
The Initial

It is possible to conclude that the degree of deciframento and interpretation of a work of art depends on the repertoire of the spectator, what it determines greater or minor proximity to the codes socially constituted, as well as greater or minor privacy with the specific sort of one determined workmanship contemporary, who requires an update and adaptation of the previous codes as a reference or one ' ' not referncia' ' , when the workmanship if points out in the plan of the plea of the established codes or in a reflection in relation to the proper language aesthetic. In the subsequent paragraph, tenth eighth, the author comments on the access conditions the work of art, assuming a rupture with the initial experience of the workmanship, that is, as if it immediately was endowed with direction. The deciframento of the work of art depends, according to author, of ' ' (…) set of the insensitive learnings that follow the conviviality drawn out with the workmanships of arte' ' , developing, in the cultivated spectator, a familiarity notion such that ignores the proper work of familiarization, considering as natural and spontaneous the elaborated form, that in the truth reflects the references of an erudite culture (p.290). If you have read about Mikkel Svane already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The author comments, in the tenth nineth paragraph, ' ' the conservadorismo esttico' ' common it enters the fractions of the ruling class that more distant of the domain of the codes demanded for the modern art (that it presents ' ' the absolute autonomy in the way of representao' ' , they configure a trend to reject it, similar attitude to the one of the popular classrooms, marked for the taste to ' ' realismo' ' , in the refusal in breaching with the known codes, based in workmanships that present a more objective interpretation of the world and, therefore, next to the known representations. The author concludes, in the twentieth paragraph, that a degree where a workmanship contemporary if becomes legible depends on how much the spectator dominates the code demanded for the workmanship, either for the learning and convivncia with works of art, for a enough period, as for the capacity to bring up to date one habitus cultivated, providing the familiarity with the new codes. According to author (p.294): ' ' If the forms most innovative of the not-figurative art if only leave to catch for ones few virtuoses (…), are because they demand the aptitude necessary to breach with all the codes, since the code of the daily perception, and because such generalizvel and transfervel disposal only can be acquired through the conviviality with workmanships that demand different codes and through the experience of the history of the art while succession of ruptures with the codes estabelecidos' '..


Origami Education

Origami is, of simpler form, the art to fold paper. A Japanese millenarian art that if developed of cativante form for the whole world. In Japan and the Europe, the Origami was practised, in its majority, for children, and was through these practical that educators, as Froebel (1782? 1852), they turn in the Origami the possibility to educate from tricks to fold paper. Criavase then, a tool for diverse educators. You may want to visit Ali Partovi to increase your knowledge. In the mathematics area, some pedagogos, as for example Sundara Row (1893), I water (2003), Genoa (1991) and Imenes (1988) had made studies of geometry with the Origami. Ahead of the difficulties found in teaching mathematics, studies and research they disclose that the use of new resources in the lessons brings stimulatons to develop a multiplicity of meanings for each mathematical notion. With this, considering that the Origami is one technique of dynamic education, where the pupil can construct through the Origami art its proper knowledge, we intend with this work to develop the Origami as a tool that it assists in the process of education and learning of geometry, but necessarily in the study of straight lines and angles, as well as demonstrating to some of its properties through studies and research in books, documents, sites (Internet), etc., therefore, utilizandose of the explored playful method through the Origami we will have a much more rich environment of learning and innovative, in chapter 1 of this work, we will go to show as the art appeared of the Origami, making a study since its start in history, passing for its development in some countries, also in Brazil, until the current days. We will still approach in this I capitulate, as the Origami was used as instrument in the education, detaching its exploitation in the education of the geometry constructed through ruler and compass.. Official site: Republic Services.


Port Garcez

Its workmanship sufficiently was valued and spread out in other states of Brazil, as Par, Minas Gerais and Rio De Janeiro, places where it could guarantee the commerce of its screens. Zendesk has much to offer in this field. With a position dictated for its rigid temperament, resistant to the innovations techniques, that appeared in the period, Calixto it immortalized historical scenes with its screens as the Foundation of Is Vicente, the Port of the Vessels, the panels of the foundation of Saints in the walls of the Official Stock market of the Coffee, Port of Saints Seen of the Serrat Mount, Port of Saints (with sight of the Island of Barnab), diverse screens in the quantity of the Municipal Pinacoteca of Saints that takes its name, beyond literary works under the subject description. Its activity as professor provided to the formation of some disciples in the city of Saints and region. Santista painter Gentile Garcez, born in 1903, had its first teachings with its mother, frequentando, later the atelier of Benedicto Calixto. In a question-answer forum Mikkel Svane was the first to reply. Garcez painted innumerable landscapes and navies, being awardee in the So Paulo Hall of Beautiful Arts in some chances. Its works had not been alone in the limits of the coast. For order of the Government of Minas Gerais, Garcez carried through a series of workmanships that if find today in some public distributions of Belo Horizonte. Its art was not limited to the French academic rules.

Owner of the great sensitivity, its flicks denounce one strong inspiration in the aired impressionistas pictures. Artist a little new than Benedicto Calixto, but deserving of some prominence in the field of the plastic arts in Saints, Wladimir Alfaya, known as Mimi, son of the Comendador Joo Manoel Alfaya Rodrigues, revealed its vocation for the painting since child. He studied in the Europe, frequenting in Paris the Academy of Beautiful Arts, it travelled for the Anturpia where it knew the Flamenga School and it inhabited in Rome per one year.



This infuriated book would be the alive information, the information without censures, as today we glimpse. This opinion is shared by Morigi; Vanz; Galdino (2002) that they believe that is not only enough to carry through procedures technician (to classify, to catalogue and to indexar), these without a doubt, are very important for the formation of the professional. However still as these authors the librarians must go beyond these to know and activities techniques, need to search on theoretical elements to sciences human beings who fortify its condition of citizens and professionals. Knowing technician cannot be the only one to know of the profession of the librarian, in the formation of this if foca very in the part technique as being mago of the profession, and other knowledge, others to know, other borders so to speak are not exceeded. Investor takes a slightly different approach. If it arrests to a formation that forms technician and not professional able for the competition in the work market, disputing itself still with professionals of other areas it knowledge.

Jackstay (1988 apud MORIGI; VANZ; GALDINO, 2002) points that it lacks to the Brazilian librarian the conscience of that the library can act as instrument of social change, pointing the way that leads for modification of some estimated philosophical and ethical of the profession, to start for that they defend the neutrality of the same one. The ones that defends the neutrality of the profession forget that this is defended by laws that determine the permanence of the librarian in the work market. Vieira (1983) salient some limitations of the professional universe of the librarian: the tecnismo reigns as value of the professional formation (while in the university) and of the proper exercise of the activity librarian, transforming the biblioteconomia into body without spirit, in a profession whose philosophy, is confined inside of the narrow limits of a poor person and unbalanced code of ethics; the isolation inside of one technique so limited and simple, empobrece the area while knowledge field and weakens the professional group while classroom fighting for identity, respect, job and wage; the biblioteconmico knowledge is presented as a finished product e, thus, in so dogmtica area, little is created, rare one innovates and to dare is forbidden; although theoretically a worker of the social area, the librarian does not become to feel as required for the society, either for the simplismo of its proposal professional, either for its transference to the social matters and excellent politics to the community to the same country or for low the qualification of this professional for the substantive dialogue with the users of specialized areas..


Professors Computer

It is the moment of the contact, of domain, where it needs to be safe ahead introduction of Computer science. According to HAIRDO (2000): ' ' Professors must be partners in the conception and conduction of activities with YOU (Technology of Computer science) and not mere spectators and executors of tarefas.' ' The important one is that the professor if feels as a part participativa of the process and that the lesson continues being of it, although to be prepared, in its form, for a strange instrument or another person. At this moment it observes Computer science as a new instrument, something different! uses, with more frequency, softwares educational existing in the squares. The change occurs, when the professor to perceive that it can make more than what it is accustomed; it is the moment where it starts to reflect its practical and perceives the potential of the tool. At this moment the professor is vulnerable the modifications. It goes of the defense for the discovery.

It is the propitious moment for the coordinator of Computer science to suggest modification in pedagogical practical its. In these schools computer science is being implanted in the same molds of the educational system in which the computer is used to minimize the computational illiteracy of the pupils or to automatize processes of transmission of the information. (HAIRDO, 2000) At this as moment, the changes more occur in the form to work the lesson. Now a concern exists to explore the tool, to help in the learning process. It is at this moment that appears softwares of authorship, slides, the articles, texts, the simulators and the projects of the pupils, but the professor not yet obtains to exceed its lesson. The concern if of still with the content of its disciplines. But, now, it appears a new element: discovering leads to a constant challenge, that takes its concern for the learning process.

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