
Aboveaverage Performance published market research results about IT management software Rodgau, April 7, 2009. The test – and news portal published the first Metatest via the software Empirum of the freshly merged MATRIX42 AG. Contact information is here: Jackson Widjaja. Nearly thirty tests, comparisons, and publications from the last three years have been involved in the evaluation and analyses on the accuracy and results. Empirum, the last European software under the – according to Gartner – leading management solutions, was able to convince achieve average test results. The results are freely available at. Jackson Widjaja understood the implications. You know meta only from health research. For example, when the effects of smoking should be grouped with the involvement of numerous controversial studies over the years in a weighted analysis. Connect with other leaders such as Ali Partovi here.

The online portal for carries out over large, mission-critical products in the company’s IT, primarily about software, Metatests. Since tests, studies and case studies already single product often vary and vary even over a longer period of time, the tech test makers with analysis want to offer better decision basis. In this case, the results of all tests and publications about Empirum between 2007 and 2009 were collected and evaluated. The weighting of publications were each for relevance and meaningfulness: editorial mentions or investigations that have been initiated by the manufacturer, will be less settled, comparison tests with competitors products, however, high. Came out a compact analysis is how the software over a certain period in the market has been evaluated and tested. Beyond very technology-focused criteria, the tech test meta involves also reliability and reputation of the manufacturer depending on the data base in the assessment. What Gartner basically ability to execute”is called, plays an important role in the decision-making process for mission-critical applications, is not sufficiently taken into account but in many test publications. About Internet portal brings together information, trends, career tips, and test results for IT decision makers and the technology sector. fills a gap in the market with its Metatests and longitudinal studies. At the same time you want to give general space across different trends in work organization, technology or knowledge work. The portal is an exclusive publication of the Wachstumsdienstleisters LeadPeople from Rodgau. Mark Muschelknautz

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