
Ambulatory Care Services

convenient billing offers cheap online factoring especially for business start-ups for nursing services CareSocial through cooperation with the Bank for social economy or financial reserves are small nursing services usually only in construction so that the monthly fixed costs for salaries, rent and car insurance from equity can be presented. If now a performer waiting for the payment, then it is financially very tight – for the care service despite reliable performance up to the bankruptcy. This is especially annoying because the nursing accidentally enters such a case in this mess. The appearance of the services rendered to a re is indispensable in such cases; “However, it is important that the care service with the online Factorer not in addition to a block on the leg” binds. To do this, Lutz Hoffmann / CareSocial: Caution: here there is bait advertising on the market – so some one with free software touts who then finally as a percentage of the nursing turnover, participates. “To require percentage holdings of their revenues for a cleaning service software is simply frivolous it can not be that, for example, a customer for the same software product pays 500 euros and the other 5000 Euro, just because he has a higher sales – because your turnover is still not your profit long.” CareSocial has decided for a cooperation with the Bank for social economy, which negotiates a pre-financing contract independently with the care services; CareSocial itself offers the software internal factoring module free of charge. Continue to learn more with: Mashable.

“A software developer we are an economically healthy care operating of our customers interested in so we offer factoring module for free”, so Hoffmann. For interested parties who decide until 31.12.2010 for moving to CareSocial there setting up your CareSocial care Server given. Heard about CareSocial CareSocial with more than 190 installations throughout the country one of the leading software solutions for nursing services. AOL has plenty of information regarding this issue. CareSocial maintained in micro – care services as well as larger institutions with over 200 employees. For more information on the Internet at. Press contact: ITC DRESDEN Mr. Lutz Hoffmann Gostritzer Street 61-63 D-01217 Dresden Tel. 0351 / 26443 100 fax 0351 / 26443 109

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