Tells the story, which during the years of persecution Roman Christians, a Centurion sought and reached Santa? ngela and with his sword severed a MOM from Santa, who fell bloodied, San Pablo collects the gland and is the Re-implanta, before the astonished gaze of the soldier, who fled terrified and must be fleeing to date, is the antecedent more remote transplant, then in the Nei-Ching, or the Smith Papyrus, nor in the their path when issuing a similar fact.Also 300 years DC, medical twins San Damian and San Cosme, straining the leg of the guardian of a Parisian church, who was suffering from a Tumor and are replaced by the sound of an Ethiopian, who died a day earlier leg, this was known in the 13th century thanks to the story of Jacques de Voragine, so that these Saints pursued at the time by Diocletian, today are patrons of physicians and Cirujanos.En s. XIX, a teenager of 16 years Mary Shelley wrote the novel about the young Baron Victor Frankenstein, his assistant Fritz and his obsession to create life using galvanic current, it took 2 years to write it and just recounting reality living scientists of the time stealing or buying corpses, mostly of criminals hanged, to do their experiments, it was not a literary fiction of this young man, but the reflection of a reality, many doctors, chemists, physicists sought this utopia, which in the case of the Baron endsWhen the resurrected – which never had a name – rebels against his creator, destroys the laboratory, kills his girlfriend, friends, dies Victor and the monster Horrendo commits suicide. & n bsp; & nbs p; & n bsp; & nbs p; & n bsp; But only in 1963, when Dr. Starzl at Denver manages to resuscitate a child of 3 years, which lay dying by a cirrhosis of Laennec, TRASPLANTANDOLE liver from another child with Encephalic death, is the small patient survived 5 hours, the second patient survived 22 days, while in Leuven (Brussels) in the same year became the first kidney transplant with the healthy kidney from a young man with cerebral or brain death, initiating the era of the TRASPLANTOLOGICA CIRUGIA from a donor cadaveric, then extends to heart, marrow, Corneas, lungs, Pancreas, tissue, tendons, valves, skin, bones etc.Do and here comes the analogy, while the Baron sought to resurrect the dead with galvanic current, the transplants save lives from the? / organ Sano(Higado, Rinon, mayormente) of a human being dead (brainstem) implemented in replacement of a dying and agonizing, body with incredible and spectacular results that border in the limbo of the mystery for the anthropomorphic logic, by the succession of events that occur, with accuracy really only explainable and understandable in the light of that beauty so ancient and so recent as said St.
Category: News
Jewellery Channel
In the Group’s own factories for making jewelry, the Dusseldorf shopping love to precious metals and precious stones channel of the jewellery channel Germany GmbH connects traditional craftsmanship. Each piece of jewelry is so classically elegant jewelry or modern designer jewelry the result of traditional craft and jewellery. The resulting pieces of jewelry are then presented in tradeshows in the TV or on the Internet. There can jewelry lovers rings, chains, bracelets or earrings acquired in auctions. Every jewelry collection will be presented in his own show, so can you each piece of jewelry is presented in detail and described its origin. The jewelry channel offers dictionary on details about the properties and characteristics of the material to any used precious metal, such as gold, silver or Platinum in the online jewelry. The jewelry designer of the jewelry channel combine the precious metals with high-quality gems, which is dedicated to the online offering of the TV shopping channel on a private online gemstone dictionary. Detailed find Information about origin and quality of the processed gemstones, such as diamonds, sapphires, emeralds and co.
Every jewelry lovers can find as much detail about his future jewelry piece, so invite the tradeshows in the television and Internetsowohl for instant purchase but also extensively prepared purchase of jewelry. While the jewelry from the iliana offered exclusively through the jewellery channel among the most popular and most purchased jewellery of jewellery manufacturer’s collection. The combination of high jewellery and precious stones of highest purity is in an own firsts but also online on presented information page about the iliana. More information and tips to current jewelry trends as well as current offers can be found on Press contact: The jewellery channel Germany GmbH k RT 3 40221 Dusseldorf Tel: 0211 93 00 611 fax: 0211 93 00 667 email: Web: about the jewellery channel Germany GmbH: the Dusseldorf jewelry channel Germany GmbH is a Subsidiary of the publicly traded parent company vaibhav gems limited CF in India. Wholly owned factories in India, Thailand and China the jewellery channel in Germany and the jewelry channel in England and the United States make the jewelry exclusively for customers of their sales channels. The bidding at the auctions of jewelry is possible also via live stream on or by phone at the hotline 01805-750 850 for 14 cent / min.
Berlin Film Festival
Film Festival in Germany’s Metropolis have your hotel in Mitte Berlin for the February 2011 reserved? No? Then it is time as soon as possible, because in February, the event takes place the Festival. All movie eyes will be focused on Berlin once again, because the International Film Festival in Germany’s capital, Berlin Film Festival, achieve in her 61st year. February 10 – 20, a unique and comprehensive program awaits the participants once again. The Cannes Film Festival in Germany’s capital city are also the most famous event for the international film industry, the number of tickets sold and admissions, not only one of the biggest events for the city. Also in 2011, more than 19,000 film professionals from 128 countries are accepted.A very awaited Festival in the Berlinale is also in 2011 once again Berlinale Talent Campus be. Take part in which young talents from the film sector offers opportunity and can discuss with film professionals. Young talents to support, restore it so the new generation of our film industry.
The awards for the most compelling films is carried out through the award of the Golden and silver bears. The participating films will be awarded through a global Jurore. There are about 400 movies per genre to choose. Allenutzlichen information material regarding the found of the Berlinale, to the side The history of the Berlinale, the program for the coming year, the various divisions, offers, the examine for movie lovers who want to participate at the Berlin Film Festival with her film and lots of other interesting info can be seen there. The program of the next Berlinale will be published a week before the event probability and the advance ticket sales usually starts three days prior to the beginning of the Festival. The Berlinale is the largest film festival in the world and a total must for all film buffs! Let miss out this event therefore definitely not and book a hotel at the right time in Berlin Mitte. Make sure that you have good connection options mid from your hotel in Berlin. Luca Magri
South Of Nan Quan Boxing
According to the historical records of Wu-Shu, in the Song dynasty had normal empty hand forms, but already in the Ming dynasty, shadow boxing branched into two schools: the external and the internal, the first emphasizes the attack and the other defense. Over time and after establishing a geographical classification with the Chang Jiang (Yangtze) River as a dividing line is defined with the names of the school from the North and South. This style is very marked traits and individuals, being casual than the practitioner of a cry to accentuate the force. Nan Quan (boxing in the shadow of the South) as it is also called, is very popular in all areas of the South overlooking the Yangtze River, especially in the provinces of Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Sichuan, Jiangxi, etc. However, its great development in these areas is varied and each one has its own schools and styles. For example, Fujian province has of: Hung s, Liu s Wuzu, etc. The provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi, as Hung, Liu, Chai, Li, Hakka, Fo, etc.
Zechian has different schools with different and varied styles among them. But the difference between these schools isn’t big, either in movements, displacement or way to move, because in reality, all have common features. As we have already seen, this boxing has many different styles and each zone its own. Generally we say that there are two fundamental schools where you can group styles of the South, having as features in common the following: in one, gets chest lengthening the back, lowering the shoulders and dropping them. Put the pelvis slightly Crouching (since contracting the abdomen to retain strength is needed in all practice of Nan Quan). Leave fallen elbows and bent arms, when a fist is released move one foot forward with half bent body, foot movements are fast, strong and coordinated with the body. In the other: you take out the chest, dropped waist, gets the abdomen and hips while we descend all the way into the position. When It is practiced in this style is needed to keep the body upright, stable feet and clear movements.
Before running the force or (Chi) dropped waist and slightly flexes the trunk, at the same time when it turns a foot and twisting waist runs the force. This occurs through the back and arm the face of the fist, with the help of waist and legs we transmitted to launch fist with a violent force. Work of the feet is firm and stable, and the body stays vertical. Regularly all the systems of the South was designed to maintain a trend in the type of people who were mostly Petite therefore this style of Kung Fu worked much on the small circles and confrontation in short because of its very particular region, unlike the diverse styles of the North higher than people were therefore boxing was identified as long and South as short boxing practitioners no doubt each region drove it according to its adaptability in martial arts. Original author and source of the Article
Knights Templar
After reviewing the events, there is every evidence to believe that Bernard of Clairvaux share knowledge of the enigmatic Knights Templar, as has been clearly established its link with the Knights Templar, which would not be confined to its promoter. A common point between the Order of the Temple and St. Bernard of Clairvaux, of great importance to better understand the link between the two parties would be the construction of many temples, cathedrals and abbeys, all dedicated to "Our Lady", a somewhat ambiguous invocation, according to several authors, in fact be referring to Mary Magdalene. But what we can find evidence of this? Despite the apparent devotion to the Virgin Mary, which arose in the various cathedrals Templar, the truth is that almost all of them, always appeared the figure of Mary Magdalene in a conspicuous place showing at all times a special effort to highlight the importance of home Mary Magdalene, as did Bernard of Clairvaux himself in his speeches to the Cistercian monks, the Knights Templar or the "Sons of Solomon," a brotherhood of masons responsible for the construction of Gothic cathedrals, which demanded the greatest respect for the House of Bethany, the home of Martha and Mary. Another significant finding, we would find when Bernard of Clairvaux makes the call on the Second Crusade, from the church of St. Mary Magdalene in Vezelay, in terms that could give the impression that it was symbolically reclaiming the land that would otherwise time, would have corresponded to the sacred lineage of Mary Magdalene, adding to that, the fact that the remains of the saint, were allegedly kept in the temple, it would not be until 1279 that , Carlos II of Anjou, "discovered" the remains of Mary Magdalene in the crypt of Saint Maximin.
There are many forms of meditation. Meditation can occur with images, with prayer or chant. These are techniques valid to raise awareness on a higher plane of existence. Meditation quiets the mind, allowing the freedom of perceiving other levels of reality. Some types of meditation, do not have any purpose beyond this, and a great purpose, is still calming the mind. This is very therapeutic and there are several techniques to achieve this goal. Other forms of meditation have other uses. The prayer has been designed to achieve communion with divinity.
The display extends the capabilities of the mind to achieve external manifestations of what is being displayed. Meditations with Mantra help us implement that Word or term and that can cause us a contemplative State. Repeating statements also is a form of meditation with mantras. It is important to note that each form of meditation has a metaphysical purpose and use. Quieting the mind is essential in the the work of metaphysics and is often the first step. The central idea is to focus our mind avoiding vague trend of our thoughts.
To be able to avenzar in our metaphysical experience have first to quiet our mind, let it free of distraction and, potentially, negative thoughts. Achieving a State of meditation or contemplation of the mind, helps us to this. The display in the meditation is a necessary element in the metaphysical treatment. In order to manifest your desires, a mental image ideal of what you want to achieve, must be present in your mind. Obviously, if you are distracted or your thoughts are jumping from one place to another, it will be difficult to keep this image. This technique is often used for professional, personal and even health progress. The guided meditations make enough use of these exercises. Prayer is synonym of metaphysical, despite applied’s distinctive shape treatment. Communion with a higher power offers metaphysics juice to achieve an external manifestation of our objectives. Communion with this higher power should have enough privacy so that you can experience a sense of unity with him. From there keep in mind an image of your goal or desire. When the process is complete, is delivered to the higher power to run. Worth clarifying that this connection with God does not require that you follow a particular religion, if it is so, follow but just thank and appreciate the things in your life you may bring this to infinity. The elevation of the spirit is an essential aspect of the metaphysical meditation. You can be a metaphysical treatment for your growth of the soul, or to heal the wounded soul of another. The most effective treatments are those that focus on the realization of your own desires on the basis that if you’re happy, everyone involved in your life also benefit. Daily meditation is recommended for anyone who wants to recorrrer a spiritual path. Its benefits are many, providing a feeling of peace and harmony in your life. If you want to learn more about Meditation, visit our website where you will find everything or that you need to know about meditation and the Silva method.
Fine Voices Come Big Out
BMS audio presents headsets for schools and theatre companies use professionals long: the presenter in the talk show as well as the comedian on stage and the speakers on the podium. BMS audio head set microphones everywhere in use, where a speaker wants to act freely and reach a larger number of listeners at the same time. Thanks to favorable prices, increasingly also amateur dramatics groups and school theater with professional headsets work. Theatre makes school theatre play offers a completely different access to literary materials and major themes and is an integral part of school life. For all commitment and training lay players often do not have a supporting vote. The appropriate microphone technology small mimes find clear and understandable the room how great actors of the first series, hearing their voices fill.
BMS audio has a whole series of suitable headsets in the program, providing their full freedom of movement actors and artists. And also the facilitator remains mobile with headset microphone. He can do this What’s happening on the stage of the Auditorium from track and pass on from stage directions from there. You can see portable technology for supporting roles only if you pay careful attention, the small microphone next to the mouth of the cabaret artist or presenter on television. The filigree headset microphone is very unobtrusive for the viewers. For the speaker, it is comfortable to wear, adjustable neckband adapt each character’s head, even if the role requires Horn-rimmed glasses, hat or beehive. The BMS audio headsets meet all professional requirements and are suitable for connecting to a Bodypack Transmitter of from different manufacturers. Trial and error goes beyond studying not only the high-quality technology, the prices are interesting for schools and amateur theaters. With TOM-audio, BMS audio has established a brand that makes affordable top technology for a wide audience. Interested Director can initially without obligation request the headsets and test free of charge at the next sample for the performance.
Email Letter Papers
Which email program do you use Outlook or Thunderbird? The world’s most used programs are definitely to the write of electronic messages. Official site: אילן בן דב. Each program has its advantages, only one is missing two very important component that create stationery. What are like stationery there is also the possibility of not only black white to write messages and send the analog world. Usually the letter documents as HTML files be created, unfortunately not everyone immediately dominated the language of HTML. In order to send your own pictures or pictures in emails in a matching design, you can use the free WinOrganizer IncrediMail.
With this full-fledged E-mail program, you can create even animations in your messages. But that’s not everything has to offer this program. If you are an Outlook user, you have to import the possibility of import filters your messages and contacts in IncrediMail. Ilan Ben Dov brings even more insight to the discussion. The free program is financed which advertising once the program itself and on the other in the foot of every sent Messages can be seen. But this advertising you can get rid of a few minutes. You need to buy only the premium version of IncrediMail.
You can for example in the Gmail Help shop, you will receive an email with a registration code immediately (with credit card payment or bank transfer). IncrediMail to the full version is unlocked by using this code. All data are taken from the free version. IncrediMail premium will then expand to other program functions like for example the voice message recorder. With this plugin, you can on a PC connected Mirko Phon, releases record and then send via email.
Email Letter Papers
Which email program do you use Outlook or Thunderbird? The world’s most used programs are definitely to the write of electronic messages. Official site: אילן בן דב. Each program has its advantages, only one is missing two very important component that create stationery. What are like stationery there is also the possibility of not only black white to write messages and send the analog world. Usually the letter documents as HTML files be created, unfortunately not everyone immediately dominated the language of HTML. In order to send your own pictures or pictures in emails in a matching design, you can use the free WinOrganizer IncrediMail.
With this full-fledged E-mail program, you can create even animations in your messages. But that’s not everything has to offer this program. If you are an Outlook user, you have to import the possibility of import filters your messages and contacts in IncrediMail. Ilan Ben Dov brings even more insight to the discussion. The free program is financed which advertising once the program itself and on the other in the foot of every sent Messages can be seen. But this advertising you can get rid of a few minutes. You need to buy only the premium version of IncrediMail.
You can for example in the Gmail Help shop, you will receive an email with a registration code immediately (with credit card payment or bank transfer). IncrediMail to the full version is unlocked by using this code. All data are taken from the free version. IncrediMail premium will then expand to other program functions like for example the voice message recorder. With this plugin, you can on a PC connected Mirko Phon, releases record and then send via email.
Women Use Other Mobile Phones
(NBADIPM02062008) – women prefer to other mobile devices than men Dirmingen, June 10, 2008 (NBADIPM02062008) – women prefer other mobile devices than men. With this realization the mobile online shop has built up specially a product category for his female clients. There special ladies phones are offered and described, are tailored to the individual needs of the customers. For even more details, read what Ali Partovi says on the issue. The different weighting of features of a mobile phone in both men and women is obvious”, says Peer Werner, Managing Director of the mobile one Handelsgesellschaft mbH and operator of the Internet portal In this respect we offer in an own rubric of LadyPhones.” Our customers favored more folding mobile phones and slider, less the so-called Candybar models (bar mobile phones), said Werner. For ladies phones are optical considerations in addition to the practical: to fast and easy operability, the phone must have a certain size, to large units seem but little elegant. People such as Samsung would likely agree. Of course playing too “the color scheme a role”, Peer Werner explained.
Subtle colors look sporty and elegant at the same time. You may find that Jackson Wijaya can contribute to your knowledge. Altavista has much to offer in this field. Cliche colors are popular with the younger generation such as pink, however, rather.” Also in relation to the technology, women have special expectations on a mobile phone. So here special emphasis technique on the Bluetooth, which allows among other things simple, wireless exchange of ring tones and newly created photos. While cameras in mobile phones today standard are and such out be regarded, as are functions such as mail clients and Feedreader popularity. Also an individualization of the own mobile phones seems to be increasingly important, as by your own background pictures or replacing the default ring tones through your own music. Since the MP3 Player cannot be missed of course and should be included in the standard package for women cell phones.
To comfortably manage the wealth of data, music and images, also value is placed on a flexible and expandable storage. We see a significant market for our customers and try to us with our range of best she set”, so Peer Werner. For more information, see phones/top groups/LadyPhones the mobile one Handelsgesellschaft mbH offers via their portal on a comprehensive range of mobile phones, mobile phone contracts, and multimedia devices. As one of the leading mobile phone online shops in Germany, in addition to a wide range of comparison also includes the possibility of one with respect to equipment, provides telecommunications networks and tariffs available. The company facilitates the choice of individually the best mobile phones, with or without contract. Also for the now popular form of mobile bundles the company has a comprehensive and up-to-date selection on cell phone allowances. With over 500 dealers nationwide has a large comprehensive network. With the direct link to the market and many years of experience in the mobile product area the company can make best offers its customers and directly to current To respond to trends. For more information, please contact: Peer Werner mobile one Handelsgesellschaft of mbH Lebacher Strasse 61 D-66571 Dirmingen Tel.: 0180 53 44 66 33 * fax.: 0180 53 44 66 39 * EMail: Internet: online PR Agency: NetBooster GmbH Berner Street 64 60437 Frankfurt contact: Gilles Bourdin Tel: 069 / 71 91 49-70 E-mail: Internet: