
The Center

Ana 17 also says that aa is welcome (with flour they dare flour). Samuel, who came small of the Maranho, says to have innovated the culinriaparaense eating aa with cake. Some, as Sara and 18 Davi, take aa comgranola or with sucrilhos. Between the paraenses, aa 19 is very appreciated comcharque, however many adventistas prevent the consumption of the same for finding that effect with horse meat. It has some adventistas that if they do not worry in such a way about vegetarian asrecomendaes and they eat meat sufficiently, abstaining from those that sodeclaradamente dissuaded as of pig, duck, frog, hunting etc. Rute 20 says that its favourite food is the trivial white rice, beans and umbife acebolado.

It counts that costuma to mix picadinho with the meat vegetalpara to save, therefore the vegetal meat relieves more. ' ' The vegetables are bemvindos, any one: cauliflower, pumpkin, maxixe etc. Are a delight. Sempred certain if you to choose the colors well, will have a pretty crosspiece namesa' ' , he affirms. The egg-lactovegetarianos of the church of the Landmark very possesss umadieta rich and varied that includes, beyond a infinity of fruits, razese hortalias, plates of oven and stove such as empades, sufls, pizzas, masses in general, risolis, gratinados, dors, empanados, milanesas, strogonoffs, farofas, gravies of tomatoe, acebolados and maioneses. They can include in suasrefeies eggs, milk, cheeses, yoghurts and all that wonderful gamma deespeciarias such as cravo, cinnamon, cominho and I smell green (coentro), temperostpicos of the paraense kitchen or still: organo, nut-moscada, ginger, parrot esalsa. However, an alert one: all the types of pepper must be excluded. Sara very appreciates to place a great plate of salada comvegetais of colors varied in the center of the table to embelezar and to open the appetite. It recommends salada that all the family likes: ' ' It lines a great, round plate, with pricked lettuce, places vegetables on, forming careers.


Bases Law

As those biweekly meeting and seminaries were beneficial, searching if to argue and to debate the subjects it stops to find new routes, better ways and forms to lecionar the religious education; it disciplines of so great complexity and difficult administration, mainly to the adult people, for the fact of being endorsed at the time, for the article 7 of the Law 5,692 of the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the National Education, that compelled the schools to offer, but authorized to the pupils () to participate. Today, supported Law 9,394 of 20 of December of 1996 and later for Law 9,475/97, that it modified article 33 of the LDB, starting to be knowledge area, having as base Sciences of the Religion, working with this innovation, the Religious Phenomenon? ' ' Sagrado' '. It disciplines, that old, if it could not attribute notes of ' ' 0,0' ' ' ' 10,0' ' , according to legislation of the time, fact that, for some professors, contribua to make it difficult the control of the pupils, a time that, this authorized age to participate of the lessons, and not to have no obligation to study to be evaluated? that, thus thinking, they were run away from the room. From there to understand, that the valuation of notes was what it made to prevent the evasion. in the reality, was evidenced the cited evasion in the lessons of some professors. Reason for which contribua for some organizadores of the schedules you discipline of them of study, disciplines to incase them supported for the article 7, generally in initial or final schedules, for the simple fact not to have note. To believe, to have firmness in what it is giving, developing a differentiated work, this age what it gave security to say to it, that it made question disciplines to call it of ' ' education crist' ' with all chair. Giving the lessons, with respect to all the religious creeds, bringing for the debate in social matter, classroom, ambient, familiar, world-wide situation of violence in against sense to the human rights, etc., bringing to baila, as biweekly subject, considered for the management of the religious education, the existenciais atualidades of life, developing a work with deep respect to the sacred one. Without running away from the planejamentos and orientaes, it looked for to develop a work, that it hugs


Using OCR Process

Company of sanitation the activities of external agents possess its on faturamentos directly who are responsible for effecting readings of called devices hydrometers, such process are passvel of human errors that can cause serious problems to the prescription of such company. Currently, technologies, such as mobile devices, had been added in the reading process, but it was observed possibility of implantation of a complementary technology to the process that extracted the reading through an image generated from the hydrometer. Ahead of the displayed one, it was objectified to describe the development of an archetype that was capable to be executed in a mobile device for recognition of the numbers of a reading of hydrometer through a captured image, such functionality was proportionate with the aid of the Java platforms ME and the API Java OCR. The used types of research in the work had been bibliographical, descriptive and the exploratria one. As result had been produced: a documentation of the architecture of the archetype, constructed using techniques and tools of the Engineering of Software and UML; a functional archetype developed for complementation and future tests. It can be considered that this research served so that was possible to visualize the possibility of the use of technology OCR in mobile systems, especially for sanitation company, with sights to the reduction of imperfections human beings in the process of reading of the hydrometers diminishing with this the possible loss of prescription.

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