
Professors Computer

It is the moment of the contact, of domain, where it needs to be safe ahead introduction of Computer science. According to HAIRDO (2000): ' ' Professors must be partners in the conception and conduction of activities with YOU (Technology of Computer science) and not mere spectators and executors of tarefas.' ' The important one is that the professor if feels as a part participativa of the process and that the lesson continues being of it, although to be prepared, in its form, for a strange instrument or another person. At this moment it observes Computer science as a new instrument, something different! uses, with more frequency, softwares educational existing in the squares. The change occurs, when the professor to perceive that it can make more than what it is accustomed; it is the moment where it starts to reflect its practical and perceives the potential of the tool. At this moment the professor is vulnerable the modifications. It goes of the defense for the discovery.

It is the propitious moment for the coordinator of Computer science to suggest modification in pedagogical practical its. In these schools computer science is being implanted in the same molds of the educational system in which the computer is used to minimize the computational illiteracy of the pupils or to automatize processes of transmission of the information. (HAIRDO, 2000) At this as moment, the changes more occur in the form to work the lesson. Now a concern exists to explore the tool, to help in the learning process. It is at this moment that appears softwares of authorship, slides, the articles, texts, the simulators and the projects of the pupils, but the professor not yet obtains to exceed its lesson. The concern if of still with the content of its disciplines. But, now, it appears a new element: discovering leads to a constant challenge, that takes its concern for the learning process.


Single Point Of Contact

This service has as objective to supply an only point of contact (SPOC – Single Point Of Contact) to the internal users of the Customer. The Helpdesk is an area specialized in support technician the equipment of computer science and telecommunications, for telephone or saw access remote, with the objective to decide all the incidents and problems that the customers can have. The service of Helpdesk is recommended for any company, independently of its size and its area of performance. Opting to the terceirizao of the service, the company earns with the flexibility and the reduction of costs in the simplification of its structure. Free of all the concerns of the area of YOU, computer science, infrastructure, etc., the company can keep the focus of its team in Core business and increase its productivity. The Helpdesk works with SLAs market standards, offering flexibility in its structure.

In accordance with the necessities of each customer, other SLAs can be waked up. Our team is composed for professionals with qualification in best the practical ones of telephonic support, possessing knowledge and techniques that allow to diagnosis and to decide problems them of computer science related ' ' hardware' ' or ' ' software' '. The team of professionals of the Helpdesk is enabled in taking care of problems of the hardware (microcomputers, printers and other peripherals), basic software (MS Windows), applicatory of desktop (MS Office) and other applicatory corporative ones. In this last case it is necessary that the customer or responsible team supplies to training and documentation on the applicatory ones. In case that it is not possible to decide the problem in 1 level, this occurrence is directed for ' ' Attendance of 2 Nvel' ' , being able this team to belong to the Itautec, the customer or its suppliers. The Helpdesk will be dimensionado to decide the majority of the occurrences in 1 level.


Great Campina

Soon, with the capital accumulated in the commerce, Great Campina decided to invest in the industrial activity having appeared in its outskirts a park manufacter and a great Polar region Technological, today promising of progress of the interior northeastern, for all Brazil and the world in the production of softwares. In this way, understanding that the economic action in the social space is contained in the geographic space, created originally for the nature and transforming continuously the spaces of production for the social relations. Where, Great Campina if detaches in the economic scene northeastern, as one of the industrialized cities more and northeast average transport. The city assuming a paper of mercantile hegemonic center in the State of the Paraba, and north-eastern, consolidating themselves as a center intermediary-deliverer of the happened products southeastern. Recognizing the Great Campina of the current days, that if technician-cientco-informacional inserts in a way, attracting objects and characteristic actions of this way, which if makes gifts in the urban space, but that at the same time he coexists and if they oppose to objects and the past actions, conferring the city a singular character in way to homogeneizadora trend of the globalization. CONCLUSION Ahead of this context, recognizes the importance of the wasteland, although its intense found basic economic activities in this sub-region that understands the great developed sufficient commercial and industrial complexes throughout centuries since the beginning of its settling. For the search incessant and suffered from a people marked for the half-barren, devoid climate of immediate resources for a worthy survival in fighting the persistent idea of it dries that it is correlated to low the productivity. Thus being, the wasteland if is similar to the hinterland and constitutes in an area where the pressure on the land is sufficiently strong and with many cultural differences in virtue of the demographic densities and the agrarian structure, that tends for the minifndio provoking to the existence of many farms of cattle.


Webs Contribute

Unsuitable content: All the article directories are in force under publication norms of subjects nonallowed. It is a censorship form benefits that us to all. For example, I do not believe that subjects as the chance games contribute real value to people, only entertainment that in the long run it can become addictive. There are many subjects on which to instruct themselves or to entertain but that really to contribute value to the people. Content nonadapted: All the directories are in force under publication norms of subjects nonallowed. He is not that it is censorship, is a form to give more exit to the subjects that contribute value to the community.

The subjects that interest are those that contribute value to the individual, nothing of subjects related to the violence and addiction by much money that can contribute webmasters. Densidad of key words: Some gurs suggest until a 4% of densidad in the key words. But it is an obsolete data since Google introduced the latent semantic analysis. The important thing is not to exceed 0.8% of densidad in the key words and to concentrate in rich and descriptive vocabulary with respect to the topic del that is spoken. I hope that this article has served like general concept of the directives to fulfill at the time of fulfilling the expectations of webmasters of the article directories. They can have other reasons, but these are the most important reasons by those than your article can not arrive to be published by the directory. The author is to bloguer accustomed to publish in article directories. You can use its experience through article Webs as directory and learn on aspects of the article publication in software of connections.


Extensible Marking

The XML is the standard used for exchange of data in the applicatory ones. It allows a universal way of if changing information between the companies. Its structure becomes it perfect for applicatory on-line and works with data that are in the source of data local, or in the source of data remota’ ‘. The XML is used as language standard of communication in the context of the Web Services.

It functions independent of the programming language or the used operational system in the implementation of the applicatory ones. Without it would practically be impossible to allow that distinct systems communicated between itself of flexible and dynamic form. She hisses (2001, p.17), describes XML as Language of Extensible Marking, its characteristic of extensibilidade makes possible to create new tags whenever necessary. For She would make (2005, p.11) the XML represents a language standard that obtains to store all type of data. This standard identifies the types of data it organizes and them of the possible form most interesting, for an analysis computational or emission of a report. Standard XML is used each time more, due to its versatility, that goes of the operational system until the programming language.

2 – ORIGIN the underlying concept to the XML is not, something obviously new. The XML consists in a good set of specifications called SGML, developed for the W3C in 1986. The W3C started to develop the standard for the XML in 1996 with the idea of that it would be simpler of if using of what the SGML, but that she would have a more rigid structure of what the HTML. Since then, many suppliers of software have implemented some resources for technologies XML. (JORGENSEN, 2002, p.64). As It would make (2005, p.10), the popularizao of the applicatory innumerable Internet favored the sprouting of isolated, where the communication between these, is most of the time, for digital ways.


Modern World

In our Golden Age of man is continually trying to surround yourself with different techniques. The apartment had been blocked electrical appliances, and he himself, like a Christmas tree, adorned with mobile phones, clocks, GPS-navigator, and increasingly – walkie-talkies. Why exactly is the radio recently become so popular? What is their purpose? There are several types of radios: amateur and professional, licensed and public domain. Professional require registration and most commonly used structures mia, military and other government departments. But the amateur is used in everyday life. There are a licensed radio stations operating in the range of 433 MHz, and is the radio, requiring special permission. In any case, no connection can not escape.

For example, the concentration in the Crimea are an indispensable companion any or lover of extreme sports (rock climbing, skiing sports). In the professional activities of radio is used in construction, dispatchers and taxi drivers. Thus, suppose you’re a hunter, fisherman, sportsman ekstrimal or builder – portable radio will become your irreplaceable assistant at rest in the Crimea or work. One of the main advantages of the portable radio is the availability and cheapness of communication, as compared with the mobile phone. It was not always have coverage, and cost of the call in Roaming is striking in its high cost. A radio is easy, convenient, practical, inexpensive, more resistant to external influences. Many have a function such as activating a radio voice, and comfortable headset that allows free your hands.

Incidentally, another advantage is that the regime ‘radio nanny’. In this mode, the portable radio works on the voice and delivers the appropriate signal. Now you do not need to sit constantly with a small child or while in the other room to listen to all the rustling. Radio nurse frees you from many problems. Sales of radios carried everywhere: in markets, specialty stores, through the Internet. Consultants will tell you about your product, for trial and will choose exactly the walkie-talkie that is right for you. But do you need to know what the focus when it is selected. The more power the radio, the greater the radius of action. Length of power is important in the event that you will not be able to recharge it often. But such a characterization as the strength of the radio is never superfluous.


Intel Core

When Intel presented/displayed to the new members of the Intel family, immediately the landscape of the PC change of dramatic and unexpected form. During the last decade, the common perception has been that whereas Intel makes an overhead product in general terms, AMD, main competitor of Intel, offer to the consumers a better value by dollar. Nevertheless, with the launching of Intel Core i5, concretely the 750, at the end of 2009, Intel not only again took the best crown from the PC for the home, did but also that it to as low price as the one of its competitor made by AMD, the AMD Phenom X4. Perhaps most impressive of i5-750 it was the express and the good that gained the consumers of games, a market segment that had been the AMD life-guard. At the time of the beginning of i5, Intel also presented/displayed i7.

The main difference between i5-750 and i7 is that i5 does not have Hyper-processor (HTT). In other words, i5 is limited four physical nuclei, whereas i7 can be acceded to four additional virtual nuclei. Nevertheless, this is not just like to have eight nuclei. The benchmark test that the users only realize benefit of HTT in specific scenes, most of which are outside the scope of the normal use. Aside from HTT, the Lynnfield Core i5 has everything what i7 has, although to a slightly slower rate of clock: 2,66 GHz. But i5-750 can increase its speed of clock of up to 3.2 GHz when it is necessary through a called function I disturb Boost.

I disturb Boost allows the CPU to increase the rate of one (2.8 GHz) or two (3.2 GHz) nuclei by means of the decontamination of one or two nuclei. " inconveniente" it is that it only works when at least one of the four nuclei this in use, even so the increase of speed is not more beneficial when software is not taking advantage from the architecture of the four nuclei. Another one of the benefits of the Lynnfield architecture used by i5-750 is the controller of double channel of memory DDR3. What allows that when the system uses the memory in pairs (2 xs 1 GB, 2 x2 GB, 4 x2 GB, and so on) is made more efficient use of the memory. One of the most exciting aspects of Intel Core i5 is its efficiency energetics. In comparison with i7-920/930 in the heat of load, i5-750 uses less up to 60 watts. In addition, as I disturb Boost is essentially overclocking for the masses, i5-750 does underclocking of the following way. When the nuclei are not in use, it extinguishes i5-750 them, which is equivalent to a real saving in the course of a year when the majority of the times the equipment is in delay way or it is used to sail by the Web. We used to say that Intel was the king of the yield, but that AMD has provided us better value by dollar. How they have changed the times. Now, one says that the Intel family Core i7 is the yield king, but that i5-750 offers the best relation /precio quality, and also he is the unquestionable king of the energy efficiency. There are few doubts of why one is of the most sold in the market.


Talented Youth

So that such T-shirts – a choice Talented Youth. This shirt can be a weighty part of the image – this is another important reason. In the end, what prevents choose seven of the original T-shirts for every day of the week or even month, surprising those around every morning. Or you may even pick up T-shirts in the mood. Such a cool "t-shirt or jersey is the best choice for publication, if the event does not require to be in a suit and tie. Your relationship to the world, openly displayed on your chest as a slogan, motto or funny pictures, only add to your popularity and credibility, will help you become the center of the party. And here's another romantic reason.

Buy yourself and your loved one pair of T-shirts that will complement each other when you are together, cuddling, or just go forward. It's incredibly romantic. And the guy and the girl will appreciate this beautiful, original and delicate gift. Now the West is increasingly becoming fashionable to buy so-called "e" t-shirts, which begin to sparkle led hearts, when the two paired t-shirts are approaching each other closer than two meter. This is an amazing sight – a good opportunity to surprise a loved one. And move on to another important reason, which can be described in one word "gifts".

Surely everyone had to wander through shopping before birthday friend and a quiet horror to realize that in general no idea what to give. It would seem that humans have everything, but at the same time not want to give an absolutely useless trinkets that will deliver birthday on the shelf and forget about it – except that once a year smahnet dust cloth. In these cases, it can draw attention to t-shirts in our shop – then the gift will be combined everything – and a large proportion of jokes, and unexpected gift, and only the two of you understood the hint, and just a nice impression of quality and enjoyable for the everyday things out. Yes, and your gift will be exactly the most original at the festival. You can find many more reasons to buy "Funny" T-shirts or shirts. But probably the most important reason would be the one you invent yourself.


Quantum Mechanics

These thoughts were inspired by Dirac on the basis of the so-called "photon" experiments with beams of light of very low intensity (the work of Dirac, "Principles of Quantum Mechanics"). Dirac went even further. In its abstract representation of a hypothetical photon halves, split by a mirror, can fly apart over many thousands of kilometers. However, if we put in the way of one of the beams of light absorber, and a halves of a hypothetical photon will be doomed to absorption, it instantly primchitsya second half of this "fatal" place to be absorbed and die together as a single, indivisible whole, and a photon of energy hv. Some believe that a semitransparent mirror, not the hypothetical fall photons, but only the probability of their passing. If the mirror is divided only the probability of a hypothetical photon, in experiment would have been lost information about the second path of light, and the corresponding interference on the screen when combining the two beams of light could not take place.

After all, it is well known that the mathematical probability of devices never interact, and can not supply us with information about the structure of devices. Dirac was very surprised that the interference of light from both light paths traveled by light always occurred, even though it abstract imagination of hypothetical photons flew alone, at a great distance from each other. And it completely eliminated the possibility of interference between different hypothetical photons. Therefore, in the abstract representations of the Dirac every hypothetical photon had to go through all the proposed possible ways of light. This article aims to make you question the adequacy (viability) of the photon theory, and show that there is alternative view of the nature of light, expressed in the new "general theory of interactions." In the general theory of interactions proposed a simple hypothesis about the structure of physical vacuum, which gives a clear explanation of the optical phenomena.


Connecting with the Inner Child

Make no mistake, laugh at them and continue. Allow your imagination and creativity to be released and fly with the eagles. Cry, grieve and feel pain when you share your feelings with others, not to suppress them. Be angry, expressing anger and use anger to Your a solution. Make decisions directly to you.

Solve problems and invent solutions that not everyone may agree. Feeling lucky joy, excitement, fun and excitement of your existence. Feel bad, sad, anxious, upset and agitated when you share feelings with others. To love and be loved by those whom you cherish. Be Your 'Inner Child' and to allow him / her to grow up, accept the love, share feelings and enjoy the pleasures and games. Some of the steps by which you can help heal your 'Inner Child'.

Step 1: To identify your 'Inner Child' relax and close your eyes. Spend thirty minutes, introducing myself as a child of three to eight years. Take a look at ourselves as a small child and look at how this little child reacts to the members of your family of origin. Look at how you, little baby respond to the members of your own family. Observe your friends are in the neighborhood or from school. Notice how you communicate with your friends and buddies. Notice how you amused in the game than it is from this game you enjoy. Watch for an in the classroom and observe how you communicate with your teacher and how you react to the school environment.

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