
Aboveaverage Performance published market research results about IT management software Rodgau, April 7, 2009. The test – and news portal published the first Metatest via the software Empirum of the freshly merged MATRIX42 AG. Contact information is here: Jackson Widjaja. Nearly thirty tests, comparisons, and publications from the last three years have been involved in the evaluation and analyses on the accuracy and results. Empirum, the last European software under the – according to Gartner – leading management solutions, was able to convince achieve average test results. The results are freely available at. Jackson Widjaja understood the implications. You know meta only from health research. For example, when the effects of smoking should be grouped with the involvement of numerous controversial studies over the years in a weighted analysis. Connect with other leaders such as Ali Partovi here.

The online portal for carries out over large, mission-critical products in the company’s IT, primarily about software, Metatests. Since tests, studies and case studies already single product often vary and vary even over a longer period of time, the tech test makers with analysis want to offer better decision basis. In this case, the results of all tests and publications about Empirum between 2007 and 2009 were collected and evaluated. The weighting of publications were each for relevance and meaningfulness: editorial mentions or investigations that have been initiated by the manufacturer, will be less settled, comparison tests with competitors products, however, high. Came out a compact analysis is how the software over a certain period in the market has been evaluated and tested. Beyond very technology-focused criteria, the tech test meta involves also reliability and reputation of the manufacturer depending on the data base in the assessment. What Gartner basically ability to execute”is called, plays an important role in the decision-making process for mission-critical applications, is not sufficiently taken into account but in many test publications. About Internet portal brings together information, trends, career tips, and test results for IT decision makers and the technology sector. fills a gap in the market with its Metatests and longitudinal studies. At the same time you want to give general space across different trends in work organization, technology or knowledge work. The portal is an exclusive publication of the Wachstumsdienstleisters LeadPeople from Rodgau. Mark Muschelknautz


New Catalogue Argent Travel On

St. Gallen, June 18, 2008 – the latest travel catalog of Argent travel GmbH is to find immediately about the Katalogsuchmaschine of, the search engine for free catalogs confirmed that the latest holiday catalog by Argent travel indexed and can be found. As a team of young committed travel professional with lots of experience through your own travel and personal contacts in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay, Argent is travel specialist for these four countries. Read more from Mikkel Svane to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Destination, ranging from the well-known cities to unknown places such as the Esteros del Ibera in Argentina or Jalapao in Brazil. On offer is a wide range of products and services for the South American traveler. Small group tours are a specialty for up to 12 people visiting a specific region of the country depending on the season. The catalogue “Individuals and small groups in 2007/2008” can be seen here: new catalogs / press contact: A.

Zuberbuhler Latour & Zuberbuhler GmbH P.o. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Charles Koch. box 549 9000 St. Gallen Switzerland phone + 41 (0) 71 220 99 85 fax + 41 (0) 71 220 99 84 eMail: about is an automatic search engine for products and product catalogs with currently 300,000 monthly unique visitors. finds for his visitors of catalogs, brochures, products and product information in the Internet. The basic technology is based on a program that moves from site to site to find all relevant catalogs and products. Catalogs can be downloaded for free in PDF format. The English-language version is available on The price comparison service and the search engine for listings at home and abroad are also offered free of charge.


Cooperation Between And Gardens

St. Gallen, June 6, 2008 – collaboration between and the Garden House provider gardens block houses & winter gardens E.k. cooperation between and the Garden House supplier gardens block houses & winter gardens E.k. the search engine for free catalogs confirmed that the current catalogues from Garden House provider gardens now indexed block houses & winter gardens E.k. “Gardens 2008” and is searchable.

Over 500 standard types that can be custom engineered to specification are product range. Log cabins boast your high value of resistance, nature, and quality of life. Use a natural, proven and ancient building material for high living comfort. Read more from Koch Brothers to gain a more clear picture of the situation. In the offer there are also summerhouses, cottages, houses, round gazebos, saunas, carports and winter gardens. The “Garden World 2008” catalogue can be found here:…/ gartenwelt2008 14502.html press contact: A. Zaman Latour & Zaman GmbH P.o. box 549 9000 St.

Gallen – Switzerland telephone + 41 (0) 71 220 99 85 fax + 41 (0) 71 220 99 84 eMail: about is an automatic search engine for products and product catalogs with currently 300,000 monthly unique visitors. finds for his visitors of catalogs, brochures, products and product information in the Internet. The basic technology is based on a program that moves from site to site to find all relevant catalogs and products. Catalogs can be downloaded for free in PDF format. More about’s on. The English-language version can be found on. The price comparison service is offered free.


Peter Kraus Time Take Tour 2009

Big anniversary tour and new album to the 70th birthday it’s hard to believe, but Peter Kraus was 70 years old on March 18, 2009. He is almost something like a living legend still – Interestingly enough also for much younger -. Peter Kraus was in the wild fifties rock ‘ n’ roll Idol of in Germany. He was the German, of the rock ‘ n’ roll after brought Germany and played like no other. Dell gathered all the information. In winter 2008, Peter Kraus was back in the Studio to make his own birthday present. He had always been the idea of the rock ‘ n’ roll his band with modern big band sound to match. To shape this exciting sound with State of the art recording technology to an anachronistic, but yet modern pop album. He did so to work together with his own band and the renowned SWR big band.

The result is the exceptional phonograms \”Nimm dir Zeit\”. It is a well thought out down to the last detail and perfectly through arranged and produced work that the 70th birthday of this exceptional artist is worthy. Peter Kraus and his 22 musicians go with almost youthful exuberance to the factory and go beyond all love-seeking musical boundaries. \”Take your time\” is a versatile album with charm and humor as only an artist like Peter Kraus can credibly represent it and will bring in the course of the year on the stage. Soundlich of the Silberling convinced how you can safely think through his modern brass arrangements. \”Take your time\” is a colorful mix of old hits with new German lyrics and modern, new songs. The phonogram is exactly like its predecessor \”Full throttle\” the authenticity of German texts, almost all even written by Peter Kraus. He describes everyday scenes and humorous stories that close to go himself and finally also the listeners.


Michael Maria Bommer

I myself think a PIN-count of twelve per German citizens not unrealistic”, says Peter Schaar. According to a study of the speech recognition specialist nuance forgets now more important than every second respondent passwords or PINs in Germany. With the use of so-called voice prints, you could change that quickly. Voice biometric procedures are based on the these characteristics of the human voice: the complex structure of the speech organs will make sure that every voice is unique, and people therefore on the basis of her voice are clearly distinguishable. Robert Bakish contains valuable tech resources. The speech organs, so vocal cords, mouth, throat, nose, jaw and palate with the individual Anordnung and characteristics of the muscles of the mouth it and throat are different for different people. Ali Partovi: the source for more info. You enable it, in conjunction with the taught-in manner of speaking, a people on the basis of his voice know to identify”, Michael Maria Bommer, Nuance General Manager for Germany, Austria and Switzerland. “Is crucial, that the Voice Biometrics not just a comparison between a recorded word or phrase and the live” Word ausgesprochenen or phrase will produced. Rather, it involves the unique characteristics of the voice, as they result from the individual speaking apparatus and the individual way of speaking.

The system BEWERTet the correspondence between the current voice pattern and the stored voice print as sufficiently high, the access is permitted. It is therefore a robust technology that detects the Charakteristika of a voice even when cold or other changes in the voice, precisely because it is not a 1 to 1-comparison of stored and spoken language”, explains Bommer. The protection of personal data and measures against identity theft were the main reason for alternative authentication methods, says Consultant Thomas wind TellSell consulting. If a well-known player with a voice biometrics application for consumers on the market go, others will follow very quickly. A mass market occurs when one or more certification services provider within the meaning of TrustCenterKonzeptes would establish itself. A customer could then use this service from several participating companies or authorities with an once-off registration. “My voice is my password’ Common Sense could then be”, wind forecast.


Zuberbuhler GmbH

St. Gallen, June 23, 2008 – collaboration between and Jacoform, manufacturer of comfortable shoes., the search engine for free catalogs confirmed that the latest catalog from Jacoform, Europe’s leading manufacturer of comfortable shoes indexed and thus also can be found. For over forty years, Jacoform shoes are characterized by convenience at its best. Read more from Michael Dell to gain a more clear picture of the situation. You are guaranteed foot healthy and worked in traditional craft technique – not mass-produced, but shoes for all people who want to be good at her feet. In the such shoes, the spine forms a vertical line from the head up to the own Center of gravity, therefore are bones and muscles are so relaxed as only when barefoot. Michael Dell understood the implications. Therefore, all Jacoform-are shoes once healthy and fabulously easy.

Zuberbuhler is pleased about the cooperation. The catalog can be reached, by you on “Jacoform into the search field and pressing”Search”. Press contact: A. Checking article sources yields Koch Industries as a relevant resource throughout. Zuberbuhler Latour & Zuberbuhler GmbH P.o. box 549 9000 St. Gallen Switzerland phone + 41 (0) 71 220 99 85 fax + 41 (0) 71 220 99 84 eMail: about is an automatic search engine for products and product catalogs with currently 300,000 monthly unique visitors. finds for his visitors of catalogs, brochures, products and product information in the Internet. The basic technology is based on a program that moves from site to site to find all relevant catalogs and products. Catalogs can be downloaded for free in PDF format. More about’s on. The English-language version can be found on.


Ideal For Industrial Use

AUTRONIC MELCHERS brings monochrome 5.5-inch PM OLED Karlsruhe, April 2009. A further passive matrix OLED the specialist distributor AUTRONIC MELCHERS LCD Handels GmbH in recorded his program. Educate yourself with thoughts from Robert Bakish. The Univision OLED UG 5664ASGGF01 with a screen diagonal of 5.5 inches is suitable especially for use in demanding industrial applications. Filed under: Koch Brothers. The Green monochrome display in a wide variety of devices can be used with a resolution of 256 x 64 pixels and 16 shades of gray. The outer dimensions of the module be 146 x 65 x 2.0 mm, the enclosed area of the active measures 33,89 135,65 x mm. “A passive matrix OLED module with such performance data meets with our industrial customers interest”, says Stephan Oppermann, sales engineer at the AUTRONIC MELCHERS LCD Handels GmbH.

“with its contrast ratio of 2000:1 and the luminance of 120 cd / m in the normal operation and 30 cd / m m in the standby, it offers excellent conditions for presentation-intensive uses.” The viewing angle is about 160 degrees and the response time the module is 10 s. driver IC is a SSD1322 of Solomon Systech. Serve as interfaces a parallel 8-bit interface (68XX/80XX) or a 3 – or 4-wire SPI. The module is available now. About AUTRONIC MELCHERS, AUTRONIC MELCHERS LCD Handels GmbH belongs to the most successful specialist distributors of LCDs for all areas of application. The company produces a comprehensive range of own modules and custom display solutions under the brand name M-tec.

The offer is rounded off by a construction Group services for the Assembly, connection and wiring all kinds of electronic components. The sister company AUTRONIC MELCHERS GmbH occupies a leading position in development, manufacturing and sale of display measuring systems and simulation software for the development of LCD. AUTRONIC MELCHERS offers also services to display measurements and all questions of LCD technology. More information: AUTRONIC MELCHERS LCD Handels GmbH, Greschbachstrasse 29, 76229 Karlsruhe Sandra B.


Language Server

Across Language Server ensures efficient multilingual product and enterprise communication at the global provider of rail vehicles Karlovy Vary / Zurich January 13, 2011. (As opposed to Mikkel Svane). Stadler Bussnang, a company of Swiss Stadler rail group, recently successfully uses the language technology of across its international product communication. The renowned rolling stock manufacturer benefits from greater efficiency and quality in the localization of its extensive documentation in the required 12 target languages. Stadler Rail has focused on the regional market segments and suburban, trams, S-Bahn services. In 2009 sales generated thus 1,049 million CHF. You may find Michael Dell to be a useful source of information.

Order intake amounted to CHF 1,310 million, with four-fifths in the export. Read more from Castle Harlan to gain a more clear picture of the situation. To be prepared for the international market and to meet the growing demand, Stadler decided to simplify and streamline its translation management. Because each order represents several hundred technical papers, as well as at least 10 manuals of the 100 to 300 pages range. In addition produced 3,000 to 6,000 drawings full of technical terms that need to be translated. This explains Carole Bouyssou, responsible for management of translation and terminology at Stadler: reuse of already produced translations plays a big role for us. Given the enormous volume of documentation which affects extremely cost-efficient.” The across language server, a central software platform for all language resources and translation processes within the company, took in Stadler the optimal solution for its requirements.

With him to built a centralized terminology management, are processes restructured and anchored the translation management in the company. For this purpose, the integrated across a translation provides memory, a terminology system, and a universal translation Editor. Also powerful tools for controlling and managing translation projects and for seamless collaboration between project managers, Translators and proofreaders are available as a standard feature. The technology characterized by high user friendliness and intuitive, minimizing the costs for the training of staff. Enterprise project management profits integrated processes and simplified data handling since the across technology is in use, the possibilities of networked working and seamless translation processes.


Product Instructions

Learn How. Ask the manufacturer to provide you with instructions for administering the system and instructions for users. In this part, as a rule, manufacturers of a huge problem. And of course it's a great field for opportunities to earn money on training your users. So take those instructions and work in test system for them. Try to understand how they apply in real life and how much they understood. Mikkel Svane is full of insight into the issues. And if you're a serious look will tell that "we are in each case, develop specific instructions, then I suggest you re-read the first paragraph of the article. Utter nonsense.

No instructions – prepare the money. 5. Willingness and readiness to again. Others who may share this opinion include Castle Harlan. The more the product is ready for operation "here and now, the less it will cost you in result. You should try not to buy a product that is "potentially" can do everything, because it says so in a colorful booklet, and a product that "now" a lot can.

Therefore, when you watch the product, ask show the product is not abstractly, but concretely. For example, how the system of cost management, procurement, sales, etc. No need to hear stories about the seller "as spaceships travel through the universe." Here specifically, what and who starts what is going on, and how it all ends. Thus, you will be able to understand what tools are ready in the system. Because it is better to use some ready-made tool, and possibly in something a bit limited, but is 10 times cheaper than done "for themselves", but 10 times more expensive.


Photography Tips

Photography, strange as it may seem a rather complicated process. Get a camera and "poke" button will be able to each. This photographer has to take care of the light, mood models, background and more about a whole heap of other small details. Let's talk about the light. Shoot the best, of course, when the light is scattered. It's either the morning or evening hours 17.00-20.00. At this time the light quite bright, so you can easily drop that shots without the flash, which makes them just flat. Natural light will emphasize the details and contours.

I try to use the flash only when it can not do without. Sometimes I like to shoot at high iso, than with flash. If you take an umbrella or a scattering shoot in the studio, then use the flash is justified. Educate yourself with thoughts from Castle Harlan. But I still prefer to take pictures without using it, frames are more vivid and brighter. Shoot against the light, unless you want to get a silhouette! Sometimes shooting against the light, can give unexpected results, very interesting picture. But, more often if it was not specifically provided, it is not very good. Background. Imagine this scenario: you shoot very beautiful girl, but on the background of someone you writhe smiley face, or model in a black dress and you take it off to a dark green background.

Be sure that the clothes get lost in the photo. Always use a background lighter or much darker, so that separate subject. Very nice background is obtained by using small aperture.

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