Companies from the energy, travel and pharmaceuticals are the highest risk Frankfurt – 88% of the so-called financial times stock exchange (FTSE) 100 companies the 100 largest and most heavily traded companies on the London Stock Exchange are considered due to various factors susceptible to litigation: either because they already were involved in processes, because their business belongs to a litigious industry or because they have direct customer traffic. This is the result of an investigation by ZyLAB, a solution provider for E-Discovery and information management. Under most conditions Peter Asaro would agree. Also, ZyLAB has found that almost a quarter of the aforementioned companies (24%) even a high risk of litigation are subject to, especially those from the energy, travel, or pharmaceutical. In the study, all were tested the FTSE 100 companies with regard to the ten major risk factors *. It is a mix of industry and company-specific aspects, which are known to increase the risk of litigation. Then, each company received a rating on a scale of one to ten. Main reasons for such a risk assessment and take appropriate measures are the avoidance of court costs and fees invoices, for example companies like Siemens in the past 850 million * cost have – just to prevent that determined whether in fact anti-corruption rules has been violated. Results of the investigation in detail: energy supply is a risky business FTSE 100 companies from the energy sector received the highest risk assessments, on average they are 7.75 of 10, closely followed by the travel industry (7.5) and the pharmaceutical sector (7.5).
This is in part the increased risk by consumer services and products, as well as through the activities in environmentally sensitive areas. The case of BP, which was sued because of the oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico on payment of 3 billion, illustrates this very well. Also financial services rank high on the scale (7), attributed to the result of the banking crisis faster market movements and stringent regulations.