – 16 inch notebooks in this category, the most common. They have a reasonable size and weight maintaining a decent level of performance. Subnotebooks – laptops with screen size 11 – 13.3 inches These notebooks feature small dimensions and weight, but the small size of the screen reduces the usability of such device.


Select Open Network Connections

It printed in Latin letters: ipconfig / all (aypikonfig ALL). Note that between ipconfig and / all should be blank. (See below) Once printed, the keyboard, press the key Enter. Have additional information. (See below) where you need (without errors) to write data: ip Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway dns Servers If two dns Servers, then and write both. Data on the dhcp Server you do not need.

When you have written one you need information, then type the word exit and press Enter. Window closes. Now, with the information you need, you can create a Static ip for your computer. To this end, in the lower right corner of the screen, right-mouse button in (as be) or televizorchik (depending on how your computer is connected to a router (wireless or via cable)). The menu opens (see below) Select Open Network Connections (I do not know how it is in Russian. Version, but I think that it should also located at the bottom of the menu). This opens the following window.

(See below) In the new window may be a few cells – is marked with network adapters, through which your computer can connect to the Internet network. It is very important to choose the adapter through which your computer connects to the Internet. If you are not sure which adapter you need, then either of them, right-click. In the menu that appears vyberite Disable (Disable), and try a browser to open any web page. If your browser does not open the web page, it means that you have deactivated exactly the adapter that uses your computer to connect to the Internet.


OpenOffice Writer

And even if in mathematics lessons apply common Arabic numerals (though the Roman beautiful), it would be logical to teach children the most common os. In the end, taxi drivers are not taught on tractors. And for want to learn Linux is a specialized colleges, and the self has not been canceled (in terms of hobbies). Precisely because the correct choice of target (and more specifically – the user) audience of Windows has become a mass product, and remains in this status. And in school, please remember, we have to prepare a pc user.

About the use of Windows in the formation of many written in the spirit of "implanting Windows at school, at public expense, we prepare the user for the merchant-monopoly, but also pay for the monopolist to license the school operating. I draw the attention of the reader that this is not a problem school, it is a problem of the state – for a single information-sharing needs a single system, and if necessary, then replacement system should be conducted throughout the state, not just in education. Under the "single system" here refers not only compatible file types (in the end, the odf files are opened and in ms Word 2007 and OpenOffice Writer 3.0, and pdf format immediately created as a cross-platform), but also a system to train technicians and users. Please provide the reader not to assume that in these two paragraphs, tried to prove the superiority of Windows (after all, the taste and color are all markers are different, and if someone more like Linux, we honor him and praise).


Federal Target Programme

Interactive Whiteboard, stylus, ac adapter cable, usb, Wall Mount, software Starboard Software Interactive Whiteboard, 4 markers, Cable usb, software smart Board software Whiteboard, 3 markers, dry eraser, software disc, wall-mounted interactive whiteboard, 2 electronic markers, 2 erasers, markers stand, wall fastening, connecting cables: usb, RS-232 cable (15-20m), drivers, software ACTIVEboard in Russian. Resolution 4096/1000 lpi lines per inch 300/60 4000/1000 lpi lines per inch 300/60 2730/900 lines per inch surface metal metal plastic plastic Metal warranty to 7 years 3 years 3 years 1 year 3 years recommended retail price (depending on model) 56100-92300 rub. 59770-77930 rub. 49950-114700 rub. 73950 rub. 62900-105200 rub. Comparative table demonstrates that interactive whiteboards InterWrite SchoolBoard have a very wide range, while possessing sufficient affordable price compared to other manufacturers.

In addition, it should be noted that the warranty for educational institutions can extend to 7 years! Agree important factor, especially in light of the Federal Target Programme for the Development of Education. It happens that when transporting Whiteboard InterWrite SchoolBoard, active board surface damage. But despite this seemingly critical damage, the boards often operate on the entire surface, with the exception of a few millimeters around the pierced area. This experience speaks in favor of the manufacturer of interactive whiteboards InterWrite SchoolBoard, because during training schools and other educational institutions, resistance to such damage is welcome. Interwrite iPanel The range InterWrite SchoolBoard includes not only interactive whiteboards, but the panel Interwrite iPanel, wireless tablet Interwrite Pad, the system operational Knowledge Control Interwrite prs, Interwrite rf, Interwrite Virtual prs, and more. Interwrite Pad studies on the impact of technology on learning has shown that, thanks to interactive whiteboards children are more willing to learn and improve their results. Working with these training equipment and opportunities to develop research discussion in class and they do their homework dynamic. Such equipment school premises does not require special effort in their work.

To select an icon to open the website or move the image, students simply touch the marker board surface. Such a quick and easy access to information makes students think and create new ideas. They can work with geometric figures, to search for necessary information in the network or make a presentation. Also, using a marker that is on a special stand, they can write on the screen in digital ink. Special software Interwrite Workspace software for interactive whiteboards makes working with texts and objects, audio and video materials, Internet resources, take notes directly on top of open documents and save information. In addition to the educational scope, interactive whiteboards are widely used during presentations, meetings and so on. To work effectively in meetings and conferences often require access to shared information. Big Screen Interactive board visible to all participants. Presenter can use your computer, open the application from any other being in the public network, work with the Internet – all actions can be performed directly on the board, not departing from it. Today, interactive equipment is widely used by many Russian companies not only in Moscow but also in the regions. Many training companies and educational centers are already working with interactive whiteboards InterWrite SchoolBoard. Thanks these devices, the usual meeting rooms are transformed into multimedia classes. Unlimited opportunities for interactive whiteboards InterWrite SchoolBoard allow constantly finding new ways for their application.


Great Lakes Environmentalists

In Russia will ultradeep ‘burial’ for radioactive waste large amounts of radioactive and highly toxic waste accumulated in Russia today over the past decade. The country has accumulated 560 million tons of waste, of which 400 million tonnes – liquid. Safe storage and isolation of radioactive waste (RW) is a major task for the state. That is why in 2010 in Russia under the Civil Code of Rosatom ‘in the country should be established’ national operator ‘on long-term storage and final disposal of radioactive waste. By 2015, planned to establish a system of near-surface radioactive waste storage facilities, by 2025, all waste must be in an environmentally safe condition. It is planned that the facility will be placed in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, array.

Waste repository will be located at a depth of 1 km, the specification of the object to be formed by 2015. By 2035 in Russia will finally create a geologic isolation of radioactive waste (RW). The U.S. Congress finally ratified the pact on the protection of the Great Lakes Environmentalists say an event of historic proportions took place last week in the U.S In on Tuesday last week, the House of Representatives approved the pact on the protection of water resources of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. The U.S. Senate unanimously expressed support for the document back in August. The White House has already indicated that the bill will be signed by President George W. Bush. Development of the Covenant involved eight government stakeholders in the state.



ABSTRACT organizational metaphor from ELA approaches a OEDE walls or sample as a whole, has a narrow and reductionist, so that our interpretation of the organization reflects only part of all organizational. The question is not organizacioncomo take part, but not seeing the relationship of part to whole, as well as each party not to notice holograficamentea a reflects the whole. This approach allows us to interpret not realize that both humans and the organizations they form, operate permanently as a partesa in relation to structures and systems involved, but also contribute a in reference todosa the subsystems that contain or dominate. New paradigms have perceived organizational structure, culture and organizational strategy from the perspective of facilitating the learning of new patterns of organizational and hence new ways of achieving objectives and meeting expectations.

Currently we are in a decentralized system of tasks that rethinks the relationship of the person as active agents in the organization: creating specialized languages to attack them as they continually evolve their techniques and their integration into the global production process is one of coordination, relativizing the hierarchy. The latest scientific thinking in the study of organizacionesa have been, and is, the construction of the mind as emergent property of brain activity and the role played by language in this process. As an established interpersonal relationships, language determines thought and allows for modification and human co-operation such as conflict management to improve cooperation and efficiency.

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