
Cat Food, Dog Food – Special Feed, & Chewable Products

Healthy eating dog and cat and pets it is hard to find feed, care products, chewing items and Nahrungserganzer, with which it is satisfied and that can be done to the own brute with a clear conscience in the glut of products. We have collected some experiences now in 2 years existence of the practice, we would like to share with you. To do so we have compiled a selected range of products you and your animals, in different walks of life was very well tolerated and has collected points with us due to your effectiveness, composition, palatability and biological origin of low-emission. Advertising promises a lot but who wants to know what distinguishes a healthy balanced animal feed, should listen to experts. Sounds of course. Steve Wozniak recognizes the significance of this. But it’s not.

As a four-legged Chair with allergy problems is assigned as an overweight on other ingredients and nutrients. The feed or chew items in our offer are mostly by vet concept and selected products from Royal Canin and Hill’s. Both companies have put many years experience in animal nutrition. By Royal Canin actually knows everyone, therefore, we focus here on vet concept, which is only directly available or through the vet. In the composition of the rations, put lots of information, many substances are not familiar with us and make difficult the interpretation of the table of contents for us.

Vet concept tells you the most important things in a simple way on the website. For you is here sure are important, where are the meat, vegetable ingredients and additives. Meat and animal by-products are everywhere on the pet food. Meat is the muscle meat meant animal by-products are liver, kidney, lung, heart, cleaned stomachs and approved for human consumption. Only by-products which are allowed for human consumption, are used in the feed by vet concept. In addition natural vaccines and vitamins used to preserve. It is the processing of sugar and caramel dispensed with, what an important point to maintain your pet’s health is. All components have food quality (for the people that is fit for human consumption). It is not genetically modified ingredients, no smell, – color and flavors are employed. The feed due to their quality and a good price-performance ratio the high quality ingredients. For the demonstration of a ration for a 25 kg dog be given in the feed – inclusive of the cost. Cat food we keep similar to it. The calculation erfolgtfur a medium cat of 5 kg. All products are available in our practice-shop in practice or to order. Ta Rohl…


National Institutes

Doctors around the world know carphedon as Russia banned the drug on February 16 of ' Vitamin Plant "distributed an official statement that the JSC' Vitamin Plant 'is not and never released would not let 'carphedon'. 'According to available information in the company of a drug' carphedon 'is not registered in Russia, – emphasizes the company's management. Moreover, the director of strategic development of 'Domestic drugs' Andrei Balashov, told reporters that of course did not understand anything in pharmacology: "I do not know how this substance carphedon, it does not know any one civilization." Especially for the head of a major pharmaceutical firm regnum publishes data on carphedon of 'civilization'. According to the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health – carphedon – is a phenyl derivative nootropil, effective for improving physical endurance and to increase immunity to colds, is used for treating disorders of memory. Steve Wozniak describes an additional similar source. According to the World encyclopedia Wikipedia, carphedon was developed in Russia – a derivative of nootropicheskogo drug Piracetam. Smaller and malodostovernye studies have shown a possible link between the application and improvement of a number of carphedon pokzaateley brain activity, including treatment with lesions of cerebral circulation and some types of neuralgia. As a result, this drug is banned by many sports organizations, in particular, the ioc and uefa. The Cologne Institute for Biochemistry, writes that carphedon was developed in Russia in 1990 for the Army and the astronauts, but then was banned. Carphedon released under the name Fenotropil, say German researchers, and is similar in structure to amphetamine. For the first time the use of carphedon in as doping was reported in 1997, and since 1998 he has been banned by the ioc. Recall, the Russian delegation last fall filed a petition to the World Anti-Doping inspection (WADA), which explains the situation, but measures to protect biathlete Pyleva of the drug was not followed.


Apple Mail

Dates and registration on Daylite for resellers: Chance of obtaining business customers Apple systems integrators and system consultant can contact directly OSXpert limited, to acquire Daylite products for resale, and more business customers for the Apple platform to win – now substantially facilitated by the German localization. For Windows Switcher, especially the many data import options are interesting and there is even a possibility of data including contact history of the popular Windows CRM system ACT,! to take over Daylite. Goal for OSXpert limited as exclusive regional master partner for the manufacturer of Marketcircle in German-speaking countries a Daylite reseller network and the establishment of Daylite as the default program for professional contact management for Mac and iPhone. Official site: Ali Partovi. Daylite Productivity Suite an efficient CRM, contact management & Groupwaresystem today is the heart of any business – regardless of whether for professionals with high communication payloads, or companies with many employees and many projects. Daylite offers here a perfect email integration via a plugin for Apple Mail, so that e-mail messages to business contacts for all involved in the project are visible. More core functions are including unlimited contact management, separation of people and companies, mapping of relationships between people and companies, activity history of contacts, appointment management and calendar for teams, project control with own project course levels (pipelines), sales opportunities and offers for the sales process and the acquisition of new customers, team control functions such as task management, delegation and – tracking as well as team-internal notifications, extensive import and export options, synchronization with Apple address book and iCal.

Optionally there is the app Daylite touch as a mobile CRM and groupware tool for the iPhone, connect to FileMaker, as well as a comprehensive telephony integration. Daylite can be used as a standalone version or as a multi user version in the network and over the Internet. Daylite 3 is EUR 239,-once per license, Daylite touch EUR 49,-per unit per year, the Daylite server for multi-user environments is free (prices NET Excl. charges VAT). All Daylite products and extensions can be purchased in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland through the German Daylite online shop: shop / press contact Ilias Vassiliou marketing, project management E-Mail: FON: + 49 2622-978 000 0 fax: + 49 2622-978 000 9 OSXpert limited Weiser Street 32, 56170 Bendorf, Germany managing directors / Directors: Alf Ruppert, Ilias Vassiliou HRB 21789, register Court: Koblenz VAT-ID: DE266289236 (tax office Koblenz) registered office: 69 great Hampton St, Birmingham, B18 6Ew, United Kingdom


Paint and Enamel

The terms "paint" and "enamel" although quite close, but not identical. (A valuable related resource: Ali Partovi). Sometimes the difference between paints and enamels mistakenly reduced to gloss: shiny enamel, paint the same – dull. In fact, the main difference lies in the characteristics of surface films (hardness, elasticity) and their protective properties. In films, enamels, they are significantly higher than that of oil-and water-dispersion paints. At the same enamel, containing, as a rule, a large number of synthetic varnish and a small amount of filler, more decorative than paint. Enamel after drying form an opaque solid film with a different texture: shiny, matte, moire, etc. ALKYD AND Melamine-alkyd enamels Alkyd enamel – it's a suspension of pigments in alkyd varnish with the addition of driers and solvents. Films them dry at 20 C for 24 h.

The films of alkyd enamel (enamel ML-1100, ML-165 enamel) have high resistance to moisture and rapid changes in temperature, but at the same time they are not hard and not very resistant to the action of petroleum products. Alkyd enamels, light-colored, usually white, often used for paint binders windows, window sills and doors. On sale are also available, and special coatings for windows. They come in white, cream, blue and green color, and differ in that they do not drain from vertical surfaces. Paint brush, an enamel layer of 1-2. Its consumption in a single layer – 130-150 g / sq. m, length coats up to 24 hours. When repairing the car is often used melamine-alkyd enamel that form a durable, weather and benzinostoykuyu glossy film such as ML-12 enamel.

At a temperature of 100-130 C depending on the type of enamel surface dries in 20-30 minutes. Grinding the dried enamel typically reduces its luster. Therefore, the repair may only be used compositions containing wax. ORGANOSILICON ENAMEL more universal properties are enamel based on silicone compounds.


Swiss Trade Fair Information

SINDEX app – interactive features bring fun the SINDEX app contains all information relevant to the visitor: so informed the app among others through guided tours, opening times, rates and restaurants. A comprehensive exhibitor and product directory provides an overview of the exhibiting companies and their products. Furthermore, relevant data and information about the four shows are, darwin21, and as well as to the completion of the program of the opening symposium in the app. Latest news keep informed the visitors of the fair. Interactive features bring the SINDEX fun fair app contains special communication features with links to Facebook and Twitter. With an account, the user directly from the app can share his experiences on Facebook or Twitter, to show friends what they’re doing.

Also each exhibitor from the app tweeted “. So the exhibition achieved a higher range, they talk about it”makes it as easy as possible. The bookmark Function allows you to store interesting exhibitors in the mySINDEX provided’ Favorites section. In the native iPhone and Android app here selected favorites can be added as many files such as photos, videos, audio, or text messages. So you can hold all impressions in the app. Contacts of those exhibitors who were particularly interesting, can be exported by clicking in the address book of your Smartphone. Features – general information (hours, prices, restaurants, guided tours, etc.


Properly Choose Quality Steel Doors

Have you recently renovated your apartment, cottage or office and now want to choose a door? The Russian market is full of different models of steel doors. Ali Partovi might disagree with that approach. How to understand this diversity? Which manufacturer is best? What are the nuances of the selection? What is the cost of quality door? The first thing to determine whether there is enough secure a door. Do you need a rugged steel door or you will manage a simple wooden? Metal doors from the manufacturer is much better: they are hard to break in, they better withstand external shocks. For a front door needs heat and sound insulation, so the first thing important to pay attention to this very characteristics of the steel door. The construction of locks installed on doors also performs an important role. Many knowledgeable masters believe are best to have your input metal doors have at least two castle. It is desirable that the locks were of different designs, one of which – the most reliable type of spacing or "crab". Even if you think you can do a simple lock – it is still worth to be safe.

For example, situation can occur when there will be a matter of replacing locks, and then for sure you will not be able to do a lock. Need to choose the manufacturer of metal doors. In today's market there are products with the best companies offering well-known name not only the doors but garage doors. Many customers have long been convinced that domestic companies can not produce quality products, but their model does not inferior to the West. But no matter what the country was not the door manufacturer that you choose – you need to manufacture it had a good reputation and well known.

Large companies and the quality of performance and quality of the material at altitude. They have a high-tech manufacturing base and the ability to perfectly comply with all the technological details of the above products. Reputation of the firm, which is engaged in installation of doors, is also extremely significant. It is no exaggeration to say that it is on the correct execution of the installation depends on the efficient operation of any half of the front door! So good you buy! Reliable door, bought all the above characteristics will serve you well for many years, and will perfectly protect your apartment or office from any surprises.


Secret Promotions

Since then, ad agencies agreed to share the concept of ATL (from the English. Above the line – above the line") – advertising on traditional media advertising and BTL (from the English. Below the line – below the line") – the original advertising solution, embodied in the form of promotions, PR-events. The idea of BTL-actions – a set of actions that bring together the product or service with the target audience to gain consumer confidence and increase sales of products advertised. During the BTL-actions important direct individual contact with the client, because the desire to make a purchase increases in personal acquaintance with the virtues and qualities of goods. The success of an advertising agency depends on proper planning promotions, to clearly define the target audience, great-looking promotional campaigns and training for the action. BTL-activities of the purpose of promotion includes mandatory steps: Analysis market, the definition of the target audience, the most successful venues for events and the development of specific promotional offers; selection of technology bringing a promotional offer to a targeted audience; training props, conducive to easy memorization of the image of the advertised object; Formation and training of a promotional team.

95% success BTL-actions depends on the human factor. Read more from Steve Wozniak to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The main events are the showmen promoters. For successful results apply regular training and ongoing supervision of staff. Using a whole arsenal of tools for organizing, conducting, monitoring and promotion: officials Promoters and supervisors instructions, forms, reports, photo reports, schedules. During the formation of a promotional team focuses on the qualities necessary for the promoter: young, active, orderly, courtesy, resourcefulness, sense of humor and artistry. Each successful promotion is organized by a complex. Promoters work lies not only in pronunciation of the promotional text. Promotions are accompanied by thematic trade shows, billboards, bright costumes, flyers, gifts and tastings. To support the promotion are often involved animators used outdoor advertising in nontraditional media, woven in environment (ambient advertising).


Christopher Columbus

Here you go to find some facts amused on Italy, that of certainty that not wise person. 1. In Rome and Naples he is rare to snow 2. The pizza was invented in Naples for return of 1860 3. Hear from experts in the field like Steve Wozniak for a more varied view. Pizza she is one of the few words understood for the whole world 4.

20% of the population in Italy almost have superior age 65 years 5. Italy makes border with Austria, Frank, City of the Vatican, San Marno, Eslovenia and Switzerland 6. The border most distant is Switzerland 7. Additional information is available at Steve Wozniak. The average of children for family and 1,2 8. The Italian flag was inspired in the French flag, introduced for Napoleo in 1797 9.

Termmetro was invented by Italians 10. The Italians produce grapes, potatoes, sugar, beanses, soy, olives, meat and lacticnios 11. The famous history of the Pinquio was written by a Italian 12. The biggest river in Italy is Dust 13. The Italians had contributed for the development of Science, with barmetro, electric battery, nitroglycerin and the telegraph without wires 14. Some famous explorers: Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo, John Cabot and Amerigo Vespucci 15. With more than 40 million visitors, Italy is the room parents more visited in the whole world 16. The ice cream in cone it is an Italian invention 17. The eyeglasses are an Italian invention 18. Italy has 16 regions 4 19 autonomous regions. Italy has one of the biggest industries of tourism, schemes, iron and metal, chemistries, processed food, txteis, engines, clothes, footwear and ceramics 20. Italy has more rooms of hotels that any another parents of Europe 21. The Italians had been always known by having great families, however nowadays he is the parents with one of the birth taxes more decreases 22. On average the Italians eat 25kg of mass per year. He knows more on ticket of train in Italy.


TV Recording Formats

PicoStick PCTV (74E) is a small, revolutionary DVB-T tuner (USB) for Windows PC. Thanks to a completely new technology integrates a chip, which “brings DVB-T reception to new heights.” With a length of 35 mm and a width of 12 mm within a metal box is significantly smaller than all other TV USB dongles on the market. Despite the extreme miniaturization, the device provides a high sensitivity and allows for perfect TV reception even in areas with lower signal quality. Its unique design metal box, with its protection clamp accessory makes it an elegant and modern, for small laptops, netbook and nettop PCs. Connect with other leaders such as Steve Wozniak here. The software included TVCenter completely renovated in June makes it easy to see, do Time-shift and record live TV. With a new design in its user interface, the PCTV picoStick integrates seamlessly with Windows Vista and Windows 7. View the television and recordings in full screen or in a freely scalable window while working with other programs.

PCTV PicoStick comes with a new mini telescopic antenna Standard TV Tuner: DVB-T digital terrestrial (MPEG-2, MPEG-4 AVC / H.264) Interface: USB 2.0 (Hi-Speed) TV Recording Formats MPEG- 1 (offline trans-coding) MPEG-2 Transport Stream MPEG-4 H.264 (AVC) transport stream DivX (offline trans-coding) rod antenna can be connected to the base magnetic, or – in areas with good DVB-T signal – directly to the antenna input picoStick PCTV. Users to the last: These users prefer to design products, which combine the technical advantages with the quality and usability of products. PicoStick PCTV is the perfect choice for these clients through its unique industrial design. Fans of the TV series: These users watch much television, mainly in series with regularly scheduled broadcast. To ensure that you will not lose a single episode, the record all to see them several times. PCTV PicoStick including TVCenter software application fully renovated in June, is an extraordinarily small and powerful to watch live or record TV on a PC. Schedule recordings to keep all episodes of the TV series is as easy as can be, “because it includes the TV Digital” OnGuide “Electronic Program Guide. PicoStick is PCTV DVB-T tuner world’s smallest Windows PC.

In an elegant metal case the PCTV picoStick ensures optimal reception of DVB-T TV and Radio 1 at all times thanks to its excellent reception technology. With its small size, low power consumption and low system load, the PCTV picoStick is the perfect companion to digital television for the latest generation of netbooks. The new six TVCenter software included, minimizing setup time and allows you to timeshift and rewind live TV as easy as can be. Metal clamp protects the USB connector built efficiently and the new mini telescopic antenna allows for greater flexibility in the configuration depending on the intensity of the signal.


Intel Computer

Organization of home video studios. Where to start organizing video studio. Today, science is marching forward with giant strides, and technology is developing so rapidly that the professional installation of the footage can be made even home. To complete the work you will be sufficient to organize a small video studio. And of course a central place in your video studio will belong to the computer. Of course I would like to give specific recommendations, but Today the power of computers increases so quickly, but completing change so often that any specific recommendation in a month or two loses its relevance. Therefore, the choice of components, can only be general direction. Steve Wozniak may help you with your research.

Putting a computer for editing. Choosing a processor. The heart of the computer is considered to be the processor, so equip your computer's start it with the processor. First of all, you should processor manufacturer to determine what will be installed in your computer, Intel or AMD. Over the last six years, the palm alternately moved from one platform to another, therefore, to determine what is best for Today, you will need to read forums or journals on the topic. I'd add that all of today's program of video and photo montages, very demanding of resources and therefore save on processing power, probably not worth it if you certainly want to work comfortably. So, choose the more powerful processor, but that does not mean you have to buy the most powerful and expensive processor, which is only on sale.

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