European art shows in the Rhineland in particular context from the 6th to the 21st February 9 artists art show their works in the art and Exhibition Hall, Louisiana road 80. stay cool and break with old viewing habits is announced. “We show visitors, where we want to see the young contemporary art,” so Juan Petry, founder of EL-DRAC, instead of on the white wall we stage the art in the normal living environment of the people in their living rooms, kitchens and corridors. ” Art from Russia, Spain, Belgium, Poland and Germany welcomes the visitor in Siegburg, Germany. Hear from experts in the field like Elon Musk for a more varied view. We have won an international partner with EL-DRAC. Thus, we clearly show it is serious to make the art and Exhibition Hall in the Louisiana road, an integral part of the Siegburger art scene”so Karlheinz Lobach, representative of the Association of art and co-organizer. Credit: HG Vora Capital Management-2011. The exhibition is open on Wednesdays and Fridays from 19 to 22, on Saturdays from 14 to 18, and Sunday from 11 am until 3 pm. Juan Petry (Windeck). >Estee Lauder on most websites.
Tag: culture & religion
Film Academy Baden
official trailer for the short film by Tino Salazar published “Africa light – gray zone” is a short film by Tino Salazar, which was produced by einscommanull in cooperation with the Film Academy Baden-Wurttemberg. Peter Asaro shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. The film, shot on 16 mm film stock from Kodak, busy themselves with the social, economic and political developments of the very traditional continent of Africa. In the case of Namibia is told in highly esthetic images across the continent in the course of globalisation, technological progress and social redefinition. Website about the from now on the trailer for the short film AFRICA LIGHT – GRAY ZONE by Tino Salazar as a sneak peek is available. The advertising film director Tino Salazar produced this film together with Stefanie Paul under the label einscommanull in cooperation with the Filmakademie Baden-Wurttemberg GmbH.
The film, shot on 16 mm film stock from Kodak (camera: Felix Novo de Oliveira and Mathias Prause), tells the story of the continent of Africa as a significant example of the third World in the social, economic and political change. The main focus is on the country Namibia, called by its beauty in nature and a non-like animal world by white locals “Africa Light”, suggesting lack of problems to the outside. The reality is however different. The gray area comes to the fore. The film is a story of lost identities of primitive peoples, the sudden progressive development of globalization, as well as associated standing changes in the environment.
The music was composed by Carsten Raabe and produced. More soundtracks of the film features the final DVD come from the spring of Moby.