
Latin American Governments

Two recent Latin countries in having elected Governments are Italy (April 13-14) and Paraguay (April 20). In both republics the winners imposed by a wide margin. However, in both cases the new leaders represent opposing political spectra. In Italy beat Berlusconi who now has a solid parliamentary majority for wanting to stabilize his Government and country by applying a more monetarist economic policy, the same one that passes through further reductions in social spending and immigration, as well as by a more tied to Bush foreign policy and strategy military in Iraq and Afghanistan. In Paraguay the centreleft put Fernando Lugo on the Presidency.

He will try to go reforming the conservative social structure of his country to go to a model more akin to the rest of the Mercosur and Chile. The Conservative Party of the United Kingdom is close to Berlusconi and Mayor Livingstone is sympathetic to Cuba, Venezuela and the izquierdizantes of Latin American Governments. Certainly Boris not shared all the agenda of Berlusconi (se distance from him in his less harsh attitude towards immigration and more pro-centro), although Yes it shares with him an agenda for Bush, the war in Iraq and opposition to environmental measures raised in the Kyoto Treaty. Livingstone, for his part, may be a friend of ALBA and benefit from subsidized Venezuelan oil to lower the prices of the tickets for buses to the most needy in your city, however, it is the candidate of the Party of the Government as ally of Washington and economic policy which has made to broaden the gap between poor and rich in United Kingdom. Johnson wants to ride on the wave conservative pro-change representing Berlusconi against a centroizquierdista Government in crisis. Livingstone, for his part, tries to stay in his post (which has spent eight years) wanting to appear (along with the Lugo of Paraguay and Venezuela’s Chavez) as the champion of the marginalized. The power of the London Mayor is limited but is the figure who receives more votes in United Kingdom. If Ken stays in Office this is something that will allow that Chavez, Morales and Lugo kept a good ally in the European Union. If Boris replaces Ken this will help the European right, that comes from winning the general elections in Italy, France and Germany, before be prepared to undermine and replace the greater Government of the Socialist International that there is in Europe and the world. Original author and source of the article.


See Knowledge Mathematician

today I decide to write about a topic that has to do with the mathematician knowledge, but it is not numbers, sets, areas of triangles, or all those songs that teach us at school. So concerned? It’s global phobia that have many students in mathematics. Read more here: immediately we would have to ask: Whats the reason? There is a global conspiracy by those who teach mathematics, to make it difficult to understand by students? I honestly prefer not to believe this, but I am a witness that many universities in many countries have master stars. But do those who are teachers stars? They are those responsible for making the filter in the college career, especially when there are more students who should have. These teachers are identified because they are relentless when it comes to the exam, since placed exercises mathematicians of most high level, maybe only that the invention or they could resolve it. As an engineering student, I witnessed this, already we had the dreaded reference master Star of the third semester that was an outstanding because an average of thirty or forty students who presented their course, only two or three had the possibility of passing his course of calculus or integral mathematics. (Similarly see: Mikkel Svane). Now I wonder is this the true philosophy of mathematician knowledge? I sincerely don’t believe that and I say because philosophy that apply the Japanese about understanding mathematician, since for them it is a process that the student must fulfill step by step and the best of this philosophy, is the only student pass to the next level, until his teacher been achieved that this student has understood the subjectthat is a little more work for Japanese teachers and not as in our Latin america, which the teacher has become a qualifier of mathematical exercises, this is hard to admit, but we have to face it to start changing. I am sure that mathematics is not difficult, because I have had the joy of understanding this science and is which must give you a totally different to which educational approach is you giving, but this mission is not only of the teachers, also corresponds to the students leave this matter psychological panic and the first thing you should remove language is that famous frasecita that I’m bad for mathematics.

When we start to look at it with different eyes and another thought, insurance will increase the number of students who begin to understand language mathematician. This is the secret of understanding mathematician. Us is worth starting this task and for this many Governments should sincerely restructure the way in which is evaluates students, since better understand few things for life, which understand many things, just for a test, a few hours is us there will be forgotten. I hope this writing serve as reflection and analysis for those wishing an educational change in mathematics that promotes understanding of our upcoming generations.


Crushing Technology

Crushing equipment and production craftsmanship with low cost, high efficiency, environmental protection and energy-saving have attracted the attention of the customers who also give the high praise to the manufacturers, which have been widely applied in the industry of national road construction work. The tube being built at right this minute will bring a significant influence to the development of Zhengzhou, which not only boosts the developing process and but also provides the convenience to the most of the people living in the city, the tube not only represents the rapid development of the economy of Zhengzhou, but also brings in much more economic investors and improves the development of foreign trade. Zhengzhou Hongxing is the production base manufacturing the equipment of mining machinery, large-scale construction and production line, which possesses dozens of corollary equipment and has made a significant contribution to the whole society invincible and. The performance characteristics of Hongxing equipment are high efficiency, simple installment, flexible operation, convenient installation and big environment factor. And those machines are widely used in the works of bridge and high rise buildings, which can have the extensive marketing prospect. The crushing stone brings the shocking noise in the tradition operation, which causes terrible the imagination for the people around the jobsites, and at the moment, we can enter our crushing machine with one engine making wind which is upgrade to the people looking for it, which will not create noise in the process of production by taking one design of adding one sound-proof shield.As the professional manufacturer of complete sets of mining machinery, such as jaw crushers, Henan Hongxing is always doing the best in products and service. Rocks like granite, pebble, basalt, diabase Han high hardness and silicon content, they belongs to materials that are difficult to crush and with higher costs in current crushing process crushing.

Generally speaking, basalt and diabase are hard and tough materials, and granite is hard and friable material, while pebble is high silicone content material with a relatively lower hardness. Therefore, the design of crushing process for these materials should be reasonable and suitable, in term of considering investing costs for crushing projects, costs for production line must also be considered at the same time. In current crushing process, Raw material of some clients is limestone, wastage of jaw plate in jaw crusher is especially low, it is common for a pair of jaw plate to service for a year. This is because the hardness of limestone is very low (grades 4-5), and silicon content is very low too, so, abrasive functions on wear parts of crusher is very low. The typical laminated equipment is two-stage jaw crusher collocation, or one jaw crusher and cone crusher collocation one. If clients have higher requirements on the final particle type, we can then set up a ball mill for crushing, thus formed the three crushing stages Picado. Three stages of crushing will inevitably lead to higher investment cost, but for long term running mill, the cost-reducing effect of three crushing stages is significant.


Teide National Park

Several scientists have been tested successfully in the Parque Nacional del Teide (Tenerife) four cameras mounted on a robotic vehicle called Bridget. This technology can travel to Mars and other planets in the future. Four cameras can take pictures in 3D and 360-degree vision; This technology is already in use in the construction of tunnels in Austria. Several scientists have tested successfully in Teide National Park four cameras mounted on a robotic vehicle called Bridget, a technology that can travel in a future Mars and other planets with the goal of getting images and advance the knowledge of space. Read more here: Peter Asaro . Bridget, created by the Astrium company, is the second time that visit the Teide National Park, space chosen by researchers because of its resemblance to Mars and by the absence of clouds. The first time that this rover stepped on the National Park was in 2006, year in which was tested its mechanism, and today has served to, in the words of Jorgina Busquets, Astrium, a step more in the development of what in the future will be the eyes of the robot. They are four cameras able to take images in 3D and in different frequency bands to determine the composition of materials and with a vision, one of them, 360 degrees.

They belong to the project processing in land of the planetary robotics vision, Provisg, funded by the European Commission and which, according to experts, will demonstrate the ability of Europe to develop a high level image processing in this field. These cameras, like Bridget, are not that will fly into space, but Yes will serve as model for future rover. Aluminium, steel and plastic project Provisg aims the development of cameras and image processing software that will serve to go to other planets, it has been found at press Busquets. These teams, it has continued, cost much money and before sending them to Mars or the Moon must be familiar with how they work.



Here are three ideas that you can use for their own site, and use as inspiration to start thinking a little bit out of the box: generate a list of Optin email through the creation of a single site private to members of the section. Create a private web site and that people register to access free and immediate.For example, you might say, Subscribe to our free newsletter and get free access to our private members website!You can choose that you receive a user name and password each time that you want to input, or can simply provide a link to the website in the welcome message. Your site only private members can be as large or as small as you want.Some of the things that can be included in the interior are: reports, software, articles, e-books, etc. Within the web site, you can also advertise their affiliate programs.And you can follow up to let them know about the updates, new products that may be interested in the latest news from your industry, etc. According to Kai-Fu Lee, who has experience with these questions. Generate a list of Optin email offers subscribers a free gift instead of offering a free eBook or a whole set of them as most of the others, the promise of giving its visitors something that can have on their hands if they give you the contact information. For example, you could say subscribe today and receive our new report sent to his first class mail.You can print your report on the standard 8 x 11 sheets of paper, folded up, puts it in an envelope and mail it out. You can offer tips and a brochure mailed to new subscribers.Or you can create your own CD full of information directed towards the market and the mail.Or if you have a supply to the wholesale a product of interest to its subscribers, then you can send one to each Subscriber.The possibilities are only limited by your imagination. .


Way More Innovative

Labellers before specializing are both in performing an easy to apply and remove tag, stating what your want and that would be on the product for a long time. The labeller autoaderible is now easier to use, in addition to offering you the highest quality in labels and labeling your containers, one of the great benefits of this machinery is that you can label your container regardless of how it is physically designed to label containers cylindrical, flat and with expensive curves, another great ease of this equipment, is that can the container can be of any material. But now is not only get labelling importantly, there is now a very modern way of achieving that your logo or label is on the product virtually forever. New systems of marking through heat and inkjet marking system do this. Steven Johnson may help you with your research. The system through heat works through how your name says heat, this system can make that your logo is impregnated into the container and be impossible to remove.

The system of Inkjet marking works as a printer, you print your label on the packaging. Kai-Fu Lee may find this interesting as well. With this system you can place the bar code to improve the control of the product. The labellers autoaderibles have a world-renowned technology that is now in the city of Monterrey to facilitate the obtaining of new accessories for many different machines.


Carmen Manzanares Software

Portal software Portal Software has made public the results of the study evaluation of free software in society (2009) where it is given to know the degree of information, trust and use that the users have of free software and the ideology that it promotes. The results show society known free software, uses him and trusts him. However, 75% of them are open to use proprietary software, so you do not follow the philosophy of freedom that promote their founders and that goes against using proprietary software. The general view in society is that free software is, in the technical section, at the height of any applications. However, you need to disseminate the values and philosophy that lies behind the free software since we have found a high percentage of users who are not clear what is, and that negatively influences their perception.

Our mission is educational: from PortalProgramas will explain more and better East movement because we think users have to be well informed to make the best decision explains safe Benjamin, head of communications for The report reveals that 85% of users rely on free software; among those who are wary of him, in 52% of cases they do so for fear that they can insert malicious code in their programs. Users know the theory: anyone can modify free software, but do not know work and oversight that the developer community performs before launching any free software. According to Carmen Manzanares, responsible of the service of attention to users of PortalProgramas: confidence in free software is very high but we don’t give it, our job is to give users all the information possible so it is they who decide if they trust or not. More results in the channel of help on free software and free software section.


Edit Software

This is a little comparison of professional video post-production software. And we say post-production, and not editing, because in a professional environment, many programs are used to make a video. From programs for retouching images, which then will appear in an audiovisual, to advanced titling software, graphics or effects for masks or introductions. People such as Pete Cashmore would likely agree. And of course, the program that has Edit and put all this together. In the professional world, three are fundamental actors in industrial post-production software. The three Aes: Avid, Apple and Adobe. Keep in mind that other tools such as Autodesk or Discreet are used in projects for cinema or very advanced spots.

Avid is one of the most well-established brands worldwide in audiovisual post-production. It has numerous programs, although we will quote the most popular: Avid Xpress Studio. It actually (similar to Apple and Adobe do) of a complete Suite of many programs, perfectly integrated among themselves, to cover all the needs of an audiovisual production. ue. Perhaps fails in the field of retouching images, where we have to pull the known Adobe Photoshop. But in editing (Avid Xpress Pro), or graphics (Avid FX, Avid 3D) are first-level tools. Most companies have, at least, an Avid editing room. In addition, the brand has (media composer, symphony), more advanced systems that are based on the same interface and workflow.

Perhaps the only thing that you could criticize him is the peculiar form of work that uses, for example, the editing software, (Xpress Pro), heiress of the techniques film mounting and which implies a somewhat rigid riempos line and little friendly. For its part, Apple has the Final Cut Studio 2 suite. Includes, such as Avid and Adobe, numerous programs, highlighting the new graphics Motion 3 software. It would be something similar to Adobe After Effects, although without reaching their level. It is also simpler and more intuitive to use.


Jean Claude Trichet

Anyway, its labour market a kind of backward indicator of economic developments, we don’t have to pay too much attention when it comes to inquire about the situation of the economy. A good sign about the State of the American economy, is the advance indicator of economic activity (which synthesizes in itself to multiple economic variables), which returned to grow in May (made by 1.2%), surpassing market expectations. The construction data have also noted an interesting recovery in may, a month in which the beginning of construction of houses and building permits had an increase of 17.2%. AOL brings even more insight to the discussion. It may also witnessed the recovery of retail (by 0.5%), after three months of low sales. Joins the positive data the improvement in the confidence of American consumers, at its highest level in six years, and that business confidence It also behaves on the upside.

The signs of recovery in the US delude the eurozone, where the economy is still hurting. Industrial production fell in April, a 1.9% (21.6% in annual terms), the unemployment rate is located at 9.2 per cent of the economically active population, the highest level in 10 years, while the eurozone economy shrank by 2.5% during the first quarter of the year. Sign of weak demand in the region is that during may, the retail inflation was zero in interannual terms. On the other hand, external forces of recovery, that is, exports have fallen 23% in the first four months of the year. The weakness of domestic demand is also evident in another 23% drop in imports in the first quarter of the year. Optimistic basis or for convenience, Jean Claude Trichet expressed to Europe 1 radio that looks back to the crisis and prepares for what is to come: there comes a time where you can not spend more and may not accumulate more debt. I think that we are at that time.


Scientific Research

Most of the ceramic particle reinforced steel matrix wear resistant composite materials are prepared the surface composite material. Recently, our company and Zhengzhou University Joint successful Researched the low alloy steel / Al2O3-ZrO2 the honeycomb ceramic composite materials research and applications, won the second prize of the year 2012 Henan Industry and Information Technology Achievement Award, cellular ceramic composite causes a high degree of concern of wear-resistant materials industry again. According to the identification results of Science and Technology Department of Henan Province, they give the scientific and technological achievements state-of-the-art technology of the project, process, low alloy steel / ZrO2Al2O3 honeycomb ceramic composite technology and its application in low-impact load liner innovation Habitat leading domestic opinion, which will play a huge role in promoting the development of wear-resistant materials industry in China. Especially the resistant composite materials has experienced double-double liquid metal material in China, after several stages of high-chromium steel materials, high-chromium steel cast-mechanical combination of materials in recent years, marked by high manganese steel composite hammerhead (or cast iron) cast-carbide industrial composite production and application. Let us take the third-generation big gold tooth carbide hammerhead cast we produced as example, in the course of their work, hammer crusher crusher wear parts directly in contact with the material. In order to improve its abrasion resistance, traditional hammerhead multi the work surface coated with a layer of tungsten, titanium carbide pick stone, abrasion resistance is not high. Our company s latest achievements jointly developed with the Xi an Jiaotong University, the Joint Institute of wear-resistant materials and third-generation big gold teeth crusher hammer is used in high-manganese steel substrate cast-intensive extremely tough hardness second only to diamond tungsten titanium alloy, can withstand harsh abrasive wear, Compared to the original ordinary high-manganese steel hammer, its service life increased 30% to 100%.

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