
Free Software

This could also have some kind of verification (encryption, computers dedicated to this, tockens RSA or any other method that you want). Is which my point here? If the President of table upload the file and verifies the hash, the ombudsmen can enter to check and verify if the hash matches (they have a copy) believe there is a difference between investing in a super secure system that is not practical to show that simple things can make systems, not invulnerable but if impractical attempt to break. If between the time close the vote and the information sent to ONPE there are only a few minutes, that would be the only weak point to an attacker or an interested in making fraud. It is obvious that there is pharming, man in the middle, and other techniques, but there are also measures to counteract them, at an eventual implementation of this idea I could expand more because already I is dating this post quite long: p about the software, I think that it should be very simple, open source (Free Software of course) and well documented and commented codeThis way anyone could not only review, understand it but also compile it and run it, with this you would remove nail if works or not or whether or not he claims to be. Another advantage is that the political parties could have the same system (because the code would be public) and could be its spokespersons sent them the same information that the President sends to ONPE (remember that they would have a copy of the file and the hash), so you could make your own compilation of data and count, also international observers and in collective social purpose or for anyone who would like to make the count, taking all the same information the result should be the same I forgottaking all the power of technology is has not happened them do voting multimedia interface? does all this writing on that screen and that have been evaluated have been read without problems, but and that happens with illiterate people? that happens with the quechua-speaking? that happens with other Peruvian dialects? do you have to press the screen and wait for a miracle? that so difficult is putting a headset and an interface with explanatory videos? Bothers me that with so much that it can be not has been thought in something better that what presented anyway, what I’ve tried is show that it is not a simple or technical, topic but it is a complex process, but nor is the great monster, may be conducted if a proper global vision, is in this framework that the management of it services fits perfectly and as part of this management have the management of the information security, business continuity, aligned and secured in an effective and efficient management of incidents and other items necessary for a successful process with it. That mark us help in this?


New Challenge Actions

2011: A new challenge small changes can open unimaginable paths of personal and global well-being, it is time to manifest that takes of conscience that will take us to transform our world from the first day of this year 2011 we have encountered new challenges for our lives and our environment. Challenges that life imposes on us, all of them linked to the absolute and necessary change for humanity. As we already know, today our planet is full of conflicts, in countries at war, countries with hunger, mired in the injustice and terror, the ground areas devastated by natural phenomena, increasingly unacceptable violence and thus could continue mentioning them the challenge that life confronts us in this new cycle is a challenge, change and awareness that begins in the heart and thatHopefully, everyone can understand on the necessary scale. The future of our life depends on and begins in our present, the only palpable and real is what today we all live. Our attitudes and daily actions, emotions and feelings will be materialized in future, hence the importance of living our present in the best way, trying to help us to ourselves and to others; struggling to achieve that our work, hobbies, pastimes or entertainment are filled with the energy of joy, the satisfaction of doing things well and for good.

That little extra conscientious in our daily tasks can make an incredibly large difference for the life of each one. Give us if our actions are directed toward the common welfare of someone else good, assess whether our actions affect the environment or if you will help just by taking responsibility for the life that we have every day, we will be recognizing what is live in fullness in wisdom, and that is the true knowledge that humans both accounts need nowadays. This is what we will fill a power different from a different expression that will change our perception of things and our existence.


Al Jazeera Gaddafi

The Libyan colonel has returned to send a message to the population, but not be seen through the television network to the Rai. Gaddafi has called on their faithful to continue fighting, even if you cannot hear my voice. Libyan rebels have decided to extend one week ultimatum to Sirte. Libyan rebels have decided to extend one week ultimatum given by the National Council of transition until Saturday so that fighters loyal to Muamar Gadafi that resist in the town of Sirte surrender, according to a military source in Benghazi. However, the Colonel has asked the Libyan tribes in a new message, overtaken by chain Al Arabiya first thing in the afternoon and that was going to be later disseminated by television at Al – Rai, who continue fighting. In his fourth speech after the outlet after all kinds of speculation about his whereabouts and Tripoli, Gaddafi has accused the rebels of using mercenaries and has called that burn Libya. Thus, has urged the tribes to continue with your fight, even if you cannot hear my voice.

Don’t surrender, we are not women, we will continue to fight, then said the Colonel, as he has picked up Al Jazeera. Colonel said that all Libyan tribes are armed, and asked them to continue fighting hard and violent and tend ambushing officers (the rebels); in his speech, interrupted suddenly without notice, explained that the tribes of Sirte and Bani Walid – two regions still in hands of gadafistas – are armed and they may not be submitted. Already on 25 August Colonel urged Libyans to fight rebels to release Tripoli. Do not fear the infidels. Free Tripoli. You leave all the people and move forward towards Tripoli. Fight Street by street and combat, he said then Gaddafi in an audio broadcast message by Syrian television international channel to the Rai. Already finished everything on the other hand, the Minister of Foreign Affairs under the regime of Gaddafi, Abdelati to the Obeidi, Libya He said Thursday have been handed over voluntarily to the rebels near Tripoli and advised the forces that remain loyal to Gaddafi who lay down their arms.

In an interview with the channel Al Jazeera English, the old diplomacy gadafi j explained that it was in contact with the current authorities last night to ask for protection against the version of the CNT of that had been captured. I came willingly, nobody has brought me by force, said who also served Prime Minister and status of the North African country j. To the Obeidi, he stressed that he has been treated well at all times by the rebels, and that, instead of being detained in a cell, has been placed in a room with sofas and a television. So far, all right, drew the Obeidi catari television correspondent. The holder of Foreign Affairs considered that he has already finished everything, so the gadafistas forces should renounce violence to avoid more bloodshed. Source of the news: Gaddafi, his faithful: “Don’t surrender, we are not women, we will continue to fight”



I immediately thought, Oh no! Another scam, but like most of us, the curious could more, and I kept reading. And it was still saying that you send $1.00 to each of the 6 names and addresses referred to in this article. Then you write your name and address at the end of the list (#6) replacing the # 1 (later I explain as), and send or put this article to at least 200 newsgroups (there are thousands worldwide). No trick, that was all. The big difference between this system and others is that you have a list of 6 instead of 5. This means that your average gain will be approximately 15 times greater! After thinking it over and over again, and first consulting with some friends, I decided to try it. Do I thought that the only thing that could lose were 6 stamps and $6.00, truth?. As probably many of us, it was a little worried about the legality of all this.

I then consulted with the Central mail of Mexico and confirmed me that it was in fact legal!. Then I invested my $6.00 imagine!. 7 days, I started to receive money by mail!. I was surprised! still thought this It will end soon, and I didn’t think more else. But the money kept coming. In my first week I made about $20.00 to $30.00 dollars. By the end of the second week I had made a total of more than $1,000.00! In the third week I received more than $10,000.00 and still yet more coming.

This is my fourth week and I did a total of more than $41,000.00 and this still coming more quickly. This was serious! All this was really worth investment of $6.00 and 6 stamps. Spent me more than that on sweepstakes and Lotteries! Let me explain how this works and most importantly why works so well, is very simple and logical, think that interest can I have I, in which EA send 1 dollar fraud is impossible to someone who is on the other side of the world, and the trouble to only write and send this note by a dollar, so if you have common sense not dudara in entering the cadena.Ud.


Dismantling Windows

And now comes the day when workers have to come and liberate the window frames from old frames for the installation of new wooden windows. It would seem, from the hosts have nothing depends on, all work must meet installation team. If window replacement is carried out in an apartment where there is a repair and no one lives, then so be it. But if you can not completely vacate the premises from furniture and appliances, try to prepare it to receive the installers. C On the one hand to take care of people who will carry out dismantling. They will need some space to work is nothing to prevent. On the other hand, must be protected from dust and dirt floor, furniture and technique.

It is better to make the room, which will host the dismantling of the windows, and mild medium-sized furniture: chairs, tables, nightstands. Bulky cabinets, sofas or beds need to move away from windows and not just cover the dense polyethylene, and carefully secure it with adhesive tape. Lime dust is inevitably formed during extraction of the old windows openings are very small and hard. It is because of her special attention should be paid to the protection of household appliances: televisions, video and audio players, speakers, computers, etc. All these items need to make the room and hide a piece of oilcloth or dense tissue.

The next step should be to prepare the floor. In many respects it depends on what kind of coating on it. Linoleum sufficiently covered with polyethylene or paper, to then be easier to remove large debris. Carpet to roll and make the room and fixed skirting carpet need to conceal carefully, because fuzzy surface easily absorbs dust. Floor parquet or cork will not prevent additional protection. In order for these coatings were not damaged in the process of dismantling the windows in the zone the works can be put sheets of plywood or fiberboard. Naturally, all the lifting wings, extracting a window box and cleaning openings of cement, plaster and insulation material balances provides installation team. A here about who will take out the garbage, it would be nice to think in advance. Once the window openings were prepared, and debris removed from the apartment or house, comes the last stage – installation of new windows. This we will discuss in the next article.


Digital Character

It is no secret that the gifts are a popular form that has taken over as forest fire in the generation of traffic in recent years. Gifts presented a unique opportunity to grow your list of subscribers that downloaded a gift, usually digital character. Once a visitor registers to receive your product becomes your subscriber and noncompact a free product that can potentially sell for profit, so it becomes a situation win – win for all involved. There are several different products offered for gifts, but that the majority of people pursue are: 1. Software, everyone loves a script of a good software that can save you time by automating or you can do something easier, as generators of website, content creation, tasks that would have been difficult otherwise. The perceived value is greater than simple electronic books because they are of a hundreds in his time-saving and more if value is You can resell for profit. 2 Master (Master Resell Rights) resale rights packages.

People are going to see more than one offer free electronic books, but will download the e-book with resale rights that comes complete with sales letters and the download pages. People like you when things are made easy for them and the idea that a product is ready to exit from a simple FTP upload is very attractive, especially takes 100% of every sale during the time wishing. The difference between offering an eBook and a pack with resale rights is that you offer not only a product, but a business that can make money for themselves. You deleted all the hard work usually associated with the creation of websites and web products. Eliminate all obstacles, make it easy and people will continue to its product offerings. 3 Products (Private Label Rights) rights private label, once more there is easy to factor.

People are going to snatch your product if you can alter and put your name on it as the author. Creating an instant product, without all the problems is once again very attractive. Private label rights are more tempting than the regular Master Resell Rights because there is more freedom with creative license. The product can be modified and turned into something completely new and unique for that person who otherwise might not be done with the master resale rights package. Take the work of resolve that products will offer and see their escalating subscriber numbers.


Kolchugino Products

Rybinskkabel closely monitoring the new technologies in the cable manufacturing and development trends, constantly thinking about the future, so clearly responds to the needs of their customers. Rybinsk cable now produces more than 13,000 markorazmerov cables and wires with copper and aluminum conductors. Plant Rybinskkabel constantly develops new technology in accordance with current market trends, introducing into production the most modern manufacturing and testing equipment, test equipment and instruments, high-quality materials each year expands the range of products. Now experts Rybinskkabel master production cables flame retardant, flame retardant insulation and sheath made of polymer tracks that do not contain halogens. oao Rybinskkabel has offices in St.

Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, as well as its marketing services in Rybinsk and Moscow. ElektrokabelOAO power cable is the heart of Russia in a small town Kolchugino. History of the power cable plant is rooted in the xix century and is connected with the name of a Russian merchant and industrialist, Alexander Grigorievich Kolchugin – founder of the Association Brass and mednoprokatnogo plants. The official date of the plant of the power cable is 6 May 1871, when Moscow first guild merchant ag Kolchugin bought from the landowner of the village Basil Mitkovoy plot with paper mill merchant pp Solovyov. Subsequently, the plant has successfully developed the power cable – built new housing, mastered a new production, increased production capacity, expand the range.

Electrocable confidently went ahead and even tuning the eighties and is not rosy ninetieth have been overcome successfully. Today, the power cable – it is effectively running a successful universal enterprise producing a wide range of cable products, which more than 25,000 markorazmerov. ChuvashkabelAO Chuvashkabel plant – one of the largest enterprises on production of wires and cables in Russia annual volume of shipments of more than 1 billion rubles. In 2009, the plant's management plans to ship products worth at least 2 billion rubles. History of the enterprise begins with the introduction into service in December 1961 Cheboksary Chuvashkabel cable products, which in October 1992 was converted into a factory of Chuvashkabel. High quality products at all times for the employees of Plant Chuvashkabel was a major concern. In this process includes not only strict control over the process of production, but also the desire for modernization of equipment, development of a new type of product, in particular, import-substituting products. oao Zavod Chuvashkabel – is a reliable manufacturer of cable products for all industries. Quality cable products of Chuvashkabel well established in Russia and abroad.


The Center

Ana 17 also says that aa is welcome (with flour they dare flour). Samuel, who came small of the Maranho, says to have innovated the culinriaparaense eating aa with cake. Some, as Sara and 18 Davi, take aa comgranola or with sucrilhos. Between the paraenses, aa 19 is very appreciated comcharque, however many adventistas prevent the consumption of the same for finding that effect with horse meat. It has some adventistas that if they do not worry in such a way about vegetarian asrecomendaes and they eat meat sufficiently, abstaining from those that sodeclaradamente dissuaded as of pig, duck, frog, hunting etc. Rute 20 says that its favourite food is the trivial white rice, beans and umbife acebolado.

It counts that costuma to mix picadinho with the meat vegetalpara to save, therefore the vegetal meat relieves more. ' ' The vegetables are bemvindos, any one: cauliflower, pumpkin, maxixe etc. Are a delight. Sempred certain if you to choose the colors well, will have a pretty crosspiece namesa' ' , he affirms. The egg-lactovegetarianos of the church of the Landmark very possesss umadieta rich and varied that includes, beyond a infinity of fruits, razese hortalias, plates of oven and stove such as empades, sufls, pizzas, masses in general, risolis, gratinados, dors, empanados, milanesas, strogonoffs, farofas, gravies of tomatoe, acebolados and maioneses. They can include in suasrefeies eggs, milk, cheeses, yoghurts and all that wonderful gamma deespeciarias such as cravo, cinnamon, cominho and I smell green (coentro), temperostpicos of the paraense kitchen or still: organo, nut-moscada, ginger, parrot esalsa. However, an alert one: all the types of pepper must be excluded. Sara very appreciates to place a great plate of salada comvegetais of colors varied in the center of the table to embelezar and to open the appetite. It recommends salada that all the family likes: ' ' It lines a great, round plate, with pricked lettuce, places vegetables on, forming careers.


Bases Law

As those biweekly meeting and seminaries were beneficial, searching if to argue and to debate the subjects it stops to find new routes, better ways and forms to lecionar the religious education; it disciplines of so great complexity and difficult administration, mainly to the adult people, for the fact of being endorsed at the time, for the article 7 of the Law 5,692 of the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education, that compelled the schools to offer, but authorized to the pupils () to participate. Today, supported Law 9,394 of 20 of December of 1996 and later for Law 9,475/97, that it modified article 33 of the LDB, starting to be knowledge area, having as base Sciences of the Religion, working with this innovation, the Religious Phenomenon? ' ' Sagrado' '. It disciplines, that old, if it could not attribute notes of ' ' 0,0' ' ' ' 10,0' ' , according to legislation of the time, fact that, for some professors, contribua to make it difficult the control of the pupils, a time that, this authorized age to participate of the lessons, and not to have no obligation to study to be evaluated? that, thus thinking, they were run away from the room. From there to understand, that the valuation of notes was what it made to prevent the evasion. in the reality, was evidenced the cited evasion in the lessons of some professors. Reason for which contribua for some organizadores of the schedules you discipline of them of study, disciplines to incase them supported for the article 7, generally in initial or final schedules, for the simple fact not to have note. To believe, to have firmness in what it is giving, developing a differentiated work, this age what it gave security to say to it, that it made question disciplines to call it of ' ' education crist' ' with all chair. Giving the lessons, with respect to all the religious creeds, bringing for the debate in social matter, classroom, ambient, familiar, world-wide situation of violence in against sense to the human rights, etc., bringing to baila, as biweekly subject, considered for the management of the religious education, the existenciais atualidades of life, developing a work with deep respect to the sacred one. Without running away from the planejamentos and orientaes, it looked for to develop a work, that it hugs


Using OCR Process

Company of sanitation the activities of external agents possess its on faturamentos directly who are responsible for effecting readings of called devices hydrometers, such process are passvel of human errors that can cause serious problems to the prescription of such company. Currently, technologies, such as mobile devices, had been added in the reading process, but it was observed possibility of implantation of a complementary technology to the process that extracted the reading through an image generated from the hydrometer. Ahead of the displayed one, it was objectified to describe the development of an archetype that was capable to be executed in a mobile device for recognition of the numbers of a reading of hydrometer through a captured image, such functionality was proportionate with the aid of the Java platforms ME and the API Java OCR. The used types of research in the work had been bibliographical, descriptive and the exploratria one. As result had been produced: a documentation of the architecture of the archetype, constructed using techniques and tools of the Engineering of Software and UML; a functional archetype developed for complementation and future tests. It can be considered that this research served so that was possible to visualize the possibility of the use of technology OCR in mobile systems, especially for sanitation company, with sights to the reduction of imperfections human beings in the process of reading of the hydrometers diminishing with this the possible loss of prescription.

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