A large meeting of mind and intelligence expertise is what takes the present and humanity I believe does not need arguments on and enter into discussions of the man, because each Press Club and political talk fan knows the brainwashing similar, capitalist, neoliberal, extreme statements already. Please, please, ARD, if the Press Club without Mr Krumrey does not come out, then please drop him off. But not make them happen that they give Mr Krumrey also still a 5minutiges statement, at the expense of audience demand, to the end of the programme it please as of this Sunday. I think it’s common. It is plain and simply unbearable what is so on Sundays, in the forenoon, at the Press Club in the ARD and Phoenix, partly happening.
Sunday August 1, 2010, 12: 00. Mr Volker Herres invited to the discussion. The topic: “the recovery really comes?” Have been invited from Ulrike Herrman (taz), Birgit Marschall (Rheinische post), Rudolf Hickel (Professor and journalist) and now comes the unbearable – Henning Krumrey (Wirtschaftswoche), permanent guest at the Press Club. What for God’s sake makes us, the politically interested public and GEZ payers, permanently at our expense, the ARD for years because otherwise you cannot describe it, to offer this Mr Krumrey. This man is really not a prime example of a Democrat, but a red cloth for any true democrat. The transparent, extremely capitalist, neo-liberal thought of Mr Krumrey should be known every German journalists and also the editor of the Press Club.
What this can economically, except arrogance and ignorance of the realities in our Republic and neo-liberal chatter convey political intelligence us, the viewers, and that even in a manner, which happened, in part, as this Sunday is already offensive to the vast majority of people in the country. Of course you can turn off his device to expose yourself unnecessarily to a possible deep depression with dangerous side effects. But, you want to indeed hear what woman Marshal. Mrs. Herrmann, Mr. Hickel and brings the audience contributions come also relevant arguments, we take note with interest. But, Mr Krumrey, because one is powerless and must it endure forced mass about themselves. If you read the business week one can overlook it simply, but the TV is helplessly exposed him. It should be possible, if the ARD or Mr Herres depend on the remarks of Mr Krumrey to set an exclusive Krumrey Hamilton after midnight or even better on a separate channel, which is not funded by the GEZ. Numerous, stony sponsors will support the lobbyists 1000 percent. I think you must not deal with versions and discussions of the man, because each Press Club and political talk fan knows the brainwashing similar, capitalist, neoliberal, extreme statements already. Please, please, ARD, if the Press Club without Mr Krumrey does not come out, then please drop him off. But they don’t do it please how to This Sunday to happen that they give even a 5minutiges statement, at the expense of audience demand, Mr Krumrey to the end of the programme. I think it’s common. There should be no platform for extreme left and extreme right neo-Liberals in the free German television. A large meeting of mind and intelligence expertise is what takes the present and humanity. (download at:) Wolfgang Bergmann