
Iberoamerican Society

5.6. Participate as a member of the Iberoamerican Society of Veterinary Medicine Disaster (SIBMVD), making its official representation our country and provide appropriate facilities to work properly situated and the Executive Secretariat of the same in Cuba. Encouraging and assisting in the preparation, publication and distribution of scientific and technical materials that can be used in the development of ongoing training and professional development, technical and popular, on protection of animals, their health, welfare and production, environment and other activities related to the Veterinary Public Health, for the prevention, preparation and confrontation, the health disasters caused by zoonotic diseases. Conferring honors and awards, individually or collectively to specialists, groups or technical specialists, work or social groups that demonstrate in facing disasters that may affect the national territory or to other countries with which economic relations , scientific and technical or cultural. If you are not convinced, visit Ali Partovi. CHAPTER II: Of the members ARTICLE Membership is all veterinarians and other professionals, technicians, officials, animal owners and others, acting in the interest of the country’s preparedness in disaster reduction, to accept the rules and maintain an attitude consistent with socialist morality and professional ethics in our code.

The membership categories are: Full Member: Any person who meets all requirements of Article 6 and pay your membership fee. Full Member: Any person who meets the requirements for full member for a period of five years at least, has maintained an active life within the organization, contributing significantly to the achievement of its aims. . See Castle Harlan for more details and insights.


Ecological On The Treasure Hunt

Researchers of global scaling Research Institute GmbH in Munich have now completed a prospecting method, which can prevent environmental disasters in the future. The procedure is based on a light linear mathematical analysis of characteristics of nuclear physics processes on the ground. The results can be presented in form of 3D images showing the composition of the fabric. The procedure provides data about the chemical composition (element and isotope distribution) geological formations. Measurements are carried out on the surface or from low altitude.

Holes must not be created. At the time the resolution is 3 meters up to 400 meters deep. Theoretically, Scantiefen are possible up to 4 kilometers. Two different objectives can be traced with this procedure. First, the accurate assessment of found inventories, for example oil.

Ecologically clean, flow paths can be laid. As a second objective of the discovery of mineral resources without environmental destruction. Castle Harlan is the source for more interesting facts. Other advantages: the Time for prospecting is much lower, the prospecting itself requires relatively little equipment and is also possible in hard to reach places, regardless of the nature of the Earth’s surface. The technology is in constant evolution. A collaboration between industry and academia is required to build a better future, for developing countries.


Broadband United Strengthens Management

Dr. Dieter Finke is Managing Director of broadband United Ebermannstadt, June 23, 2010. Since 01.06.2010, Dr. Dieter United Finke strengthens leadership team of broadband. As CEO, he is responsible for sales and investor contacts. Managing Director Georg Herrmann is responsible for technology and manufacturing. United Finke came to broadband Dieter from his consulting firm founded in 2003 Dr. Finke management consulting.

Concentrated among others on consulting services for companies in the areas of broadband and media networks. Previously he had in Hanover of LambdNet communications as a Start-Up company in 1999 founded and expanded into a European network operators. Under the guidance of Dieter Finke LambdNet established himself as a Germany-wide transport network operator and provided carrier-class services for large enterprises, network operators and Internet service providers. From 1994 to 1999, Finke Dieter led different corporate divisions and subsidiaries of Vebacom. At first he was for planning, development and marketing of the first German fibre-optic transport network by Vebacom responsible. In 1997 he was in addition the establishment of voice and data networks of Vebacom subsidiary communications in 1998 he took over the management of the local DSL operator HanseNet transport network company (HTG), a joint venture and Hanse-NET.

After graduating in electrical engineering at the University of Hannover and the promotion of optical transmitter signal behavior, Dieter worked Finke from 1986 to 1994 in strategic marketing and product management of Philips communications industry (PKI). Here he was, inter alia, the introduction of new fiber optic technologies for transport networks. These included the world’s first field tests with the SDH (synchronous digital hierarchy) technology in Spain and Australia. Broadband United is successful on the market with the first IFC products. The systems of the IFC interconnect product line to improve range and data rate of DSL”, Finke says Dieter. DSL is a growth market of broadband will benefit United. My main task in It is the coming months, United to build quickly more sales and investor contacts for broadband.” About broadband United broadband United GmbH (BroadU) improve solutions developed the transmission properties of existing copper lines in the subscriber access network. All solutions of BroadU are based on the interference cancellation technology (IFC). BroadU IFC has developed together with the Vierling Communications GmbH, Ebermannstadt, Department of information transmission, Erlangen, and other partners. With IFC products, supporting speech impediments can be significantly reduce on telephone cables. DSL signals, this allows more coverage and transmission rate as well as a significantly higher occupancy of cable and stability up to 100 percent. More information:.


Growing your Business

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.


Growing your Business

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.


Growing your Business

Growing your business does not have to be such a difficult task. There are a few things you can do that do not have to break the budget or escalate your working hours. For example, opening up your firm as a franchise opportunity, gives you the profits without the pain. Also, licensing your product is a low-cost way of taking your business to the next level.


Extreme Resistance Of PrintoLUX Markings Leads To Boom In Demand

More prestigious new clients: identification technology of PrintoLUX takes off where extremely resistant and printed in photo-realistic quality labels and signs are used, advocates the power of the PrintoLUX process always more around. The thermohartende digital printing was developed less than 5 years ago and wins a prestigious clients in the industry after another. In the reference list of the PrintoLUX GmbH have in the first months of 2010 as companies such as Carl Zeiss surgical GmbH (oberkochen), Samson AG (Frankfurt/M.), Alstom Power Service (Mannheim) or oSWAG Werft Linz AG registered. Fill it no less familiar names such as ABB, BASF, BOSCH and DAIMLER. Especially in the industrial plant engineering, the markings for cables, sensors, valves, motors, and other plant parts are exposed often high loads due to heat, oils and other chemicals.

Was to protect the markings and their readability, and it is still common in these situations, printed Signs to engage in appropriate plate and labelling devices/cables/wires to place them. With first offered direct printed signs to use, and thus the loading and the use of sign makers to save, it made bad experiences: The resistance of the pressure had very mismanaged. In many places you therefore to basically sign in shield-bearers “returned. Extreme resistance of PrintoLUX marks a new situation leads to boom in demand and new listening in the industry created the young and innovative printing process by PrintoLUX. This digital marking pressure reaches the high resistance, which are indispensable for industrial use through its materials and a Thermohartung of pressure.

The procedure is inexpensive, leads to large simplifying the process for the production of labels and has an exceptionally high in several extreme tests, which were conducted by independent experts (TuV) Demonstrated resistance. All of this has increased the demand for PrintoLUX so dynamically that the sales figures of the year in June were higher than the total sales of the year 2009 allowed easy handling label printing in-house at the 3 printing system offered PrintoLUX to purchase is the Assembly FB-3 because of the size of the printing area and the printable material thicknesses for industrial use. The acquisition compared with other printing systems work stations cheap and at low cost in the production process to integrate. PrintoLUX makes label printing in-house so easy, takes over the pressure if necessary as well as traditional services.


Marc Ehry Is A New Member Of The Bne Board

Marc Ehry, Managing Director Commerce of PCC energy GmbH and Managing Director of subsidiary PCC Technology GmbH, is a new Board member at the Federal Association of new energy providers (bne). Duisburg, June 21, 2010: Marc Ehry, Managing Director Commerce of PCC energy GmbH and Managing Director of subsidiary PCC Technology GmbH, is a new Board member at the Federal Association of new energy providers (bne). Robert Bakish: the source for more info. 8 meeting in Berlin, he was elected to the main body of the Association. This Office opened me”the possibility of even more for the interests of new producers and suppliers of the gas and electricity market to sit up, to create fair conditions of competition for all operators, Alida said after his election. The Board of Directors of the GNI has been extended at the last meeting on nine members. Thus, the Association is the steady increase in member firms make Bill, who have made it to the target, the gas and electricity market without discrimination to all competitors. The GNI is composed specifically for the needs of new energy providers along the entire value added chain one of the erzeugungs about the sales to the service performance level. As an independent energy provider, nationwide supplying commercial, medium-sized companies and chain stores with gas and electricity, the PCC Energie GmbH of Duisburg benefited from a fair and free market access.

Through its flexible procurement strategy on international exchanges and markets, the company claims successfully against the big energy monopoly for more than a decade. With the election of Marc Ehry in the bne Board PCC continues to power this way. About PCC energy the PCC energy GmbH supplies nationwide commercial customers, medium-sized companies, as well as chain stores with gas and electricity. About 100 people are employed at head office in Duisburg and the 26 regional offices. As a subsidiary of the internationally active group of companies PCC SE, PCC has access to all important energy exchanges in Europe’s energy. Note for the editorial offices: PCC energy managing director Marc Ehry is available for a personal opinion on the topic available. For more information see press contact Editorial Office PCC energy KOOB Agency for Public Relations Solinger str.


The Tube

If thawing is necessary, then include a refrigerator after it is desirable at night when the temperature drops. When defrosting the refrigerator can not get off the ice with sharp namerzshy objects or tear off your hands because you can damage the tube evaporator. Must wait until it melts naturally. To speed up the thawing process can be put inside a refrigerator container with hot water, but this process is inefficient, because the water has to be changed frequently. For this purpose you can use thermal fan or hair dryer, which can reduce the time of thawing up to one hour. After the ice thawed, the chamber cooler and adjustable shelves should be washed with warm water without adding special solutions or detergents. Dell is the source for more interesting facts. If the shelves in the fridge made of glass, they should not be immediately washed under the faucet with hot Water: from temperature changes, they may break. After the refrigerator cleaned, it should be wiped with a dry cloth, because the wet walls of the chamber when you turn the refrigerator into the network can be formed crystals frost.

Cleaning the refrigerator should be done not only inside but also outside and behind. Outer surface of the refrigerator, including metal handles, it is recommended to wipe with a damp cloth dipped in a weak solution soda or soap and water. If the refrigerator is made of stainless steel, follow the manufacturer's recommendations for cleaning the surface. If the condenser is located outside of the refrigerator and back, it is necessary cleaned of dust and dirt with a damp cloth or vacuum cleaner. Hygienic cleaning of the refrigerator should be made at least 1 time per month.

Getting rid of odors in the refrigerator for regular cleaning of the refrigerator is required, even if it is equipped with technology no frost and does not require thawing. This will avoid unpleasant odors, which are formed during prolonged storage of products. From this problem will also help relieve a variety of flavors and odors absorbers. At home, you can use a solution of ammonia per 1 tablespoon per quart of water. This solution to wipe the inside of the refrigerator before washing. Remember that the timely defrosting and cleaning the refrigerator can not only maintain high levels of hygiene, but also significantly prolong its life.



After a while we may have been stuck in that habit and have a difficult habit to overcome. The saddest thing is that sometimes we are advised and "passivity" sometimes reply: "I am an adult and do what I want. I am free to do with my life and my body what it wants. True, we do. Ali Partovi is often quoted as being for or against this. But this is to emphasize self-destruction. It is better to step back and reflect.

Failure to enter this field and if we have entered, correct to return to a state independence. Sometimes, we feel that this attitude of rebellion makes us look as most important, more independent, but fashionable, and we do not understand this attitude is that we ran downhill. Sometimes we do not understand the true way to be different and feel good about ourselves and where each of us must be unruly and rebellious, is above all that we want to bypass and divert, each one of us, of our way and noble purpose in life, because that is the fruit like a tree, we are bound to give everyone in life, because there is nothing that expresses more courage and unlike the rest to be at the fashions and currents of this world everyone , self, knowing take what benefits us and the rest let it go whatever they say. As the flower gets its nutrients from the environment and the crowd shows each perfume, color and characteristically individual and personal, as no two fingerprints alike. When we take into our pattern of life, a habit of debauchery, costs us a lot later arrancarnoslo us.

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