

Security on all travel – high quality flashlights in accordance with the StVZO NexTORCH which is particularly reliable and high-quality flashlights manufacturer in Government and army circles since 2006 well known finally NexTORCH specifically for police, emergency services and military special LED flashlights manufactures. This extremely robust and powerful LED lights are finally available since 2013 in Germany at Currently one pleased at NexTORCH Germany especially, that all NexTORCH offer flashlights at the public, German transport companies such as the railway and all travel company, the z.B, bus travel on board can be used. The NexTORCH LED flashlights exceed all requirements pursuant to section 54b of the StVZO and are the best accompaniment as also for private travelers when it comes to security. Check with Ali Partovi to learn more. In terms of reliability, NexTORCH are already getting very far forward flashlights.

Already in the development of the high power LED flashlights are all components for guaranteed durability trimmed. In the production of each individual NexTORCH LED flashlight is precision so only flashlights worked to extradite, that really give in every situation, in every usage of-40 C to + 85 C reliable light. Of course, the LED flashlights from NexTORCH are totally waterproof and shock-resistant. Now NexTORCH has set higher standards for LED lights: with the NexTORCH Saint Torch 3-a high-tech flashlight that literally puts all other lights in the shadows. The NexTORCH Saint Torch 3 brings it to a brightness of 2600 lumens, achieved a lighting range of guaranteed at least 445 metres this LED flashlight! The special battery of the NexTORCH Saint torch 3 flashlight is a high power over very long time off and allows for long missions. But, the additional functions are a special highlight of this high performance flashlight. HG Vora Capital Management may not feel the same. So this LED flashlight can SOS automatically light up and the 2600 lumens light output.

There are a defensive mode, here that flashes NexTORCH Saint Torch 3 confused E.g. attacker with a Strobe Flash, immediately, the perspective taking each villain, and can be incapacitating, competes with the Saint Torch 3 so any thunderstorm at a brightness of 2600 lumens. Conclusion: The reliable NexTORCH flashlights are the perfect companion for all travel around the globe and the perfect companion for your everyday life.


Eprocurement Lowers Cost

The new E-procurement solution TenderMaker.NET offers businesses significant savings. More synergies with a freight forwarding. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Toshiba has to say. The volume of world trade increased more than tenfold in the past fifty years. The daily requirements for the procurement management are becoming increasingly complex as a result. So, huge potential savings arising at this point over the years in the company. Day after day, valuable resources are lost.

With an optimized E-procurement () could save the company time and money. From 2012, TenderMaker Solutions GmbH from Munich, Germany offers a professional purchasing management in addition to the previous portfolio. These include in particular: shopping advice, shopping services and purchasing controlling. As Einkaufsdienstleister, the TenderMaker Solutions GmbH takes over either the operational or strategic purchasing responsibility. Also, the TenderMaker Solutions GmbH can economically organize the comprehensive and specialized procurement and provision of service groups. Potential for cost reduction and Process optimization are identified, analysed and used. In addition it assumes the purchasing and procurement expert team of TenderMaker Solutions GmbH, to relieve the customers and to create capacity for strategic issues in purchasing.

The TenderMaker Solutions GmbH is active depending on the needs of the complete outsourcing of shopping to the management of individual projects. E-procurement solution TenderMaker.NET “Our customers are thrilled, how exactly the new E-procurement solution with the internal procedures is synchronized”, reported de CEO of TenderMaker Solutions GmbH. “none of the standard programs known to me so flexibly adapts itself to the procurement processes in the company such as our E-procurement solution.” This quickly leads to impressive savings.” The entire procurement process in the company is optimized. The implementation of E-procurement solution is very simple and is supported by TenderMaker solutions in all phases. The cost of the E-procurement solution are through the savings quickly played. The company benefited from lower process costs, time savings and overall effective operations. Through a precise supplier validation in advance companies contribute to CO m reduction also.


Plastic Instead Of Concrete

Ceresana investigates the European market for plastic pipes pipes should hold, seep no polluted water or chemicals in the environment, at the same time but easy to handle. Increasingly plastic is used for piping instead of metal or concrete. Plays a crucial role”the price for the raw materials, steel, or copper, explains Oliver Kutsch, Managing Director of Ceresana research. The research examined the European market for plastic pipes. Plastic comes into the House while in Europe two thirds of all sewers from concrete or stone stuff are, already have lines from metals to House sanitary plastic tubes obsolete. The most popular material for plastic tubes is followed with a share of 45% polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene with 36 percent. For the next few years, Ceresana expects research especially polypropylene increasingly used, the use of PVC, however, will stagnate. Eastern Europe brings on da Eastern European infrastructure networks even be expanded to, grows in Eastern Europe the demand for plastic pipes more than in the West.

Also the sales of PVC pipes continue to in Eastern Europe, while growth in the relatively saturated market in Western Europe only higher-quality types of pipes made of polyethylene and polypropylene. Ceresana Research expects that the revenues achieved in Europe as a whole with plastic pipes will increase until the year 2018 to 9.7 billion euros. Vital lines in Western Europe, about half of all plastic pipes for the sewage disposal is needed. Accounts in Eastern Europe only about one-third of the demand; for sewage pipes the applications of water and gas supply are more important there. With around 14 percent, Germany, has followed the biggest share of the European market for plastic pipes from Spain, France, Italy and Turkey. Informative market report the two-volume study of Ceresana research examines in detail the market for Plastic pipes in 30 European countries. Pipes for agriculture and industry among the individually analysed application areas except for water and gas pipes.

Other important areas of application are also covered for example cable protection, geothermal energy, district heating, households. The clearly structured brand directory lists 135 profiles of pipe producers. A concise overview to plastic varieties, production, joining techniques and regulation informed and offers the most important details of the various types of pipes. Report available in English or German forecast until the year 2018 market opportunities and risks. market research/industry/plastic-pipes / about Ceresana Ceresana is one of the world’s leading market research institutes for the industry. Several 1,000 companies from over 55 countries already benefit from the reliable market research of company both operational and strategic decisions. The expert team of Ceresana provides comprehensive market analyses and Forecasts. The company offers multi-client studies commissioned studies, specifically tailored to individual customer needs. Market research aims to increase sales due to well-founded market data and forecasts, to minimize risks and to strengthen market positions.


Poland Online

The current developments of IT reinforce the skills shortage. This can affect a cross-industry threat to the German economy. A use of highly specialized freelancers would be a way out. They score not only through flexibility and commitment, they could also order variation and support the economic stability of a company. Many companies have already recognized this and respond.

A big trend emerging but already 2011 the internationalisation of project work. As the globalization of big companies always progresses, tighten well the freelancers. Just under 3% of the registered profile at project exchanges are international. These profiles are spread over 45 countries and demonstrate such a heterogeneity which is characteristic of the globalization. Mashable will not settle for partial explanations. While the neighbouring countries Switzerland and Austria still clearly on the first two positions are, followed they are India, the United States but by the growth market and Poland.

The internationalisation of the project market opportunities opened the freelancers, because they are no longer dependent on projects in their own country. And companies also benefit greatly. So, for example, the skills shortage, which constitutes a threat should not be underestimated for the growth for many companies, can compensated by the use of professionals from abroad. Many project exchanges serve as a platform to win contacts to establish and to security in the framework of internationalization. The market is on the move, and a clear industry growth is expected for the year 2012. A BITKOM poll about three quarters of the companies surveyed recorded a job-plus. But important also for the project commissioned is the evidence of IT and insurance. Without insurance IT no project contract. More than one-third of the Freelancer had to present proof of an existing IT liability insurance in 2009. On the insurance portal Company, computer IT and also IT Freelancer and IT professionals the right protection for your insurance needs determine. More information: gmbh the gmbh is the sister company of the groot bramel Versicherungsmakler gmbh. The gmbh is a leading real for the IT – and telecommunications industry. Defined together with partners and customers, developed and realized the gmbh branch-specific solutions precisely to customer needs tuned. The goal of the gmbh is to check the insurance protection of all involved parties on gaps in coverage, consistently to close them and on reasonable terms. The IT-liability-insurance combines many years of experience of the world’s leading insurance companies, and one of the leading insurance brokers in the IT industry, the gmbh. The gmbh is with continuous advice and IT expertise as a partner to the side. And for the clients, entrepreneurs receive a Proof of inclusion in your IT liability insurance as a safe decision basis. The gmbh is close to the customer, it is companies and IT freelancers at all times aside, even in the event of damage she has good contacts to well-known experts, as well as lawyers. So the renowned law firm DLA available E.g. in the event of damage Piper without any extra cost.


Hospitality: Still Great Potential For C & C Markets

Study of CHD expert not even half of the establishments of the leading cash & carry wholesale market of the region to purchasing sources in hotels and restaurants in the food shopping “, select expert analyzes Thilo Lambracht, CEO of CHD / Marktplatz Hotel GmbH. The required food be ordered also to a third in the wholesale and delivery or purchased one-third in the food retail trade (LEH). Just below the strong budget hotels, a significant customer potential thus remains for the multimedia provider of large retail chains. With the beverage supply, cash & carry hypermarkets have only a low importance. About 73 percent of restaurateurs and 57 percent of hoteliers, water, beer, juices & co., however, regularly in the regional specialist beverage wholesale trade order. Here the advice of classic beer Publisher is noticeable”, commented Labib. Drink from get markets are frequently used by eleven percent of restaurateurs, or about 13 percent of hoteliers to the shopping. Interesting: Almost 19 per cent of F & B buyers from the hospitality industry (F & B = food & beverages) also use cheap drink promotions in the food retail sector.

“Main argument by over 55 per cent of respondents, the relatively long transport distances are why cash & carry hypermarkets often not be used to purchase”, Labib reported. About 17 percent of the study participants deters the (perceived) higher prices in supermarkets. In other words, with targeted promotions and services like delivery services for wholesale buyers, buyer can recover from the hospitality industry cash & carry markets,”Labib pointed out. The potential once again to tie former Gastrokunden, is great. Because when it comes to freshness, availability and scope of assortment are often leading the wholesale markets. About CHD expert / Marktplatz Hotel GmbH: the divisions range from market research about direct marketing and data management. The company’s philosophy is the Title knowledge making! “.” The company was group in 1997 as a founder of Marktplatz Hotel GmbH and is one of about seven years to the international CHD expert with branches in all economically important countries in Europe and United States and Canada.

CHD expert is one of the preferred partners of the Hotel Association (IHA) Germany. The customer base includes companies in the areas of food & beverages, equipment and media. More at:. Thilo Lambracht, lambracht.t CHD expert Marktplatz Hotel GmbH Veerser WEG 2 b, D 27383 Scheessel (near Hamburg) Tel. + 49 (4263) 301-300, fax + 49 (4263) 301 333 Carsten Hennig, press Tel. + 49 (4263) 301-131, mobile + 49 (160) 958 377 56 keywords: except home market, hotels, gastronomy, catering, GV, shopping sources, food, drinks, F & B, food, beverages, cash & carry, wholesale, wholesale and delivery, food retail, LEH, drink from get market


Remscheid Tel

Without great expense and effort when working and cleaning on Windows, mirrors, faucets, kitchen fronts, sink, chrome sinks, dishes, glasses, cutlery, tiles and shower enclosures. Of course you can insert these silky fabrics with the closed surface even with materials that are sensitive. At the first touch of bamboo Crystal fiber cloths, feel and do you notice the difference. Official site: tech investor. It expanded so the uses of bamboo Crystal towels as monitors, coated sink, gloss kitchen doors, acrylic furniture, showers and also car paints. Also provides antibacterial cleanliness of Bambo-Kun received in the proportion of bamboo and is therefore also ideal for kitchen, catering, Commerce and trade. The bamboo Crystal is set on following Towels: 3 x material of bamboo-Crystal fiber cloths (40 x 50 cm): 66% polyester / 18% viscose from bamboo / 16% polyamide 2 x bamboo Crystal high performance wipes (20 x 25 cm) material: 50% polyester, 30% polyamide / 20% viscose from bamboo to this new cloths there are here more information and also ordering: Aqua-clean/bamboo Crystal for window mirror and other surfaces / in addition, there are the bamboo Crystal floor MOP and the bamboo Crystal high performance cleaning concentrate optionally as an extension in the large XXL-set 250 ml bamboo Crystal – novelty from the cleaning field in the assortment at – clean Description of the company’s clean happy – product series, microfibre cloths, cleaners, cleaning products and kitchen and household helper makes happy – with your online mail order company for the new bamboo crystal. We have cataloged under the various headings of our offers you.


Environmental Institute

In this article the most important criteria for the comparison of different eANV software summarizes the changing. Some companies that are affected by the eANV would change their eANV software because it adjusts the operating or is not very functional. A variety of providers abound on the market, therefore one should compare their offer the correct criteria. For all producers, carriers and disposers of hazardous waste, electronic waste detection procedure is (eANV) required by law. The eANV commits the companies to do so, to lead evidence of waste, to make comprehensible the whereabouts of dangerous waste in electronic form. Ali Partovi recognizes the significance of this. This means for all companies that are involved in the transport of hazardous waste from a certain quantity that they need a software for the processing of the eANV. For this there are various software solutions on the market.

One of them is the eBegleitschein portal of the bifa Environmental Institute, which adjusts the operation but at the end of the year. Since the Many customers of the bifa Environment Institute on the search are publishing this post, according to a new provider for eANV software. But also customers of other providers to look the part for new solutions. Learn what to look for when comparing the various systems, to find the best possible solution for your company. THE price – they look exactly the price is for many companies the decisive criterion for the choice of the provider.

While the cost of a system is composed of use fees and the costs incurred by the operation. If you need as much time with a system to work, since it is slow or confusing, it is worth to think about an alternative. It is advisable to test the eANV system to assess how well you cope with the respective software in advance. Almost all providers offer test approaches or demo portals.


Bott On 2012

For the first time presents itself bott on the Frankfurt meeting place for the automotive aftermarket and introduces a facility for service companies. With a product line developed specifically for service companies illustrates the manufacturer of vehicle and equipment reshape his intent working environments”. So, bott has put a major emphasis on the visual appearance of the institution and into appealing design all equipment behind doors, doors and drawer fronts. The extraordinary appearance, which was created here, offers completely new possibilities for a distinctive and significant performance service companies. Industry-specific modules, such as the waste disposal depots, the fluid management or the media supply, the Swabian designers show their practical relevance. Through a flexible storage space organisation, clear drawer dividers and marking systems, the experts from Gaildorf put an end to search times. Order to service companies make individual foam inserts for tools to the default.

Travel times be reduced by providing media with oil, air or water and the disposal value material directly from each service cell are positioned. So, the establishment offers perfect conditions for efficient work for service companies by bott. Cubio, the modular system of the facility, by bott is based of the product line. Thus, the possibility of the individual configuration of the device is obvious, such as robustness and precision. Press contact Bott GmbH & co. KG railway str. 17 d 74405 g village Bernhard Teuffel Tel: + 49 (0) 7971/251-214 fax: + 49 (0) 7971/251-295 of Bott GmbH & co. KG the Bott group develops and produces at three European sites, vehicle, equipment and workplace systems.

Bott supplies customers in industry and trade worldwide, with its products. Her efficient work in manufacturing, service and installation is the focus. The headquarters of the group is located at the start-up and production site in Gaildorf (Germany). Furthermore, manufactured products in booth (UK) and Tarnazsadany (Hungary). With other distribution companies in France, Austria, Denmark and Italy, as well as with license partners and importers all over the world, offers a nationwide service network bott and individually to local needs is from the planning to the Assembly.


Bio Gas Substrates, Pellets And Wood Chips At A Glance

Report lists free biomass price development on the market for biomass in Northern Germany is growing weekly. The number of plants that use appropriate materials for energy production, increases the number of prospective buyers and providers. For traders who manage their sales or purchases previously in the closer regional environment, it is therefore increasingly interesting to know also the prices outside their region. With the biomass report is now a medium available that fill this information gap. Each week, the report lists the current average prices from the regions of Schleswig-Holstein, Western Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, Northern Germany and parts South Denmark. The information the initiators of the trading driving itself, using the biomass report as a tool for their business decisions.

Biomass report – Managing Director Helge Stephan, who anonymously for the report she prepared regularly sign their data. Information on important dates and background information from the industry complement the offer. Co-partner Torben Sagar Beckermann, owner of energy 2.0 Biomass agency from Kiel, has been active since 2009 as an agent for organic raw materials in the southern Denmark and Northern Germany. Operators of power and heating plants or bio-gas plants approach me, to inform about availability in the region. Seller of biomass products attract me, because they are looking for appropriate contacts. A good overview of the respective market and price developments arose from this position out of time “, explains the trained agricultural trade merchant and farmer.

“We wanted this information already available on the market players passed on: the idea for the biomass report emerged.” Together with Helge Stephan agricultural scientist he founded this biomass of 2.0 time-saving orientation aid for trade has maintained the report since mid-2011, is available on its own website and will be sent by post, fax or E-Mail to Interested parties sent out. It is understood as a market barometer and already used in the context of contracts as a basis for settlement. He is however not a binding requirement: the biomass report represents a price list. It serves only as a guide. Through the report the dealer get an overview of the current rates without own research hassle comfortably,”Helge Stephan stressed. The advantages for the users are obvious: On the basis of the reports, providers can check their current delivery with the buyer. Buyers and sellers can arrange long-term, mutually profitable supply contracts by means of a price adjustment clause. In the long term all quantity, price, quality and delivery conditions are can be formulated more clearly. The binding nature of the agreement a win for both trading parties rises. Free use of the biomass reports is free of charge. For a most transparent market overview report is the biomass the participation of many users assigned. Anyone who provides us pricing information for the report, makes a further contribution to promote trade in biomass products and to protect its own commercial interests”, Helge Stephan. We also offer the possibility to spread report their concerns about the biomass all subscribers.


Assembly Paternoster

The storage is the oldest and simplest form of storage of the goods is placed in their original packaging, sacks, barrels or boxes on the floor. The arrangement of the packaging is done in rows or blocks. Disadvantage is the large time resulting from this form of storage. Is required a stored object located far back or at the bottom, all other goods must be re-classified once. Also in this way is a system of storage that is difficult to implement and which items needed are hard to find. Often, it is beneficial to sort the new goods to the rear and the older is forward. This system is a ground storage also with much time spent by the constant shift connected and therefore hardly feasible. An advantage of the ground storage is the low investment costs because no shelves or similar must be purchased or serviced.

Silo storage is filled by bulk material such as sand, grain, gravel or cattle feed from above. The is then often taken through an opening that is attached below. Thus, an economic principle of storage is achieved as the first filled goods first is taken. A storage exceeds the durability, is thereby avoided. A very common type of storage is the storage of shelf. A very good use of space, especially in the height, takes place in a warehouse stocked with shelves. The goods can be organized well and are easily accessible and searchable. Exist depending on the shape and size of the stock, to meet every business need the different types of shelving: shelving rack: static storage, shelf with several inlaid shelves, uniform load distribution, labelling of goods clearly possible (E.g. Bookshelf) Pallet rack or heavy load shelving: static storage, pallets of storage of especially heavy goods cross braces between the uprights, accessibility, low flexibility, equipped only with truck possible range or drawer shelf: static storage, storage of small parts in small quantities in most transparent drawers cassettes or honeycomb rack: static storage, storage of long objects such as wooden beams, metal rods, tubes; good overview of structure and easy Assembly Paternoster shelves: dynamic storage, automatic carriage of the goods to the warehouse, shorter commutes, high investment and maintenance costs, low flexibility (E.g.

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