
SMEs Responsibility

Benedicte says not surprising that the idea of “corporate social responsibility (CSR) is currently adopted by many actors and sectors of the international political context. Many groups, both activist movements, such as major participants in the business community, financial institutions and development agencies see it as a way to improve the quality of life of people. At the same time it can reach the protection of the environment. In the Latin American context, CSR has been launched as a tool for competitiveness and development (Vives, 2004, Peinado-Vara, 2004). The two dominant theoretical perspectives in the debate on CSR are, on the one hand, business ethics, and other business management. Under the first theoretical perspective we discuss the ethical arguments for and against the idea that companies have a social responsibility that goes beyond producing a surplus and to comply with the law. Under the second theoretical perspective, the major purpose of taking a social responsibility not only has an ethical aspect, but also good business.

Then the debate is about methods to include CSR in business operations. Benedicte appointment must be remembered, that the roots of CSR are in Judea laws pre-Christian time (Klausen, 2000). Others have found information on corporate governance in the archives of the United States between 1950 and 1960 (Melling and Jensen, 2002). That social responsibility was seen as a moral obligation and personal responsibility of the owner of the firm (Bowen, 1953; Davis, 1963). CSR means the practices of the corporation as part of corporate strategy, complementing and supporting the major business activities, seeks to prevent harm and promote the welfare of “stakeholders” (customers, suppliers, employees, financial sources, the community, government and environment) through to comply with rules, regulations and voluntarily go beyond them “(Vives, 2004:1).

Definitely, it should be noted that given the political reality that Venezuela is currently facing can not be denied that caused damages in the business sector, making many firms not continue their operation, and others have to re-engineer their operations, administrative systems to meet the new challenges that the current government has decided to pursue his socialist revolution, forcing the Venezuelan management, especially SMEs, are located more in the role, commitment to be followed in relation to providing a social responsibility and work for all a reality in an interesting letter about it, published in Money magazine says 181, which is a pleasant surprise to discover that Most Venezuelan and foreign companies with a presence in the country develop multiple programs to support the noble causes for the dispossessed, the environment and health and education of children. Admittedly quoted article, that the important and positive is that if corporate social responsibility in Venezuela, which can be felt in concrete, built schools, maintenance of green areas for recreation, donations institutions hospital serving children and communities with fewer resources, in support of those affected by AIDS or cardiovascular problems, in encouraging creative skills in order of solidarity that occurs in results for a better country. m.


Changes In Work Methods

Two things must be done to adapt and change products and services that are offered, and adapt and change the ways they produce and deliver to the market. These two concepts are known respectively as product innovation and process innovation. Change may occur in the equipment used to produce the product or service, or it could be the way in which structures and organizes the process.

This new paradigm puts businesses in a world where knowledge is the one who leads to an improvement of their innovation capabilities, so that helps promote the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization, in order to gain competitive advantage, since themselves must anticipate the likely future for the purpose of their experiments, the consequences of their innovations, the reactions of customers. Its effects are: As a means of technology management helps both manage projects and to strategically develop the resources of the company.

This is the question of how we can more effectively manage the process of changing our products and services, and the ways in which these are produced and distributed. Change without any sense of direction is unlikely to succeed. If you start without knowing where you are going is quite likely end up somewhere else. Change is demanded from several different instances at the same time. Faced with this reality of being prepared for change, management should know that as you improve your skills on the management of change, allow your company to solve problems and seize new opportunities and technologies to benefit customers, shareholders, and often employees.

Sometimes the change as we quote is driven by technology, sometimes there are other factors that promote change. But regardless of the need to carry change, the principles are the same. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have many advantages when implementing change. They can react quickly, its owners are committed people and staff are often very loyal. However, it is easy to manage change.

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