
CEO Industry

SolarEnergy Berlin presents high-tech from the renewable energy sector – rising demand for technical translations for the energy sector which is booming around renewable energy technology sector. More than 13,000 trade visitors are expected to the SolarEnergy in Berlin, the partners Messe BioGas world expects 6,000 visitors from all over the world. At the same time increases the need for high-quality technical translations for the industry. The 12 SolarEnergy takes place in Berlin from 23-25 April 2013. On the most important international trade fair for renewable energy, State of the art heating and energy efficiency technologies presented the audience.

The partner event BioGas world informed investors from agricultural biogas technologies and new solutions for decentralised energy supply at the same time. The sustained recovery of this industry and the rising domestic demand for innovative energy-saving solutions are reflected also on the translation market. Every third translation job now come from the energy, solar, or photovoltaic industry,”confirmed Abu Ali Jacobs, CEO of B2B Jacobs translations. The translation from Bruggen years ago has focused on the translation of technical documents, patents, operating and maintenance instructions and manuals. More than 700 technical translators working freelance for B2B Jacobs translations.

By means of training and continuous quality control, the agency ensures the performance of their master translator, as well as the quality of the translations, which increasingly deal with photovoltaic and solar thermal, heat pumps, wind turbines or biomass. The rapid upward trend began with the increased use of renewable energies for the German nuclear phase-out and continues. The debate on the renewable energies Act (EEG) and the proposals for reform of Federal Environment Minister Peter Altmaier keep alive the interest of the economy and the consumer. Jacobs: The harsh winter heating costs in every household has driven upwards, the need for affordable, sustainable heating solutions continues to grow. The industry will not ignore this demand.” B2B Jacobs translations renewable energy anticipates an increasing order volume in the industry. The specialist for technical translations is very well prepared for this development.


National Health Plan

The system must be organized into subsystems and directed by the Ministry of labour. You must be on subsystems such as pensions, health, forced unemployment and job training, housing and housing policy and recreation, among others. In 2002 it was published in Official Gazette the new regime of social security of Venezuela, the so-called LOSS. More info: Viacom. Ensures a regime more inclusive and universally applicable, but does not apply, it is a sort of Vacatio Legis, unacceptable situation. We can very well assume that text which law of the Republic, is hear remarks and launch into your implementation with all the forces of the State. In this field, even more than in others, we are witnessing a baffling absence of political will. Not However, some actions will come to mind while builds social security.

The first thought is to our great physicians who fought against epidemics and made them disappear and, second, for a remarkable absence of statistics that allow us to establish programs on epidemics that reappear and within the framework of a policy of prevention of diseases. One of them must be the immediate establishment of a program for the uninsured access to free medicines and health systems and the establishment of a system of home health care that run together with the Barrio Adentro project. We must return to the regionalization of health enabling regional and local authorities the administration of hospitals and provision of services center all framed within the National Health Plan. As he spoke of the statistics should be marching towards them to determine existing, human and material resources, and ensure primary care with clear concepts in epidemiological transitions, continuity of the care and health technology assessment. Stopped do not include an administrative reorganization, logistics and realizable projects of integrated care, reforms and interventions in the public health system. Regionalisation should allow the increase of the operational capacity of the systems, administrative decentralization and, above all, the participation of the community in the solution of their own health problems.


Feedblitz News

Then it is good to use autoresponder program that manages your contacts and keeps them informed every time that you add content to your website. These are some examples of autoresponders: free Autoresponders: Elistas, Feedburner, etc payment Autoresponders: Aweber and Feedblitz. Ask your subscribers their opinion through surveys and votes. There are several programs that you can use such as Polldaddy or SurveyMonkey. Blogs: Ten other sites and blogs themselves because they will generate more traffic to your web space and will have more credibility in front of your users. This, over time, can make you’re considered an authority on the subject.

These are some free services on the Internet that allow you to insert links to your website and content and can use: i. for WordPress and Blogger blogs ii. Squidoo and Hubs used web pages for other blogs of your theme where you can leave comments interesting to know and establish credibility and respect. Register your blog to directories such as Technorati, (English only), BlogEsfera, Blogalaxia, Blogissimo, blogs, links RSS, Cruzaenlaces, Fresqui (News), (News), Negociame (News). Email signature: surprised to know the number of users who read the signature of the email and click on their links. In your e-mail signature you should also add your social bookmarks such as Linkdedln, Xing, Facebook, Hi5, Twitter,, Mininova, StumbleUpon, Technorati, Delicious, Addthis, Mixxclassic, Digg, your Skype,

Often uses Yahoo Answers: thanks to this platform to attract traffic specialist to your website since after writing your answer, you can add a link to your web space. Get your answers are interesting and provide good information to earn a good reputation. Many people look for information on the Internet and when read a good response, they trust you, which will make you continue to your web page. Before you start working with this tool, read the policies of utilization.


Functional Extensions

Open source CMS undergo technical changes always a penetration test open source content Management-Systeme(CMS) are among the most widely used systems for websites. For example, WordPress, TYPO3, Drupal and Joomla are among the most widely deployed solutions in the German-speaking. This CMS-based sites to demonstrate the findings of the consultancy mikado ag in specific functional areas but often major security vulnerabilities on. They concern less the core systems, but in particular the individual additions. Perhaps check out Ali Partovi for more information. The BSI has recently come to similar findings. “The open source approach itself represents the real problem not once, even if the source code for each is available and can be used in principle”, judge mikado Board John rider.

On the contrary, especially the basic systems with the basic equipment for the operation of a website with open source CMS from a security standpoint would have high quality. However, while the core systems in the Normally by a development team on the basis be maintained by standards, the extensions as meet any assessment about news systems, image galleries, blogs, booking systems, Web shops and more of the work of individual developers, whose knowledge of programming or security standards have come from. This is why unattended can occur if unchecked such extensions to the implementation of security vulnerabilities, the attacker may gain access to the entire system a breeding ground for vulnerabilities,”emphasizes rider. Finally, interact each of these enhancements to the underlying database or use write permissions on the file system. This has resulted in that each update for an extension a must be checked, whether she meet all safety requirements. Because database queries would changed or supplemented with completely new, the risk that may be not sufficient cleanup data achievements arise and a compromise of the system is possible. New security vulnerabilities may arise even in a patch for a bug.

To minimize this risk, requires not only the going-live a new site necessarily a Pentest, but functional as well as any subsequent extension”, emphasizes rider. Unique tests could shed light only on the current status of the site and provide no guarantee for a medium-term safety. He pointed out that rule especially in the open source systems with respect to the extensions a huge momentum, are continuously added or further developed existing. Here, automated penetration testing would be sufficient alone for economic reasons in the case of rule as midas offers mikado also their scanning solution.


Working To Improve The Positioning Of The Site Map

Working to improve the positioning, the sitemap from 2011, non-valuable content from the point of view of Google will begin to be desindexados of the search engine, according to show him the latest measures taken by Google. Obviously, each movement of Google causes tremendous effects in the world of promotion online and positioning web. So it is necessary to redefine the plans to achieve better highlights natural positioning, based on this new reality. The quality of the information provided through its pages of results, has been from the beginning, the main goal of Google. For Google the ideal is that early results coincide 100% with the user’s query. Other leaders such as Pete Cashmore offer similar insights. To accomplish this Google permanently works on improving the indexing of pages, trying to detect the content and its semantic relevance. The first advice that can be offered to those who seek a good web positioning is therefore doing the simplest things Google, leaving him well in clear is the sense of the page, and what they do exactly.

To do this, the semantically relevant text is the remedy. Therefore the first thing should be to achieve a good Pagerank is populating content relevant, innovative, unique, and valuable to their pages, which will make other webmasters want to link your site and this will improve PageRank. It is an error to use blackhat techniques as the stuffing with the aim of positioning since these techniques are clearly identifiable by Google. Simply type related texts with which you try to sell or promote and Google will understand perfectly what the semantic relevance of your web. Maps in .xml are an excellent way to tell Google what index and what not. There are a number of online tools that allow the creation of valid maps for Google and major search engines. One is.

Simply enter the url of your site, the frequency with which you estimated that it will change the content of your web (may be never, daily, etc.), the date of the last modification of your page (can leave the server date or a date usually entering). It also allows you to check if there is your web pages with greater or lesser priority. Click on the button start (Start), and then you can download the map of the site, which must upload to your server and upload to webmaster tools, pursuant to information of the site in Sitemaps, where you can upload your site map url. Other managers of content, like WordPress have plug ins, i.e. applications that can be added to the page that will allow you to create and maintain the site map updated automatically. From download a plug in that you can create in the site map. Another option for WordPress, and other sites with feed, is to load the (e.g. Feedburner feed), as a map of site.


Use WordPress

Content management systems allow users without programming skills to build and manage websites in a very simple way, while each website has different technical features specific to each necessity, content managers allow you to put within the reach of many people without programming knowledge to manage and build your own web site in a fast and easy way. One of content management systems most acquaintances is WordPress which is a system that allows you to create Web pages, professional blogs and sales letters of quickly and easily as well as being compatible with the social networks and the web 2.0 environment unlike other platforms WordPress has the ability to append plugins which are pieces of code which have the ability to add additional features to our web site which gives as a result that our web site is in a process of continuous improvement. However do not believe that with only having WordPress installed on your web site will be properly .


ZebNet Offers Germany

zebNet expands its services portfolio and offers immediately professional and high-performance Web hosting packages to Germany’s best Web hosting price. zebNet, an established provider of Internet and IT services expands its already extensive services portfolio and offers professional immediately under the brand of “zebHosting” and high-performance Web hosting packages to Germany’s best Web hosting price. Hosted on current Dell branded servers and in conjunction with a strong server location in England operates zebNet, a perfectly functioning and unique in Germany technical infrastructure so that zebNet in this range can offer unrivalled Webhosting packages, which are complemented by exclusive features such as E.g. an iPhone Control Panel. With the iPhone Control Panel is possible, Web hosting packages completely and by on the road to configure via an iPhone and to access completely. No other German provider offers this exclusive feature, the Web hosting this is tariffs of zebNet in contain any tariff. The Web hosting packages by zebNet included already all professional functions that must offer a modern and powerful Web hosting package today and be on the operating systems red Enterprise Linux and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 has hosted. Through the choice of these two established operating systems zebNet can meet easily also individual customer wishes.

By integrating external domains free zebNet customers can use package with the already existing domain desired Web hosting, so no more complex change of provider must be performed. This option is also great for customers who want to clearly separate the hosting from their domain. zebNet was a major concern, to put this customer desire often expressed. Install of popular applications such as Joomla, WordPress, and over 50 more will be at zebNet thanks to innovative 1-click-install a breeze, so that zebNet clients within seconds fully equipped Internet applications on their websites can make available. zebNet guarantees maximum satisfaction with its satisfaction guarantee, and also offers a price guarantee, so that customers benefit from a constant price zebNet. Through the pricing unique in Germany, zebNet can beat also offer of other providers for better performance.

By abandoning expensive forms of advertising, such as television or radio advertising, and the annual payroll and the associated savings in zebNet can offer its customers already professional, high-performance Web hosting packages for only 5,00 euro per year. zebNet the launch of its Web hosting has planned extensively and intensively fares in advance, so that they will remain permanently on the market and not already after a short time again disappear from the market. This zebNet are assured customers permanently to have an experienced partner at your side.



The article volume has want to expressed the last years (since 2005) verdreifacht-people are your opinions, views, experiences & experience are important & will be carrying out in the world! You want to Risers, breaks erzielen-with a vehicle (the blog), who knows much more capacity, intensity & especially not limited character length such as Facebook, Google + Twitter & co. Here you can express herself really. You should do also please keep it! The so-called “blogosphere” (this is the totality of all blogs) by the way, doubled since 2004 every 200 days. This is an enormous increase, which means: the trend towards the blog! Just who goes his own way, can be caught up Facebook by anyone and co. Viacom is open to suggestions. are basically taken just entertaining bar ware.

At some point, each posting goes down again in the soup. On a blog can you always to – read back – remember, take new & internalize. Stock has a blog & the real “treasure” increases with each new article. In contrast to a daily newspaper, also the pages fade unless non-, is its first server crash WordPress not secured or just by a Shitstorm, technical failure, or simply too much Traffic suffered. And how is it with the credibility of blogs? You may believe it, but a blog has a high credibility. For people who like to write, deal often with things & are not copycats. You can even your own personality into your texts & then, such an undertaking is particularly good to write the best article of life. According to studies only 12.1% not (!) trust the content of private blogs- “Private weblogs” so almost as well as journalistic form an opinion of which 62.7%, and only 7.2% do not trust cut through these high credibility.

The difference between the blog and the “real journalism” is so vanishingly small. Conclusion: Fast and persistent–exactly what constitutes a good blogger. New learn, make mistakes, to grow. Some call it “Profiling addiction”, the other to have the “right”idea. But all in all is a great art is to auszutoben-if you to the write is born. That’s also why I write since 2 Years in the leisure coffee – in the hope that break soon takes place & people search no longer just entertainment pleasure on message boards, but is again intensively with the things that are there around vorgehen-concern to us all. With a blog, every man for his a piece wide can the world verandern-for themselves and for others. Yet more on this and on the study you can like to read on our pages. Thank you for your attention & a great new year 2013 to all readers here by a small Bloggerherz.


Magento Shop Goes Online

The online shop is with selected products accents. The online shop is with selected products accents. offers products from the fields of cycling, Nordic walking, hiking and winter sports map. In the foreground, Ski Helmets, ski goggles and protectors are in bicycle helmets, sports goggles, backpacks, children wear and Nordic walking poles, as well as in the winter. All shipping – true to the motto “sportzz is fun!” Technically, the online shop is based on the modern system of Magento. Through the use of modern technology, a particularly positive online shopping experience awaits the visitor. The shop was already created in 2008 and in June 2010 by the Internet agency specialized on Magento team in medias, modernized. Follow others, such as Robotics expert , and add to your knowledge base.

team in medias, specializes in addition to the creation of new shop systems also support and continuous maintenance of existing Magento stores. The team in medias GmbH is an Internet Agency of the first hour with offices in Aachen and Hamburg. The company was founded in 1995 – for more than 15 years design,. design, programming and we market Web sites, intranets and online shops, and multimedia applications. Our Internet Agency works primarily in Hamburg, Cologne, Munich, Berlin and Aachen, the headquarters of the Internet Agency. In addition to the typical services of an Internet Agency, Web design and online marketing, especially search engine optimization team in medias, offers various products and services primarily on the basis of open source software like OpenCMS, xt-Commerce, Magento, TYPO3 and WordPress. The team in medias GmbH is an Internet Agency of the first hour with offices in Aachen and Hamburg. The company was founded in 1995 – for more than 15 years conceive, design, program and we promote websites, intranet and multimedia applications and online shops. Our Internet Agency works primarily in Hamburg, Cologne, Munich, Berlin and Aachen, the headquarters of the Internet Agency. In addition to the typical services of an Internet Agency, Web design and online marketing, especially search engine optimization team offers in medias of different products and services primarily on the basis of open source software such as TYPO3, OpenCMS, xt-Commerce, Magento or WordPress to.


Film Academy Baden

official trailer for the short film by Tino Salazar published “Africa light – gray zone” is a short film by Tino Salazar, which was produced by einscommanull in cooperation with the Film Academy Baden-Wurttemberg. Peter Asaro shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. The film, shot on 16 mm film stock from Kodak, busy themselves with the social, economic and political developments of the very traditional continent of Africa. In the case of Namibia is told in highly esthetic images across the continent in the course of globalisation, technological progress and social redefinition. Website about the from now on the trailer for the short film AFRICA LIGHT – GRAY ZONE by Tino Salazar as a sneak peek is available. The advertising film director Tino Salazar produced this film together with Stefanie Paul under the label einscommanull in cooperation with the Filmakademie Baden-Wurttemberg GmbH.

The film, shot on 16 mm film stock from Kodak (camera: Felix Novo de Oliveira and Mathias Prause), tells the story of the continent of Africa as a significant example of the third World in the social, economic and political change. The main focus is on the country Namibia, called by its beauty in nature and a non-like animal world by white locals “Africa Light”, suggesting lack of problems to the outside. The reality is however different. The gray area comes to the fore. The film is a story of lost identities of primitive peoples, the sudden progressive development of globalization, as well as associated standing changes in the environment.

The music was composed by Carsten Raabe and produced. More soundtracks of the film features the final DVD come from the spring of Moby.

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