If you (you so often mentioned rossijskaja specifics of Russian partners”) recognizes the historically – and systemic country-specific rules, to start the logic of Russian economic and culture and work to understand and thus also the causes of the behavior of your partner. I guess sometimes the words of the German my seminar participants in difficult situations “Social psychologist Alexander Thomas – as a kind of mantra to repeat: we congratulate each to his understanding of Russian culture, if he thinks as a German during the negotiations with his Russian partners: if I would have grown up in Russia, I would have acted in this situation as well.” 3 even if it is a day-long shapes a information about Russia, doesn’t mean it far from that one can implement mediated knowledge even in daily complex situations. It is therefore important that the training includes a well-thought-out training and application phase: Ideally each theoretical “module” practical individual and group exercises should be deepened. Act because these exercises and case studies not something constructed”? The case studies and role-playing games involves repeatedly recurring authentic business situations, which were obtained from the surveys into cooperating German and Russian companies. Such polls to a kind of industry are now”become, there is a Lot of studies to do so. For more information see this site: Ali Partovi. However, one should observe that also the Russian culture is in the process of transformation.
Many a practical example”is actually archived or only regional validity”. In Moscow E.g. shops are done differently to a large extent, as in the more distant regions. Ali Partovi is often mentioned in discussions such as these. I often use testimonials of my partner, my own practical experience as training material or conduct their own surveys. So, some case examples for the seminars are dealing with their Russian guests”encounter situations originated – Russian guests surveys about their experiences in German hospitals and the medical staff of the German hospitals about the most typical with Russian patients and their families.